
The Injury

I heard my name being screeched from upstairs. I immediately ran. The scream was coming from the guest bedroom. I was really scared for him, so I kicked down the door. He was laying on the ground holding his calf.

"What happened??!" I asked.

"My parents before I left the house, were drunk and took a knife and sliced by calf because they were upset I was leaving them. I tied some cloth around it tightly. It seemed to not hurt until now!"

I ran over to his side and looked at the cut. It was pretty deep. When I just barley touched it he cried in pain. I looked at his face. It's was red with very watery eyes.

I ran down the hall and into the closet at the end of the hall, it was our medical closet. I grabbed a numbing syringe, some stitches with a needle, and a ton of gauze and cut cleaners.

I ran back in the room. I helped him up on the bed and laid 3 towels underneath his calf. He looked at what I had with me.

"What do you think your doing???!" He said.

"I'm stitching it up. My parents got me this supplies because they are never home, so I can't go to a hospital. So I do it myself all the time. "

He nods at me, so I know that he trusts me . I quickly do the procedure and wrap it up.

"Thank you" he says huffing and puffing.

I nod. I ran downstairs and got him some Advil to ease the pain. I go into my room and get a pillow, my teddy bear, and a few blankets and set them on the floor of the guest bedroom.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm sleeping here with you. If you have any complications I'm right there for you. And I want to make sure your okay."

"Well okay. So when will you take the stitches out?"

"When your cuts ready to be without them" I answered.

I set up my floor bed and cuddle with my bear.

"Goodnight" I say.

But all I hear is soft breathing. He's already asleep.