
Chapter 10 She Was Out With Other Men

Eliza’s fingers froze. The reason why her mother had called her so many times must be because of Michael.

That scumbag!

Eliza took a deep breath before bracing herself to return Penelope’s phone call.


“Eliza, what’s wrong with you? You have only been married for a few days, and you’ve already forgotten about home?” As expected, Penelope questioned her the moment she spoke. In the distance, she could also hear Marco’s scoldings through the phone.

“What other reason could there be? They already said that she is hanging out with another man outside! They said the two of them were seen in the hotel. There are even photos. Look at that, look! She left the hotel with another man! She is shameless! She has disgraced all of us!”

Eliza’s face turned pale at once. She gritted her teeth and said, “Mom, it’s not like that. Michael is the one who cheated on me. He cheated on me with another man.”

“What did you just say?” Penelope was extremely shocked. Her voice went up several octaves.

“Bullsh*t!” Marco scolded loudly. “What kind of a man is Michael? It is not like we have never seen him before! He treated you so well when you two were in a relationship. Not only are you flirting with other men, but you are also even accusing him of something so ridiculous! Eliza, get your a*s back home and admit your mistakes now!”

Eliza felt a sense of grievance welling up from the bottom of her heart. It was like a huge wave, drowning her, making her feel suffocated.

Her family did not believe her at all.

Eliza bit her lower lip tightly as she held back her tears and said, “I’m not lying, he was the one who betrayed me first…”

“Shut up!” Macro snatched the phone and roared angrily, “Come back here right now, or I am going to break your legs!”

Penelope hurriedly took her phone back and spoke gently, “Eliza, be good. Come back home and talk to us first.”

“I won’t.” As of now, Marco was furious. He firmly believed that she was the one who cheated on Michael. If she went back now, she would be beaten up and scolded black and blue by Marco. The thought of that alone gave Eliza a headache. How could she go back in this case?

Macro started to shout and scold again. Penelope lowered her voice and said, “Eliza, come back. I am begging you. Please?”

Her imploring tone made Eliza’s heart throb with a dull ache. She closed her eyes shut, swallowed the bitterness and grievances in her heart, and said in a hoarse voice, “Okay.”

She called a taxi, held back her tears, and pretended to be calm. She returned to the place where she had lived for over a decade.

The atmosphere in the living room was greatly oppressive and suffocating.

Just as Eliza stepped into the hall, she stopped in her tracks.

She saw Michael, that scum, in the living room too. There was a vague smile on his face.

“You are finally back. Kneel down!” Marco immediately scolded Eliza without even clarifying the situation.

Eliza stubbornly clenched her hands that were dangling by her sides. There was a hint of coldness and mutiny in her eyes.

"I did not do anything wrong. I won’t kneel!"

"How dare you talk back!" Marco shouted in fury. Fuming, he raised his hand to slap Eliza's pale face...