
chapter 10

Chapter 10

Date: April 28, 1990

Location: St. Augustine's Orphanage, London

The quiet hum of the orphanage hallways seemed almost calming as David made his way to the small practice room after dinner. The recital was a few days away, and he could feel a mixture of excitement and nerves stirring inside him. He'd been practicing the flute diligently, knowing that his performance needed to appear natural, even if he'd used New Order to speed up his learning.

As he entered the room, he took a moment to center himself, holding his flute and breathing deeply. His stamina had improved significantly since he started playing, and now he could keep a steady breath for longer periods, a skill that was invaluable for both music and his other training.

David took a deep breath, focusing on the one order he had available to use for tonight's practice session. He whispered, "I… have steady hands."

He felt a calmness settle over him, his hands growing still, each finger poised perfectly over the keys of the flute. He lifted the instrument to his lips, and the first notes drifted out smoothly, without even the faintest tremble. He focused on maintaining that clarity and control, playing piece after piece with precision, even tackling some faster, more challenging melodies he wouldn't have dared attempt without the help of his order.

Each note filled the room, echoing off the walls. The steadiness of his hands allowed him to push his breath control further, holding notes longer, playing with a confidence that felt natural, almost second nature. He knew that when the recital came, he'd need this kind of composure.

After half an hour, he released the order. His hands reverted to their normal state, and he felt the familiar wave of fatigue settling in. The more he trained, the more he could feel his limits, the clear difference between his natural state and the moments when he activated New Order. But each session made him stronger, his control sharper.

As he packed up his flute and prepared to leave, Ms. Phillips entered the room with a warm smile.

"David, I could hear you from the hall. You're sounding wonderful," she praised. "Are you feeling ready for the recital?"

David nodded, smiling. "I think so, Ms. Phillips. I've been practicing a lot."

"Good," she said, nodding approvingly. "I'm here to help the children prepare for the recital, so if you'd like, I can assist you with your piece."

David's heart raced at the thought. "Yes, please! I'd love that."

"Fantastic. Let's work on that challenging section together," she said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as she handed him a new sheet of music with some more complex phrases.

David studied the sheet, feeling a thrill of anticipation. This was exactly what he needed — something to push his limits a little further. "Thank you, Ms. Phillips. I'll work hard on it."

As they began to practice together, David focused on the music and the guidance of his teacher, his determination building. He could feel the excitement bubbling up, mixing with a sense of responsibility. This performance would be his first real test in this world — a test of his training, his control, and his ability to balance New Order's power without drawing suspicion.

In the days leading up to the recital, David worked tirelessly, experimenting with different orders to enhance his endurance and precision without overusing his power. He used small, temporary orders — steady hands, extended breath, enhanced focus — always careful to keep within his limits, pushing just a little further each day.

By the time the recital day arrived, he felt as prepared as he could be, his training having shaped him in ways he hadn't thought possible just a few months ago.


Elsewhere, in the Mirror Dimension

Unseen and unknown to David, the Ancient One stood silently within the Mirror Dimension, her gaze fixed on him as he practiced, observing each note he played and the subtle glow of power that flickered when he used his abilities.

She had come to study this boy — no, this anomaly. That was what she had decided to call him after seeing the delicate threads of time splinter and change around him. Ever since she had peered into the future using the Eye of Agamotto, she had noticed the shifts he was creating. She had watched, perplexed, as lives destined to end had continued and those fated to live had vanished. The balance of time was shifting, bending under the weight of his presence in this world.

He is the cause of these anomalies, she mused, watching David move through his practice exercises, unaware of her scrutiny. A boy who doesn't belong, with a power foreign to this realm…

The Ancient One had considered leaving him be, allowing him to continue his quiet existence. But the further she studied the effects he had on the timeline, the more uncertain she became. The safety of this universe was paramount, and she could not risk a being who might tear apart the fabric of destiny itself.

A part of her felt a faint sympathy for the child. He seemed harmless enough, training diligently, yet with a focus far beyond his years. But appearances could be deceiving, and power in the wrong hands — even young hands — was a dangerous thing.

Is he a threat to the universe, or a child in need of guidance? she wondered, her expression as unreadable as ever. But one thing was certain: if he did indeed threaten the stability of this world, she would deal with him accordingly.

With a final, piercing look, she faded back into the depths of the Mirror Dimension, leaving no trace that she had ever been there.

End of Chap.