
Split Chapter

Makai - Procedure And Recovery




Dr. Malachi was definitely not going to wait for very long. He was already making preparations to have Ocean taken straight to surgery. I was sitting in the room next to Ocean's bed and watching his face, while a nurse that the doctor trusted drew blood from my arm. They were going to take a good chunk of blood from me, so I was told that I needed to stay here while Ocean went to have the procedure.

Yeah, like hell that was going to happen. I was going to go and wait right outside his room like I was supposed to. I was his mate. I was the man that needed to be there with him at all times. Dammit, why were they trying to keep me away from him.

The problem ended up being that as soon as it was time to wheel Ocean out of the room for the procedure, I fell backward on my ass when I stood up.