
A Wanderer's Lies

"You can't be serious." [You are a Wanderer] In a world where humans can be Possessed by Anime Characters, Isaac, a skilled and young Con Artist, draws the short end of the stick. "Upon sleeping, you will be sent to a new world to complete a Quest. Good Luck!" Isaac shut his eyes, entering a Dark Void. [Quest: Survive the Dark Continent] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* (P) (A) (T) (R) (E) (O) (N) LINK: patreon.com/JustMYSTERY If you wanna read up to 14+ chapters in advance, head over there Also, join the discord...if you want. discord.gg/wfxxZv8j4B

_MYSTERY · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
120 Chs

A Thread has been Woven [3]

As his amber eyes flickered open, a boy inside a dense and vast forest came to his senses as he shot up from the ground.

However, before he could do anything else, he dropped to the ground, just as quickly as he came up.

Isaac, his body fully healed, gripped his stomach as his eyes became bloodshot and his consciousness drifted


[Status: Starving]

He'd been healing severe wounds all this time, causing his hunger to grow. And even after channelling his main supply of Nen toward the Thing, it proved useless.

His skin turned darker and the amber colour in his eyes dulled, becoming grey as the seconds passed.

Isaac writhed on ghe ground, clawing at the dirt below as he tried to formulate a thought.


A buzzing vibration could be heard as countess Vitaflow pills appeared in Isaac's hand.

This was the last thing he'd spent money on before coming to Ravenwood. And because he spent money on all these Vitaflow pills, he was back to being broke.

But at the moment, he didn't care.

Taking a handful of the Vitaflow, Isaac downed the see through pills, swallowing instantly as he felt a wave of energy enter him.

To any normal person, this amount of Vitaflow at once, no matter the PS, could never be good.

As evidenced by Silver turning into a rampaging animal.

However, for Isaac, he wasn't the one using the new Nen entering his body.

And because of this, like a vacuum, the Thing inside him swallowed the Nen, giving Isaac some comfort.

Rolling on the ground as facing the sky, Isaac breathed in and out.

'There goes most of my money, gone in one go.'

It pained Isaac to think about the money he'd spent on the Vitaflow.

It had to be noted that Nen Vitaflow were one of the most expensive in the market.

This reason was because other than Vitaflow, there weren't many medicines that rejuvenated Nen. At least, not as well as Vitaflow.

Meanwhile, the market was filled with Mana recovery potions, therefore, Vitaflow Mana pills price was lowered to better the competition in the medical industry.

Isaac was forced to bear the fruits of his PS, no matter how expensive those fruits were.

'Where am I?'

Sitting up, Isaac looked around, only to find himself in a forest, similar to the one he'd just been in, but he could tell the forest was a different one.

The taller and thicker trees, it's branches growing to such sizes that it cast a shadow on the forest below, making it seem all the more ominous, the thicker and more lush vegetation, as well as plants and fruits which seemed straight out of a fantasy novel.

However, amongst this all, what caught Isaac's attention the most was the laying Juggernaut, its arm still raised straight in the air.

Isaac only stared, looking back to his own body.

'My body is healed, so I must have been here for a while. If it were still alive, I'd already be dead. But let's just make sure.'

Isaac stood, walking about to walk over to the Juggernaut, however, he halted in his steps as he noticed a figure in the corner of his eye.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to notice me."

A large man with jet black hair and a muscular physique sat on a log as he rested his arms on his thighs, leaning in as he stared at Isaac intently.

His voice was low and heavy, yet slow and controlled.

Meanwhile, Isaac couldn't help but stare, looking back to a few seconds ago, and how he couldn't have noticed the man a few metres away from him.

It wasn't like the man was trying to hide either.

"Who are you?" Isaac asked, however, rather than an answer the man pointed toward the Juggernaut.

"Don't worry about that. It's dead, I made sure. Todo Aoi. If I'm not mistaken, that should be the character the Terror has Inherited, of the Jujutsu Kaisen verse."

Isaac looked between the man and the Terror, raising his eyebrow as he did.

"How can you tell?" Isaac asked.

"I've encountered it before. That swapping Cursed Technique is pesky, huh? Besides, seeing as you guys dropped out from nowhere, it was all I needed." The man explained.

'Encountered? Man, I really need to research the verses that exist. I'm clueless here.'

"But what I wanna know…"

The man's voice suddenly became heavier, making Isaac's hairs stand and involuntarily harden his Ten.

"...What the hell are you? From what I saw, when you got here, you looked like you were on the brink of death. Now here you are."

'How long has he been watching me? What's his aim?'

Isaac had countless questions running through his mind, however, he didn't want to interrupt the man speak.

"Lemme guess. Vampire? You don't look like any Demon I know of. Ghoul?"

"No, I simply have a perk that allows me to heal at rapid speeds."

The man stayed quiet as he stared.

"Is that so?"

Rising to his feet, the man stretched. Standing at around 192cm (6'3''), his tall stature paired well with his burly physique.

Meanwhile, Isaac stood at a measly 179cm (5'9'') with quite the skinny physique from having to live through starvation most of his childhood.

"Let's test the capabilities of your healing, shall we, Zombie boy?" Isaac furrowed his eyebrows as he took a step back.

He didn't know who this man was or what his abilities were. There was no benefit to him staying here any longer.

'Forget the Carcass. I'll get another some other time.'

Turning back, Isaac prepared to activate Ren and make a run for the forest, only for his legs to refuse his thoughts.

'My legs, they won't move…'

Looking up, into the shadowy forest, Isaac felt something coming from it.

He couldn't explain…no, he was having a hard time comprehending it.

Was it power? Bloodlust? Or his own fear?

Maybe a combination of all three. Either way, Isaac felt as though hundreds of gazes were upon him.

"I'm suprised you noticed that. Your survival instincts are on point. They are with me. Don't worry, they won't attack I say so."

Turning his head, Isaac put on a forced smile as sweat dripped down the side of his face.


"Yes. Haven't you realised by now? Where you are?" The man's eyes intensified.

'What is he…'

"The Red Zone. That's where the Juggernaut has brought you. I guess he wanted to take you down with him."

Isaac's eyes widened as his breathing fell uneven.

'R-Red Zone…?'

"You can't escape. So enter Zetsu and come at me." The man's words seemed to snap Isaac out from his thoughts.

'Calm down. Nothing will come from panicking. But more importantly…'

Isaac had his suspicions, but he didn't know for sure. He didn't want to assume.

The seemed to be no sort of energy coming from the man.

Mana, Nen, Chakra and whatever the Juggernaut was using. Nothing.

As far as Isaac could tell, the man was nothing more than a regular human.

Therefore, he felt slightly more comfortable in suppressing his Nen.

Although, rather than Zetsu, he fed his Nen to the Thing inside him, quelling his hunger a little and putting him in a state similar to Zestu.

It wasn't like Isaac had a choice anyway.

"My little friends here have informed me on the battle you had with the Terror. How you barely survived, your fighting skills. Your…Nen." The man paused for a second, continuing.

"So let's see it. Come at me."

Breathing in, Isaac complied as he kicked off the ground, shooting toward the man.

'I'll play his game for now, until I can find a way to escape.'

Appearing before the man, Isaac stayed reserved, throwing a simple jab to start things off.

'Assume nothing. Everything is possible…'

As Isaac thought this, he watched as the man effortlessly turned his head, dodging the punch and raise his arm, cracking it across the side of Isaac's face.

Isaac stumbled, his consciousness flatering and vision dizzying.

"You fight like a wimp." The man muttered.


Although he was a regular human without Nen at the moment, with the Zoldyck Genes that had reinforced both his muscles and bones, Isaac was nothing short of a superhuman.

Despite that, the man's simple punch had caused him to almost be knocked out.

However, he still had his Tolerance. And it was because of this he was able to quickly recover.

Turning his head, he took a step back, leaving the man's range as he watched his oppoent with his arms crossed, still in the same position.

The both if them stayed quiet as Isaac breathed out, once again engaging.

Moving low, Isaac stared at the man, watching his opponent follow him with his eyes yet not move an inch.

Swinging his leg, Isaac aimed for a sweep.

'He isn't reacting.'

What was once supposed to be a feint, failed as Isaac watched the man stand still as if he were a statue.

Therefore, he decided to commit to the attack, smashing his foot into the man's ankle.

However, the man wouldn't budge.

'What the hell is wrong with this guy?'

Hopping into the air, Isaac continued his assault, driving his knee into the air and aiming for the man's chin.

However, he was blocked by a simple palm, cutting his momentum halfway as he dropped back onto the ground, leaping back.

Running circles around the man, Isaac tried to look for an opening, to which he soon did, running toward the man's back.

Leaping into the air, Isaac drew closer to the man.

As he did, the man turned his head back, the usual scowl painted across his face.


Isaac swung his hand as he tossed a handful of dirt into the man's eyes, dropping back onto the ground and changing position to land a blow.

But…it was useless.

'His eyes…are still open.'

Isaac noticed.

Stubbornness, willpower or just pure stupidity. Whatever it was, the man's reddened eyes refused to blink for comfort, following Isaac and blocking his attack.


Isaac was growing impatient.

He released a flurry of attacks, each fueled by his annoyance for the man's nonchalant attitude, as if he were dealing with nothing but a simple ant.

He let his emotions erupt.

This was because he needed the Scarlet Eyes.

If he was to survive this mystery man, and the beasts lurking in the shadows, as well as escpaing Ravenwood as a whole, he needed the power he had against the Juggernaut.

Therefore, every emotion, rage at the Juggernaut for bringing him here, the slight fear he felt from the man before him and the beasts around him.

Anything. He set all his emotions loose and…


The man suddenly leaned in, passing through all of Isaac's attacks as he whispered something in the boy's ear.

As he did, a large fist landed straight in the middle of Isaac's face as blood gushed out, sending him skidding a few metres, soon coming to a stop.

"They told me about your battle. How you were on the verge of death, but survived because you succumbed to your emotions."

Isaac could here the man's voice as he slowly got back up, wiping the blood off his face and ignoring the delirious feeling.

"That's where you're wrong. Yes, emotions can fuel your power. This is especially the case for Nen."

'I know…'

"However, you'll get nowhere if you can't control your emotions. Don't let them dictate your actions. Use your emotions, wield them like a weapon, a tool, and use them to slay your oppoent."

Isaac stared.

"No control of your emotions, means no control over yourself, and no control over yourself means no control over your power, making you no better than that Terror right there. A mindless beast, succumbed to its basic desires."

Isaac tried to retort, but he couldn't. He remembered himself when fighting the Juggernaut. The way he fought, the way he spoke…his excitement.

He'd become an animal.

And if he were being honest, he craved that feeling. Even now.

The man's glare intensified.

"A weakling hiding behind his cowardice."

Silence enveloped the area as Isaac's face darkened.

'Ha, how ironic.'

All this time, Isaac loathed his powerlessness, yet right now, he was being accused of his immense power meaning nothing.

A powerful weakling.

"Power isn't just the strength in your fist. A true human's power comes from within, the rage, the emotions he uses to drive himself. His willpower…his guts."

'My guts…'

Isaac stood to his feet.

He couldn't help but wonder.

If he were to master this, controlling his emotions and using them like a weapon, not only could he master his Scarlet Eyes, but he would also grow immensely in strength.

"Lesson #1: Control your emotions, don't let them control you." The man spoke, raising a single finger.



The man grinned slightly for the first time.

As the seconds passed, Isaac couldn't help but change the view he had on his situation.

As the seconds passed, he thought less of this situation as one of survival, and started to think of it as something else.

An opportunity.


Next chapter title: A Thread has been Woven [4]

Now, you are forced to send me the POWERSTOENSSSSSSSSSS!


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