
The Office

Something didn't feel right about this situation. It gave Annie a bad feeling. She thought it best to keep moving down the air duct.

Suddenly, before she could even get two steps past the vent, the office chair spun around, revealing a man in a purple suit and hat, with a yellow badge. His face, though...It was something that could only be imagined in a nightmare. The man's facial features and limbs appeared deformed and covered in blood. Various bloody wounds suggested the man had been impaled by something.

The man, or thing, suddenly lowered its head down to Annie, through the air vent.

Annie hightailed out of there and down the ducts. She passed various other vents that were inaccessible, and eventually came up to the only other available exit, a vent that led into an office-type room.

Annie scanned the room as much as she could, and found nothing except a big office desk, a fan, and another office chair.

Annie busted open the air vent relatively easily, and crawled into the room.

The room she found herself in turned out to be a security room, equipped with some controls to the building. There were even monitors to the security cameras.

Annie needed to get the lights back up higher in the building, so she examined the power switches, fiddling with a couple. One turned off the lights in the room. Another turned on some kind of alarm.

It took a few flips and switches before Annie could see through the glass in the office looking out to the hallway that the primary lighting turned back on. It still wasn't super bright, but it was better than before.

Annie could now look through the security cameras to try and find a way out of the building. The monitors were already on, so she looked through all of them to try and find an escape route.

The reassuring sight of an exit sign appeared on one of the camera screens, and according to the little map on the screen, it was very close to the office.

Just for good measure, Annie checked a few more cameras to make sure the coast was clear. She looked over at another monitor, to see a creature standing in the corner, staring up at the camera.

It was an animatronic, like some kind of rabbit. Annie realized that it was the animatronic she and Jason had read about. Springtrap. It stood there motionless like a statue. Considering everything that has happened in this building, and the history of the animatronics of this place, Annie didn't want to get close to it, though she saw that it wasn't blocking her path to the exit. So long as the exit door was unlocked, she should be fine.

There was one more camera Annie hadn't checked yet. It was on the opposite side of the building, but she looked at the monitor out of curiosity. This monitor was of a darker room, like a closet. But there was something laying on the floor in this room. A person. Annie took a closer look at the monitor.

It was Jason. He lay on the floor, not moving at all.

"Can I make it to him?" Annie thought.

She looked back at the monitor where Springtrap stood before, to see that he wasn't there anymore.

Annie had to either run for the exit to save herself, or try to save Jason.