
A Wolf's Howl, A Fairy's Wing

This story is about love, revenge, the quest for power, and the right to exist. After being betrayed by his childhood crush and losing his loved ones to a human raid, Erik, a werewolf, ends up on another planet for seven years before he returns to a vastly changed, post-apocalyptic Earth. Originally a timid, unadventurous man, Erik has become far more dominant and assertive upon his return. Together with him comes his beloved but ruthless soul-bound partner and fairy, Elora, who wants Erik to rule and conquer with her by his side. Elora's presence alone makes Erik more powerful than others at this level, but will he find out what else makes him special? Follow them as they use the knowledge and strength they gained on Söl to navigate an Earth filled with magic, vampires, shapeshifters, and more. Along the way, Erik and Elora will meet a diverse cast of characters, some of whom Erik might have known in the past, and some he did not, but all with their own story and desires. Will Erik be able to take revenge for the betrayals of the past? And what else will he discover along the way? ****** Disclaimer: There will be some R18 scenes, but most of the time, they will be a part of character development and not simply smut. In other words, if you decide to skip them, you'll likely miss out on some character development, but I promise to keep plot development out of it. No NTR No Yuri (there might be interactions between girls when there is a scene with the MC and more than one woman, though the MC will always be the focus. To be clear, yuri means a romantic/physical relationship between two women, meaning no two women will ever have sexual interactions with each other without the MC present. That said, Elora enjoys serving women up to him on a platter, and watching him have sex with them. She enjoys dominating, observing. and playing with the other women in the MC's harem together with him, and thus will occasionally join him in such a way. I don't believe any of that is technically yuri, but I understand that my interpretation is debatable and if any of those things weird you out, I advice you to avoid this novel.)

FrostyPaws · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
354 Chs

Chapter 63 - Ghouls

At the same time as Elora's warning, Emma's intuition also reared its head. She prodded Erik's side and whispered, "Sir? I can't shake this feeling that we're being watched." Her gaze darted nervously between the empty buildings.

Only now did Erik, too, feel the weight of unseen eyes upon them. It appeared this town might not be as deserted as it appeared.

He cautiously eyed his surroundings. "I suppose we'll have to deal with that then."

He put thoughts of the memory he just relived out of his mind for now but reminded himself to talk to Elora about it later. His father said some things that, while innocent at the time, seemed a lot more interesting considering what he knew now.

They were currently right in the middle of a broad street. If the small town of Kirkenes could be considered to have a main street sporting most of the town's cafes and shops, then this was it.

It was the perfect place for an ambush.