
A Wish Upon The Stars

Abused by her stepmother and sisters, Ameera Jamal befriends the Star-prince whom she didn't know was a prince. it was only meant to be a wish upon the stars to ease her pains and the ill-treatment given to her by the ones she calls family... unknowingly to her, her favourite star is the crown prince of the Star kingdom.

JennyFox3 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter Five Handsome Stranger

Ameera was lying unconscious on her bed looking lifeless and plain. She is bedridden with a fever and sweating all over.

Dreams of her mother and father kept filtering through her fever-hazarded mind.

She sees her mother and father leaving her behind.

****μαμά, μπαμπά, μη με αφήνεις

mamá, bampá, mi me afíneis

(Mama, papa, don't leave me)****

The mother grabs her hand and tearily replies "δεν σε αφήσαμε ποτέ φεγγαράκι

den se afísame poté fengaráki "

(We have never left you little moon) she weeps to hear the nickname her mom calls her when she was alive.

She broke down in sobs when the figure disappears. She remembers fondly how her mom will sing to her.

She remembers how she will tell her, she is the best gift given to her by the moon goddess Selene.

Where is the so-called powerful goddess that her mom so believed in when she died or when her dad died?

She has lost hope and faith in all the deities. They abandoned her so she deserted them too.

If they could bring people like her stepmother into the world then they are not worthy of her worship.

As she sobs in her dreams thus does she cry in real life? Tears flood her wooden pillow.

Rays of blue light, beam upon her overshadowing her and her wounds begin to heal on their own.

All the aches and her abnormal high temperature slowly faded, the blue light remedies all. Gradually, a handsome dashing silver hair man descends.

He sits beside her, touches her head then closes his eyes before his closed eyes scenes of the ill-treatment apportioned to her unfold in his mind.

His countenances change, as more scenes flood his mind... The room temperature changes to cold.

The entire kingdom of kafata goes through a weather change and it wasn't sunny instead it was chilly and extremely cold.

The handsome stranger's wrath is unleashed on the lands, all over kafata and beyond the Novoland kingdom.

He makes the room temperature warm around Ameera and then dematerialized.

As he is ebbing away, Ameera opens her eyes and sees him, she gaps, for she has never seen anyone as handsome and muscular as him.

Before she could memorize his figure in her mind, he floats off and with him goes the blue rays.

Ameera sits up with an agitated look on her face suddenly she comes to an epiphany that she is injured and not supposed to be moving about or jolting up as she did.

She waits for the pulsating pains but they never took hold of her. Shocked by this discovery, she stands up to test her legs.

She has the shock of her life, with no pain or mangled flesh on her calf. She turns to look outside and finds out it is snowing.

Why is it snowing? She mumbled. It is not yet the time of the year. She shrugs off the thought.

Who knows the mind of the deities and how they work? Her mind goes back to the handsome stranger she has seen in her room.

Pondering if he is the one responsible for the sudden healing of her injuries.

She turns to her window once again, to talk to her friend.

She looks up to the sky hoping the stars are aligning the sky regardless of the appearance of the snow.

Her wish is granted. She smiles cheekily at the stars. I knew you will all be here.

"Oh deities," she screams " you all should learn from the star-god, he never fails to adorn the night sky with his twinkling light unlike you all" she sighs feeling at peace after that scream.

She narrates her latest ordeal to her favourite star Sirius. Means (glowing in Greek) while gazing at it and she told Sirius about the dream she had of her parents.

She questions loudly with a smile on her "Were you the one in my room just now? Did you heal my wounds my beloved Sirius" the star shines brightly in reply to her.

She doesn't notice it, sighs sadly, then softly says, "I am happy you are always here with me, I wouldn't know what to do if you ever stops glowing... Your shine gives me peace and happiness. It gives me hope that I will leave here someday".

She bids the night watcher good night. Closed her window from the fierce cold, and then sleeps off.

🌅🌞🌃⭐Novoland 🌅🌞🌃⭐

🤩🤩King's Palace 🤩😍

The king storms into the prince's court enraged. The prince's court is decorated in night blue as the sky.

He has a spacious private garden of his own outside his court that overlooks his chamber. Among the king's sons, he is the apple of his father's eye.

Not only has the prince disrespected him when adorning the night sky that is meant for demigods he has also invoked havoc on all the kingdoms.

Emissaries from different kingdoms have been bombarding his kingdom for the past seven days now asking him to revoke the startling cold weather.

He has no such power just his eldest son who does, that's the reason he is here. He is angry because his son has neglected his advice and has kept on adorning the night sky.

The demigods have been bringing reports to him and he has been informed it is because of a maiden.

"Summon the crown prince here at once" he commands a servant in the prince's court.

All the servants are on their knees with their faces down paying homage to the king as it is supposed to be.

Fear is written in their countenances for the prince's temperament has been an ordeal to them now the king's own is here.

They fear for their life. "Yes, my Lord" the servant runs to the prince's room to inform him of his father seeking his presence.

He is aware of the appearance of his father in his court and he knows why still, he doesn't care about it.

He stands up leisurely as a king that has all the time in the world. "You seek me, father?" He smugly asks him with emotionless eyes.

"What have you done to the climate Rasheed" he gritted out with suppressed anger in his voice.

"The pains inflicted on my woman is the same pain, I have inflicted on the climate for I am suffering those pains" he mumbles nonchalantly sitting on his armchair decorated with the night stars.

"What do you mean and how dare you?" Hassan Bajhat bellows at his son startled by the smouldering coldness emitting from him.

"The kingdom of Kafata will face my wrath so will all the mortal kingdoms until my wrath is pacified" he coldly seethed out.

He has never seen his son this angry except, thirteen years ago when his betrothed was nowhere to be found.

Even when lady Keya offered him his second daughter to replace her stepdaughter that was kidnapped he turned her down.

He decided to tread cautiously so he gets the complete story. "What has the kingdom of Kafata done? Is it because they offered their daughter to you in marriage? You already rejected her" he softly informs him.

"They have been mistreating my betrothed father," he said finally looking at him.

"What do you mean?" he questioned.

"Ameera Jamal is alive and she is the reason why I have been adorning the night sky" the look of shock on the king's face was so amusing to the prince that he bursts into laughter.

"You mean your mother's goddaughter is still alive?"

"Yes, father"

"Then why have you not brought her back to Novoland?" He questions sitting opposite his son.

"I can't bring her here less my enemies use it as an opportunity to get to me. The demons are still scavenging the earth father, and if they are to find out that I have someone I hold dear to my heart, they will aim at her and

will not stop until they kill her" he told his father.

The king nods his head in understanding still he doesn't understand why the climate has to suffer.

"Why did you inflict the climate," he said, watching his son.

The look on the prince's features changes at once and it became extremely cold in his chambers.

"The princess of Kafata has deemed it fit to use my woman as a beating rag. At first, she hangs her on a tree and starves her for seven days without food or water. The list can go on but seeing her inflamed flesh seven days ago caused by the princess made the climate the way it is" he coldly replies to his father.

The king understood immediately what was happening and he thank the gods that he didn't give any of his sons to marriage with the kingdom of Kafata.

The sins of one are to rub all, and he knows he couldn't read the mind of his son so he stands up to exit the room.

Then he stops and said, " hope you understand whatever is affecting the climate is surely affecting your human" he tries his best one last time.

The prince sneers, replying "my rays are in her so she can never be cold nor sick and I intend to make them suffer for a month"

"A month, Rasheed?" The king bellows.

"Yes, father, I am doing what you will do for my mother if anyone is to hurt her".

"It is not just the kingdom of Kafata that is suffering alone son, it is the entire jurisdiction under our care. Think this through, you can punish Kafata but pardon the remaining kingdoms" he said and leaves his son alone.

The prince sniggered "they will all suffer as long as she is suffering".

OMG 😱😳😳!!!

I want a prince like him😭😭

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