
A Warrior's Love (BL)

My name is Marik Valerius, but my people know me as God of War. What a fitting title for the General of Vales' Elite Army. Yes, I serve Vales with my iron fist and my frozen heart. My enemies call me the Devil, my opponents call me fearsome, and my boys call me Brother. What in the world could be so interesting about my life that it has become a legend? The legend told of my heart's painful awakening. My heart of frozen obsidian had thawed and eroded to become a passionate chamber for my only love. I thought I had married the battlefield. I wore my metal wedding clothes every day. Rings of fire and blood emulated my love for war. I believed I was destined to a lonesome life, devoid of any distraction from pesky things like love and affection. I thought I could handle dying in my pool of blood. Well, the Universe play tricks on us mortals all the time! Who was the poor soul to be tasked with the burden of proving I was wrong? First off, he was a slave caught from a city I conquered for Vales. Yes, you read it right. I fell in love with a beautiful man, and we shared a forbidden love. How could I resist his innocent face full of light and youth? Of course, he did everything to kill me and I let him.

ValKree · Fantasia
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21 Chs

18-Beauty of Laughter

I got on and saw a beautiful number: 5000. Right on the dot! Thank you so much and I hope I am not disappointing you with slow updates. I am focusing on homework and the joint account with my friends. We are freaking out and wondering if we should keep writing together during this time.

Anyway, I love you all and I am definitely writing more chapters to other books. Which reminds me, I should thank my readers for 11k and 10k reads on Faces of the Demon King and An Icy Love. Those two are becoming stale but I will continue and hopefully, revive them. If anyone here reads all three novels, thank you! <3

Now, off to chapter 18 of AWL.


"I didn't think you would trust me," Zoticus said after a long moment of locking me in his bronze arms. His wings shielded us from unwanted eyes. "Go on, I know you want to."

I laughed, noticing his polar opposite personalities. I'm his enemy and hugging buddy. Without further delay, I return his tight embrace in the privacy of his enormous wings. I felt warmer than I've ever felt.

"I'm letting you do this only today. Tomorrow, I will try to slice your throat again." Zoticus kicked aside an eyeball as if it was a pebble. The crooked smile on his face had the power to rattle my bones.

I gulped, mentally preparing myself to find my neck sliced. "You've cut me many times, why are you so determined to kill me by the throat?"

Zoticus folded his wings and pushed me away from him before my men can see our hug. He retrieved his daughter from Augustus. "If you don't mind, she needs to be fed."

Augustus watched Zoticus find a small plot of soil that was untouched by blood and cartilage. The healer chuckled softly.

There, Zoticus pulled out a jug of milk for the baby. He moved carefully and slowly. Amidst the destruction, father and child laughed together.

"I can't believe the baby addressed you as her mother!" Bertramus hollered from a pile of bodies. He is half light elf and half diabolic elf, hence the white streak staining his hair. "She's the bravest lad out of us all!"

My men burst into merry laughter, settling down to rest and play with cards. My mind travelled back to the fortune-teller who stated that I would become the God of Blood. I looked around me to see streams of red liquid seeped into the earth.

I see my boys were proud of having survived another battle and some were being attended to by medics. So far, I do not think any of my men died but I wasn't about to count five thousand men.

Lorica had finished feeding and now, she is being rocked to sleep. She yawned wider than a lion. Then, she reached out to grip Zoticus' index finger.

Zoticus avoided the men approaching him, not excited to receive attention from blood-stained soldiers. His eyes lit up with fury whenever someone asked if he was my slave. "Shut up and go away! Lorica is sleeping."

Despite being told off, the soldiers surrounding him heard the opposite of what was said. They advance towards Zoticus and Lorica, prodding each other with every step taken.

"Go away, can't you see you're making him uncomfortable?" I ordered my subordinates to leave the area, suggesting they join the others in cleaning the battlefield. I hear them grumble, but they obeyed me regardless of their thoughts.

"Your men are as energetic as mating horses. How have you lived with them for years?" Zoticus crossed a leg over the other, both outstretched. His tunic was ripped and soiled, yet Lorica's was kept speck free.

"Mating horses? Well, some of them are driven by sex but I won't delve into it. I don't know how to say this," I started to say. Our eyes met and I scratched my neck without noticing.

His eyebrows quirked up to show he was curious. This action made me more nervous. "Spit it out already!"

I hold a hand to my chest, startled by his sudden order. I clear my throat and raised a hand in the air, pretending that I was holding a tray. "You were valiant on the battlefield and I am not angry you joined Vales. I don't know how to put this into wor-"

"You want to thank me, don't you?" He interrupted me and I couldn't bring myself to be mad at him for he spoke the words I could not let my mouth say. He waved a powerful hand in the air. He shrugged lightly. "I know those words are hard to say for men hardened by war. You're welcome to some extent."

"Oh, good." I breathed out, struggling to catch my breath. I have calmed myself after a lovely battle, only to find I cannot breathe in this man's presence. I sit in a pool of blood to absorb the liquid, hoping to gain some strength from the blood.

"Your men fight well, but they are overly confident. They resemble someone I know." Zoticus grinned and waved at a group of his new admirers. "If they don't talk to me, I think they are decent."

"It is like that sometimes. If I'm honest, I often wonder how I could lead such an aloof group. To think this five thousand is not everyone!" I see the awe in his eyes. I must say that I did feel proud of myself.

"Although I need to kill you, I have to acknowledge that you're impressive. Going into battles without a plan seems foolish," Zoticus said slowly. He shrugged. "But you make things happen as God of War."

I try to reject his admiration by waving my hands before me. "No, my brothers fight well. Without them, fighting whole armies would be exhausting. I must comment on your performance too. How do you fight so well?"

"I've trained with Cithen's armies. Half of them could not use magic, so I had to protect them." Zoticus smiled as he bent over to press a kiss to Lorica's forehead. A single tear rolled down his left cheek.

I sat at his sandal-clad feet, mesmerized by what I saw. It seems that the dark skies of ash and smoke had become full of light. My men's shouts of anger ceased. I continue to absorb blood from the field. I don't want to sound too egotistical or sadistic, but these dead men only serve one purpose now: refining my powers.

"Zoticus," I watch his head snap up immediately. I gulped, suddenly intimidated by his glossy eyes. "Are you an angel?"

Zoticus reached forward to slap my forehead. "No, I am not. Where did you get that huge wound over here and on your chest? Here, take this rag and clean the blood."

"You are the angel of my life," I giggled. I brought my hand up to touch the mark in my forehead. "What is the shape? I only see dried blood on my nose."

I accepted the cloth offered to me and I used the rag to wipe drying blood off my forehead. I see Zoticus lean back to close his eyes. He must be tired after exhausting his energy to create the celestial bird. I get up to leave him be and froze when I let go of his rag. I turned around slowly to see the fabric gently rested on his leg.

I did not want to bother him, so I started to creep away. My heart skipped a beat when warm fingers wrapped around my wrist. I turn around to see his eyes were still closed, Lorica was propped against his chest and a radiant smile lit up his face.

"It's a teardrop right where a third eye should be located." I did not understand until Zoticus reached up to swipe aside the golden curls shielding his forehead. He was telling me the shape of the arrow wound. "If you would like, I can heal it instantly. Ah, I forgot you use dark blood magic. You won't need anyone's help to heal you."

I nod in agreement, thinking about whether I would like to seal my forehead wound or let it leave a scar. I have already healed my pierced chest without being urged. I touched my forehead, feeling a ridge of skin outlining the wound. "Does it look very ugly?"

"Stop kidding yourself, you are always ugly!" Sebastian jumped onto my back, sending us to the ground. We rolled around in the dirt, forgetting the man sitting beside us.

Zoticus kissed his teeth, using both of his legs to kick us square in the nose. He shouted as a mother would scold her little ruffians. "If you want to playfight, do it somewhere away from me and Lorica! Your heavy bodies barely missed my legs!"

Sebastian scurried to sit like a dog, having his palms pressed in the center of the circle made by his legs. He did not look happy having been scolded by Zoticus. Even after fighting on the same battlefield, neither of them was willing to live in harmony. "You fought those three phoenixes very well. I will give you that."

"You're only stating the obvious," I pinch Sebastian's ear. I was enjoying Zoticus' company when this loon interrupted me. "What are you doing latching onto me all day? Don't you have friends waiting for your grace?"

Sebastian threw his hair over his shoulders. He pulled his tunic over his bare shoulder, dressing as a decent man should. "No, they all went into Mesoa to find wine and ladies. Xishun has apologized to Vales so we have free time while we are here. It seems that they were testing you by coming here and aiming for you."

"They must have heard about Zoticus," I mutter to myself. If the world discovers Vales is in possession of two overpowered men, how would it react? I have always been the world's enemy, but Zoticus' only goal is to see my end. I would not like to see him being the next target.

"Stop worrying about me, I'm not a delicate flower. I did not have to reveal myself and you would have won against the phoenixes, but I butted in. I know what is to come." There he was, acting as wise as he is! "I should take away some attention from you so I can be the only one focusing on you. Only I can have your head."

"What is this odd atmosphere, I thought you two had become secret lovers. Was I wrong?" Sebastian asked out of the blue. He held up his hands when Zoticus and I shot glares at him. "I was wrong. Good luck with killing him."

I watch helplessly as my friend leaves me alone with the resting angel. I regret wishing for his departure. I sit silently beside Zoticus, watching his eyelashes catch pieces of dust. I longed to see his sun-coloured eyes despite my heart telling me I should not ask for such a dangerous thing.

"You should smile more, Marik. My eyes are closed but I don't have to open them to see the frown on your face." Zoticus raised a hand to tap under my chin. His sunny personality had returned.

"I do smile more often because of you. Besides, a battle just ended. Am I supposed to smile when my enemies' corpses lie in the dirt?" I shook my head, silently scolding myself for my twisted morals. I confuse myself.

Zoticus wheezes, "You care about soulless bodies? Do you think smiling is disrespecting their souls? Marik, they've already crossed. They are living a life free from suffering."

"That is what a religious person believes, but not I! When they die such a disgraceful death, they have an afterlife?" I summoned my black sword to sink it into the battlefield. The red ribbon tied around its hilt fluttered like a flag in the wind.

Zoticus nodded slowly, "Everyone has a life after death. For some, it's an endless party. For others, it's wandering the earth as a free soul until the end of time. Every star has a life after its death. Whether it is as floating debris, nothing, or another celestial object, it lives on."

"I cannot smile after hearing that! What about me, where do I go if I cannot die?" I didn't want to shout, but I felt like the blood on my hands finally caught up to me. I didn't want to make this about me, but I was curious about what he thinks my fate will be.

If I'm immortal and I can't die until I willingly love someone who will betray me, can I ever cross into the afterlife? With trembling hands, I grip my sword and smeared blood over my cheeks.

"Ah, you're afraid of living on?" Zoticus'eyelids fluttered open and his I-know-all look returned. His eyes flashed for a brief second. "You often wonder what it would be like to die, don't you? You won't try killing yourself because it has been proven to be fruitless, so you are afraid."

"I am not!" I feel my eyes burn as I attempted to deny his guess. I did not like the fact that Zoticus is able to read me like a book. "I always hear their souls screeching, as if they're trapped inside. That's what death seems to me."

"Your life is too dark. You're Marik Valerius, perhaps your destiny has always been war and suffering." Zoticus reached out to keep Lorica's head from falling. He smiled, "Your pathetic state is tempting me to abandon my plan."

"Why, you don't want to kill me?" I have thought too far ahead and I have placed myself in a bad position with my reaction. "I don't really care, you can kill me."

A slender finger shot upwards, pointing to the blue sky. "It's tempting but I still aim to claim your life. It's just that I think the tougher task is pulling you out of the abyss. I like challenges."

I stretched my lips and nodded. Without thinking, I lay down beside Zoticus. I don't know why I felt my hands were sticky, but I rubbed my palms together. My vision slowly went, replaced with a crimson veil. My nostrils flared to confirm I only smell blood.

"Marik, are you alright?" Zoticus' warm hands envelopes mine and he shook me vigorously. A hint of fear was present in his voice. "Marik, get hold of yourself!"

"I can't," I growled as I try to break free from his grasp. I wanted to clutch my head, but I could not escape his hands. "It feels like an axe has been lodged in my head. I know how that feels and it is exactly like it. I can't see."

"After so many battles, your stress and guilt finally caught up to you. Marik, breathe normally." His sweet voice almost lulled me to sleep. He gently presses a hand to my wound on my forehead. "This is causing your headache. You are such a baby."

Soon enough, my vision returned to capture the moment his beautiful face was set right in front of mine. I put a hand to my heart, coughing painfully. Despite feeling aches all over my body, I smiled with him. I will smile only for him.

"Disgusting, go blind again if you're going to stare at me like that!" Zoticus pulled away to make room for me to sit upright. He released my hand as fast as lightning. "You're so odd."

I snicker, wheezing after laughing too long. "I'm odd for being attracted to someone so beautiful and youthful as you? My wound is fine."

"No, it is not!" Augustus kicks my side gently, preparing to nag me as he always have after battles. He produced a bunch of herbs from the small sachets hanging from his waist. "Let's get this treated quickly. I know you don't like to treat wounds, but your slave knows this wound is serious."

"It is not serious!" I swat the healer's hand away from my head. I do not welcome the idea of sticking crushed herbs to my forehead. Besides, having a teardrop-shaped scar would not be a pity. "Leave it be, Augustus."

"Marik, your wounds always leave ugly scars. If Sebastian was here, he'd tell you the full truth. You're ugly, but the scar makes you look atrocious." Augustus chucked at me a handful of crushed herbs. He knows I will not be treated any time soon.

"Marik," Zoticus pulled on my hand. "If you leave the wound untreated, your headaches will worsen. Why won't you treat your wound?"

I shrug, not having a definitive answer. "I don't like people touching me. It feels odd to be handled carefully."

"Are you joking?" Augustus opened his mouth to spill the beans. He raised his hands, nodding. "I won't tell him everything you said in the past. I remember you said you hated drinking bitter medicine. You also don't like stinging sensations unless produced by a blade."

"Is that true?" Zoticus gripped on to Lorica, gawking at me. His smirk was the best thing I've seen today. "That is interesting. I have a method that won't be uncomfortable."

I shook my head, rejecting all proposals being made in favour of healing the wound. I glared at Augustus, the founder of this problem. I know he feels the need to humiliate me for refusing treatment.

"Marik, you are immortal but that shouldn't make you reckless. If you're battered, you'll wish you can die." Augustus bent over to tap my shoulders lightly. Then, he walked off towards a group of men reading books they must have borrowed from Mesoa.

I clutch a handful of dirt, watching our top healer check injured soldiers. He always nags me about my wounds and I thought he had given up since Cithen. He did not bother with me in Cithen.

"You're a fool. Marik, close your eyes." Zoticus placed Lorica against my abdomen and reached out with one of his hands. His warm palms press against my eyes. He breathed loudly in my ear. "Focus on the darkness and my breathing. I will detoxify the piercing with neutral magic."

"Neutral magic, not radiant magic?" I raised an eyebrow, still having my eyes closed by his hands.

"No, I know dark blood magic does not react well with the magic I possess. They repel each other so if I use radiant magic, your magic would reject every drop." Zoticus taps my forehead with his finger. "I'm not keen on nursing you back to health."

"Fine," I grumbled. "Don't make the scar disappear. Leave a scab or something visible. I think it looks epic."

"You're very close to being a masochist." The warm man chuckles whilst his fingers pressed onto my forehead. He pushed my head back with two fingers, the way most would push away annoying faces.

Each push sent painful blasts to my head. My eyes started to swell and I feared I would explode. I grabbed his wrists for comfort.

Zoticus hissed, "Stay still! Lorica is slipping off your thighs because you're moving so much. You are immortal, you won't die as we do this."

"Ugh!" I could not speak, especially when four fingers pressed against my lips. I struggle to speak. "What is this? Neutral magic should not be this painful. Ah!"

"Stop making noise, your men will misunderstand. We're in this position and you're making unholy noises!" Zoticus pressed his hands closer to my eyes and lips. He moved to straddle me, the only thing keeping us apart was Lorica.

"Are we almost done?" I asked as my head started to split. As a warrior, pain is my power, but I could barely handle this burning sensation. "I feel hot. Are you roasting me?"

"No," he muttered. Then, he added, "Who would want to eat you?"

"That does sound disgusting," I laughed. Then, I fell forward to rest my head on what should be his shoulders. The fatigue had caught up with me. "Zoticus, I'm tired. Why is it taking so long to detoxify?"

My companion shrugged, moving my head. His gentle hands leave my skin to rest on my back. "I did what I could. Your wound may be sensitive to the cold and wind. Everything you do makes me pity you. I am afraid I will lose the will to kill you."

"What happens if you fail Cithen and your gods?" I can't keep myself from grinning behind his ears. I liked knowing that I have moved him slightly. It was only fair when he uprooted my life so quickly. "Will you be punished?"

"I don't know," he confessed in a small voice. He moved closer to rest his chin on my shoulder. "I think I will have to die. If it's not by the gods' hands, it should be by my own."

I clutch Lorica's chubby arms, gasping for a brief moment. I quickly pulled away from the warm man to rest my back against the tree. I stared into his amber-coloured eyes. I did not like what I saw.

"Zoticus, I won't let you! You can lose the will to kill me or you can be persistent, but you must not consider throwing away your life!" I leaned forward until I can see the growing blob of tears in his eyes. I breathed on his face. "Promise me you'll live with me until I die."

"How can I?" He asked quietly. "You will not die!"

"Exactly," I grinned. "I know living with me is degrading, but I will vow to you that I will not hate you for doing anything in the future. Don't look down at the ground, have your chin up! Stare at me like you want to do something to me!"

"Let me conduct an experiment with you." Zoticus loosely wrapped a strip of cloth around Lorica's delicate head. He did not want her to see anything. "Your heart is beating rapidly. Are you happy with me?"

I looked down at the sun-kissed hand pressing against my chest. I slowly reached up to grasp his wrists, feeling and smelling the warm blood rushing through his body. I struggled to stay sane.

For hands recently used in battle, they are clean and soft. It feels odd to know a small piece of him could make me go crazy. I don't know this feeling and I'm terrified of the man sitting on his feet.

"Are you afraid of me?" Zoticus says as his hands glided upwards, leaving a trail of electricity and warmth. A small grin graces his face. "How would you feel if I kiss you?"