
A witches legacy

It was that day Aurora realized it. The world hated witches. There she was, standing- a living witch in a village. ---- In a world where magic was outlawed, only a few academy's of magic were left unscathed and untouched. Aurora was a witch with a foster mom that always protected her and made everyone in the village believe she was human. But on that rainy night, the guess of the village found something. They thought she was a curse. Having to leave in the night on her foster mom's horse, Aurora will seek out one of the schools. But there is a evil plot being planned by the king.. ---- ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ GxG (Apparently some peeps don't like that) BxB Some heavy sex scenes (they aren't the main focus) Maybe some grammar mistakes. I will try my best to bring this book to life, so just know I am not a professional writer! Cover isn't owned by me, all credit to Ross draws (though I love it). NO PART OF THIS SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTED OR COPIED WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, PLEASE DON'T BE A IDIOT.

Olympu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Kian sat on the edge of the cliff as it curved into a arc as grass was jutting out of rocks near him. Behind him a thick wall of trees leading down the mountain face stood tall. A fallen beast lay near him with lichen and moss growing on it: a stone mover.

A plate shaped head and fat, upsidedown triangular body made entirely out of stone.

Elongated limbs much longer than its legs and thick, tough hand. Kian shivered. He had died to those hands many times. Of course, he would always appear again- never understanding his immortality.

In front of him, the dawning sun casted a cool orange glow that made everything feel a little more magical. Kian watched the sun as a man appeared out of the trees.

The man had black hair tied into a ponytail. He wore simple robes coated with gold and had a rusty sword strapped to his side. He looked tired.

"Kian, I have great news." The man said with a gruff voice.

" Go on Aiezen. " Kian said as he watched a fly.

" We only lost one of our men. " Aiezen reported.

" And I assume it was me? "

Kian asked nochalanty. He was young, a 15 year old with good talent. But talent didn't stop him from dying.

"Yes." Aiezen turned and walked back into the lush forest.

Kian continued sitting on the edge of the cliff before getting up and sprinting after Aiezen. Trees flew past him as he navigated turns and twists and jumped over twigs.

He saw a muscular back in robes facing away from him, and he almost knocked into them. Aiezen seemed unfazed and told Kian to come with him, and have his sword ready.

They walked through a curving arc of stone above them and came onto a cobblestone path. Lava was all there was next to them, and infront of them the path stopped and was stopped in a circle, with a place holder for a sword and multiple other ones around it.

Kian's eyes widened as the came up at the place holder for swords. He eyed the lava fearfully.

"Place your sword in the middle. We shall join the oath pact, that 100 years from now, humans will reign supreme. Because witches have held our land for too long, this will help you, Kian, to become stronger and help our race live."

Kian placed his sword in the middle. He didn't understand what this was for, but he trusted Aiezen. Aiezen grinned and gave him a almighty push into the lava.

Kian tilted backward, fear on his face as his body was engulfed in the hot liquid.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Kian said as he burned.

" Your services are no longer needed. You will feel pain, but you will not die. You are to stay here for all eternity."

Then Aiezen left.

This is probably a bad chapter, but I don't care!

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