
A World Where Women Are the Rulers

Chase Norris was just your normal troublemaker in life given that he acted nothing more than a delinquent throughout his high school life up to the very end it was coming. No one ever believed he would do anything good with his life after finishing high school given Chase was going to have a long criminal record in his adult life. There were a few who believed him to do much more in life than others think given that Chase has a chance to be something else to the world than that. Yet it does not matter about the future for this person when our friend gets struck by lightning and mysteriously gets brought into another world unharmed. A world completely different from his own on earth starting with how it is like a fantasy book or game filled with monsters that are dangerous and can kill a person if attacked by creatures. Yet that is not the only thing that was shocking to Chase where it turns out the women of this world are like the top rulers and the man are treated as lowly slaves. Had no clue how coming to this world came to work. Chase has to think first is to stay alive in it given being a male is like having a target on his back meaning journaling in this world is going to be very tough for him. Patreon link - https://www.patreon.com/Mattfuncool Books: Awoken in a world of monsters & Reincarnation: Road to rebuild a lost home Discord link: https://discord.gg/xa5jQF37B it has 30 days

mattfuncool · Fantasia
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205 Chs

Ch 5: Horse riding and shooting a bow

Chase and Allyson said their opinion together, but the captain seems to care not about it given what is happening around them.

"Enough there is no time to be going into an argument at this time and moment."

The captain said as she kept an eye on the fighting going on which looks not to be going so well and the enemy here will notice them soon to attack them.

"Allyson the captain is right, just do it we meet again soon afterward, and when we do that problem of yours is going to be taken care of you hear me."

"Damn fine and Heather shut up."

"Hey, don't I get a right to say something," Chase asked, annoyed at being ignored.

"No, you don't male, you have nothing to say, only listen."

She tells him as the two of them stare at each other angrily.

"Quickly now go and get a horse to ride out of here before it's too late."

"Alright, I will come with you male."

Allyson grabbed Chase and started dragging him with her as the two now headed towards the stables.

It wasn't going to be easy as the enemies charged at the two of them who were going in that direction. Allyson was fast to fire the bow in hand aiming at only certain parts of the body that could delay the enemy not focusing on killing as that is not important.

Once safe and shockingly able to reach the stable the horses inside were of course fearful of the sounds going outside causing them to make their noise of high cries being disturbed.

Allyson already had a horse in mind to get and ride outer here running to that creature who was scared, but she did the work at best calming the horse to ready this animal for riding.

"Come on, get on the horse with me."

"How please show me the trick to get on a horse with hands tied up."

Chase says this in a tone that wasn't so pleasant for her to hear she takes out a small knife.

"Alright, I get it, I am going to cut your hands free, but I am warning you right here and now try anything."

Allyson brings the small knife pointing in the direction of his private part in a threatening way.

"That manhood of yours is going to be slash off and I leave you here to die a slow death that way."

Chase's whole-body shakes in fear of such a thought of that outcome, he even places both his hands on his private cover for protection.

"Yes, no problem here, you got it, boss."

"Good now get on," Allyson orders him as Chase does what she said like a good boy.

Soon the two of them got on the horse with her in front and Chase behind keeping his hands to himself.

"What are you doing? Place your arm around my waist."

"Are you sure, I mean I don't want to get any wrong ideas…."

"Fucking hold Alright."

He does place his arms around the waist and when that is done Allyson makes the horse jump up for a moment and then charge out of the stables.

Charging through the battle going on, Allyson opened her mouth to yell out something.

"Heather you better not die tonight you hear me; I'll kill you myself if that happens!"

"Don't worry about me, I am a tough bitch to kill!"

Surprisingly that girl responded with no trouble to her friend. After that was out of the way Allyson made it clear throughout the outpost.

Yet that doesn't mean it was going to be easy as the enemy there saw them riding away and had gone after their horse.

Only a few minutes after riding her horse Allyson caught the sounds of other horses stepping onto the ground from behind and it was getting closer.

"You got to be kidding me, they are already catching up to us."

Both of them look back to see about the number of five enemies on horses also riding toward them.

"Shit man, what are we going to do about this?"

"You mean what are you going to do about it?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Chase gets the answer when Allyson gives him the bow, she had with her.

"Shoot the arrows at them."

"Oh, great and how is that going to work out when I never in my life shot a bow."

"Just do what you can to at least keep them from getting close to us."

No choice Chase does what he can with the bow placing an arrow in it focusing it back at the enemies aiming to get close.

He fired fast which wasn't good flying at them, but not close to hitting anyone. Also doing this while on a horse makes it even harder.

Chase tried again and at the time one of the enemies had their bow which was a crossbow that fired its arrow easily coming and leading onto the back of the horsehide.

The horse struggles to run for a second before Allyson gets it back in control.

"Oh, come can you not do one simple thing, I ask of you."

"Didn't I tell you already that I can't use a bow? it does not look like myself that as a skill to be gifted at."

"I'm sure if you get us killed, I'll make sure you suffer a painful death before me."

"Yeah, just let me do my job ok."

Chase kept his eye on the attackers where the same person was ready with another arrow to shoot. He saw it better to deal with that person and since hitting the horse they were on Chase thought of doing the same.

Quickly having the bow ready faster, he shot again a little more focused as the arrow flew through the air and miraculously entered the head of the horse, killing the creature that fell instantly along with the owner riding it.

"Oh God, I wasn't aiming to kill it."

He says watching one of the means four push their horse to speed up successfully to now be on the side. Chase looked upon the weapon this female was holding being a spear that was thrust to enter his chest.

Smart thinking, he dodges it incoming and right as the spear was being pulled back, He grabbed it.

"Sorry, but you fuck up," Chase tells her while smiling.

Allyson took that chance for her to strike, sending a kick straight into that female face knocking this person off the horse and losing a hold of the spear.

"Nice kick there."

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself."

Complimenting each other was an unexpected thing and lasted only for a second before feeling a smack from the side of someone hitting them.

Another one of them took this opportunity to ride up beside them as they were not paying attention.

There wasn't a chance for them to react in time to guard when the enemy did it again to smack their horse into theirs making them lose control as the horse missed step crashing to the side after being attacked by the other.

Falling and hitting the ground rolling around for a time until it stops. Both of them were now hurt from it and lay on the ground before Chase was the first one to awake and get back up.

"Ah…. Fuck that hurt…. definitely going to feel so much of this later."

Right as he slowly got up the three remaining enemies wasted no time in finding them and getting off their horses to make way after them.

Chase ignored his pain running to Allyson who was still not awake laying by the horse as that creature got back up on its own running away.

"My God can anything get worse at this moment for me."