
A World Unwritten

Stuck in the worst dream possible – the reality of my own creation. Here I am, not the all-powerful author, but an unsuspecting character, woken up in a beggar's body in the world of my own novel. How? Why? I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to survive. My memories of the story's plot are sketchy at best, but I remember enough to know I've got to stick to the main storyline. Life-or-death decisions, cryptic mysteries, formidable enemies, I wrote them all. Now I must face them firsthand. The irony would be delicious if it weren't so deadly. Am I stuck in my worst nightmare or have I been given a chance to rewrite my destiny? Only time will tell. Until then, I’ve got to survive in this Insane world, a plot to follow, and one hell of a story to write... by living it.

QTV · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
344 Chs

Day 3 class B part 1

I let out a long sigh, turning to face the monstrous being looming over me. It stands there, hulking and grotesque, its body rippling with layers of muscle that would put the most dedicated of gym goers to shame. It's not fair, really. Not a single ounce of effort and it looks like a bodybuilder's dream.

Shaking my head, I raise my knife, pointing the worn blade directly at it. I put on my most intimidating smirk, hoping to rattle it at least a little. "Today is not your lucky day," I say, my voice ringing out in the silent forest. "You monsters should've stayed away from us."

Its reaction is... anticlimactic. The creature only tilts its head, the large, hollow eyes studying me. I would have preferred a growl, a roar, maybe even an attempt to attack me. This calm demeanor is unsettling.

As the silence draws out, I sweep my gaze around the area, cautious not to let the creature out of my sight for too long. There's no trace of the others. No movement. No sound. My heart constricts with worry, but I force myself to focus. They are safe, I reassure myself, they are strong. My attention is drawn to a rustle to my right, the soft padding of paws against dirt. The other creature. It's circling me, a predator toying with its prey. I need to be careful. Any wrong move could mean my end.

Suddenly, the monster lunges forward, its hand reaching out to grab anything in its path. Trees are uprooted, rocks are thrown, the forest floor is churned in its wake. It's chaos, it's terrifying, and it's heading straight for me.

Dodging left and right, I weave through the onslaught of debris. A tree flies past me, grazing my arm. I grit my teeth against the pain, force myself to keep going. My knife swings in tandem with my movements, deflecting the smaller rocks, slicing through the smaller branches. I try to put some distance between us, but it's a difficult task. It's fast, too fast for its size.

It hits me then, a realization that nearly has me laughing. My knife, although Nyssa made it well, it wont last much longer, its no match for this creature. The blade is chipping away, slowly but surely, unable to penetrate through the creature's tough skin. I need something stronger, something deadly.

Desperate, I cast a glance around the vicinity, searching for anything that could be used as a weapon.

Just as I brace myself for another lunge from the hulking beast, a sharp gust of wind roars through the forest, alerting me to the rapid punches coming my way. I roll, dodging with a dancer's precision, my heartbeat the rhythm to this deadly dance. The adrenaline coursing through my veins makes everything seem slower, allowing me to see the fists swing and miss.

Another punch whizzes past my head and I seize the opportunity, lashing out with my knife. The blade skates along the monster's skin, the same ease as a blade through water, but without the anticipated resistance. Not even a scratch. My heart sinks, but there's no time for that now.

"You stupid monster, what a pain in the ass," I spit out, leaping back to put some distance between us.

I have barely a moment to take a breath when the second monster, the swift one, barrels towards me from my flank. Predictable. They're working in tandem, trying to catch me off guard. But I've faced tougher odds. I extend my free arm, mana swirling around it like an ethereal shield, blocking its sudden attack.

It hits my mana shield with a force that reverberates up my arm. Teeth gritted, I push against the kinetic energy, then kick back hard against the creature. As it stumbles, I use the recoil to propel myself backward, gaining some much-needed space.

Mid leap, a gust of wind that doesn't belong to the forest slams into me. It's the third one, the flying menace, swooping down with predatory intent. I twist my body in mid-air, a wince escaping my lips as my body protests against the sudden contortion. Without missing a beat, I reform my mana shield in front of the flying beast. It acts like a mirror, the creature's own momentum rebounding it helplessly against my shield.

Its confusion is my opportunity. I angle my knife, the worn blade glinting in the scattered light, and strike. It slices through the creature's neck as though it were warm butter, a testament to Nyssa's skills.

Exhaling a sigh, I size up the remaining monsters. "Tsk, I can't penetrate its skin with my blade, even when it's charged with mana," I grumble, glancing at the hulking monster. It has effectively armored itself with layers of muscle, protecting any potential weak points. The other creatures were less guarded, giving me an advantage. But this one... it's different.

While lost in thought, the bulky one charges, a predictable move. Its partner in crime, the swift one, veers off, attempting to flank me. I smirk. Two can play at that game.

With a swift motion, I side-step the bulky one's attack, and the fast one follows me like a puppet on a string. In its effort to track my movements, the bulky monster overcompensates and loses its balance, exposing a moment of vulnerability.

Then, a rumble. I barely have time to register it before the ground under me gives way, the dirt mole monster bursting forth. Without hesitation, I draw upon my mana, forming a shield beneath me as a stepping stone and catapulting myself upward just as the beast emerges. The swift one sees this as an opening and lunges toward me. But again, my mana shield becomes a barrier, bouncing the eager monster back towards the ground.

I catch a glimpse of the dirt monster's arms—strong and ideal for digging. Before it can retreat back underground, I seize the opportunity. Creating another mana shield above me, I use it to rocket myself downward at high speed, catching one of its receding arms. My muscles strain against the resistance, but I pull with all my might, ripping it from the ground.

With the ground-based creature momentarily incapacitated, I quickly scan for a weak point. And there it is, a soft spot on its chest, unprotected by the toughened skin on its limbs. I plunge my knife into it, meeting more resistance than expected. But with a determined growl, I manage to slice off an arm.

Just as I pull away, the bulky beast is back on its feet, charging at me. With the severed arm in my grip, I use a mana shield to block its blow, skidding back a bit from the impact but quickly regaining my footing. The monster roars, launching another series of punches. I use a gust of wind magic to enhance my agility, easily dodging its clumsy strikes. In the blink of an eye, I dart behind it, using the severed arm as a makeshift spear, and ram it into the beast's exposed back. The monster's pained howl is music to my ears.

Four down, I muse to myself, the faintest hint of a smile playing on my lips.

Exhaustion tugs at my muscles, my breath coming in heavy pants. Ugh, I've used more mana than intended. But I can't rest just yet. I fix my gaze on the remaining monster, managing a tired smirk. "Just you and me now," I taunt. The creature snarls, charging with a feral abandon.

As I prepare to block its attack, a sound pulls at my attention. The familiar cadence of footsteps echoes through the forest. From around a tree, Nyssa appears, a determined glint in her eyes. Mana swirls around her as she propels herself toward the oncoming beast. Caught off guard, the monster tries to veer away, but it's too late. Nyssa's blade, thrown with impressive speed, finds its mark, burying itself deep within the monster's skull.

Nyssa lets out a relieved sigh, casually discarding the body of another creature, the one known for its annoying darts. "I'm sorry, Sera~ I kept chasing this little bastard, it's really good at slipping away," she says, giving the lifeless form a disdainful kick.

A sigh escapes me as I glance at the fallen monster I was preparing to face. The kill was stolen, but I brush off the disappointment. "It's alright, Nyssa," I assure her, my voice soft. "Thanks to you, I didn't have to worry about any dart attacks. And as you can see, I dealt with the others."

Her response is a blend of admiration and teasing. "Wow~ As expected of you~ You truly are amazing."

As the words leave her lips, a rustling catches our attention. Both of us spin towards the noise, but it's not a creature approaching, it's one fleeing. I can't help but smirk at the clear display of fear. "Let's head back to the group," I suggest, my eyes scanning the forest one last time. "We need to prepare just in case other monsters like these show up."

Nyssa's cheeriness never fades. "Okie dokie~" she sings, glancing around at the battlefield we've left behind. Suddenly, she turns back to me with a bright smile. "Hey Sera, would you like to visit the church I go to when we're back at the academy?~"

I pause, considering the offer. But that's a decision for another time. For now, the forest still lurks with potential threats, and we need to regroup with our team

Fun Fact: Parents and guardians have the right to spectate any tests the academy gives to the students.

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