
A wanderer’s trace: journey through shadows

we follow the life ofl, a unique 20-year-old who is both dwarf and human, struggling with the weight of depression after losing his last remaining family and loved ones. Set in a richly imagined world, Lexus's journey is a poignant exploration of inner battles and the quest for beauty amidst darkness. Haunted by his past, Lexus embarks on a solitary adventure, wandering through breathtaking landscapes and observing the world's enchanting beauty. Along the way, he encounters a diverse cast of characters, each with their own stories of triumph and tribulation. These chance meetings lead to unexpected friendships and glimpses of hope, as Lexus begins to heal and connect with the world in a profound way.

I_desperately · Fantasia
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2 Chs

casting doubt

Cedric, Roland, and Eamon exchanged glances, still bewildered by the unexpected turn of events. Lex's question intrigued them, even though his initial encounter was less than pleasant. They cautiously approached the counter and peered at the map.

"Yeah, we're heading to the nearest town," Cedric replied, his anger slowly dissipating as he considered the possibility of acquiring high-grade potions at a reasonable cost. "But what's your game?

Lex chuckled, taking another drag. "I could use some company on the road. I'll tell you what, help me out with a little job on the way to town, and I'll give you a generous discount on these potions".

Cedric, still cautious of Lex's intentions, questioned him further. "Alright we're interested in your offer, but we need more details. What's this job you're talking about, and how does it benefit us? We don't want any surprises along the way."

Lex leaned back against the counter, a sly smile on his face. "Fair enough. It's simple. I need your help retrieving some rare herbs on the way. These herbs are pretty easy for me to find. In return for your assistance, you'll get the discounted potions you wanted, and I'll even throw in 20 silver for your trouble."

Cedric, Roland, and Eamon exchanged glances, considering the offer carefully. It seemed like a reasonable proposition, but they still felt uneasy about it.

The three adventurers huddled together, to share their thoughts,and Roland was the first to speak, "Twenty silver and discounted potions are a good deal. But what's the catch? Why do you need our help for such a simple task?"

Lex's grin slightly , revealing a hint of amusement. "No catch. It's just that I'm closing shop not much left for me here. I'm I'll give you the location of the herbs, and you can do the rest. Plus, it's a safer way to travel to the town with company. What do you say?"

Eamon spoke up this time, his curiosity piqued. "Alright, we're in. But we're keeping a close eye on you, Lex. We won't tolerate any funny business along the way."

Lex With a smirk extended his hand. "Deal, then."

With an uneasy but mutual agreement, the unlikely quartet set off on their journey, each one uncertain of what lay ahead but willing to take the risk for the promise of reward and adventure.

"Wait for me outside I'll just be a sec"

The trio watched in shock as Lex started the fire, their suspicions growing with every passing moment. When Lex finally emerged from the shop and casually tossed his cigarette into the growing blaze, they couldn't hide their concern.

Cedric confronted Lex, "What in the realms are you doing? You said you wanted our help, not to set fire to your own shop!"

Lex avoided direct eye contact, his expression strangely remorseful. "Listen, It's time for a fresh start. Don't worry; the fire won't spread and not like anyone will miss it. Now, let's get going."

With a heavy heart and a mix of emotions, the trio reluctantly followed Lex, unsure of the true motivations behind his actions. As they left the smoldering building behind, they couldn't shake the feeling that their journey might be filled with more surprises than they had initially anticipated.

The journey along the road to Luvia was a picturesque yet eerie one. Lex, the enigmatic traveler, had a unique perspective as he observed the world around him.

As they ventured leaving the village behind, the landscape changed gradually. The road meandered through rolling hills and past vast fields, with golden grains of wheat swaying in the breeze. The sun cast long, dramatic shadows as it began its descent in the late afternoon. Lex couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the countryside, with the warm hues of the setting sun painting the fields in a golden glow. he wondered if the rest of the thorn kingdom was as beautiful.

The winding path eventually led them to a dense forest, and Lex couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. The ancient trees with their gnarled branches seemed to whisper secrets of the past, and the dappled sunlight filtering through the dense foliage created an almost mystical atmosphere.

He noticed the vivid green moss that covered the forest floor and the vibrant, fragrant wildflowers that sprouted alongside the path. It was a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of the outside world, a place where nature still held its enchanting sway.

The journey felt like a retreat into the heart of the wilderness, where the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves created a serene melody. The air was thick with the scents of pine and earth, and Lex couldn't help but savor the moment, knowing that they were leaving the familiar and entering the unknown.

But this tranquility was disrupted when they encountered the bandits, who emerged from the forest's shadows with ill intent, shattering the peaceful ambiance and reminding them that their journey was not without its perils.