
A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]

This Story is my very own Fan-Fic that came to my mind....Yeah it's mine.....Yeah..... This story starts off with a boy named Kiyotaka Ayanokōji from the popular anime/Manga/Light novel series Classroom of the elite who finds himself waking up in a world totally different from his own, in this new world Ayanokōji eventually meets with the main protagonists of the new world nonother than the protagonists from the popular anime/manga series Highschool DxD. Soon after Ayanokōji and rest of the house of Gremory meets each other's acquaintances they embark on some comical, dramatic, suspenseful and heartbreaking adventures causing each and everyone of them to remember each moment that took place when they were together forever.... I made this so U will Likeee....

Jayden_Swartz · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

One sided Stand off/Unexpected Results

Diomedes: "Well now shall we begin"

Without a second to waste, Kiba orders his troops to surround Diomedes, and that's what they do

Diomedes sees the knights circling around Him but he doesn't react to it

Kiba: (These troops won't even put a scratch him and I bet he knows that, even when I call out aloud for my knights to attack, I doubt he'll even try to move, so I'll try using this as an opportunity to attack him while his guard is still down) "Now knights, step forward and attack!!!"

And that's just what they did, as each one simultaneously lunges forward at Diomedes while trying to jump on him, they swing their swords to his neck, but unfortunately all of the troopers blades break to pieces, Diomedes then finally decides to act and incinerates the remaining trooper that's standing on top of him by Blowing them with air through his lungs

Kiba: (What he just blew them?)

As Diomedes finished incinerating the troopers, he suddenly then feels someone grapping him from behind, it's one of the troopers holding him in a grappling hold, Diomedes turns his head around and uses his forearms hitting the trooper while splitting in into two

But unfortunately for Diomedes this was only a temporary distraction as Akeno now readies casting her Holy Lightning attack and shoots it with a 5 different lightning bolts flying straight at him, when it connects it causes a huge explosion to occur, leaving only smoke behind, but the attack doesn't stop there

Rias now seizes the opportunity to go all out and charges her Extinguished Star technique, She activates it from focusing Power of Destruction into an enormous sphere that has a crimson and black aura swirling in it, when the attack is fully formed she then launches it forward straight at Diomedes who Rias believe is still standing in between the smoke

As the attack slowly fades in the smoke, it does make contact with something causing a gigantic explosion and a large blinding light to take over, the attack causes a few cracks to appear around the park aswell

As soon as the blinding light completely dissipated, it was now Issei's turn to deliver a hoped to be final blow, as he jumps High in the sky and targets dead centre of where the smoke is coming from, he then releases a fully enhanced Dragon Shot while still being Airborne, the attack eventually makes contact in between the smoke causing another massive Explosion and blinding light, evaporating all the nearest pavements and green life

Issei finally lands back down on land with his mind curious if they had succeeded or not in at least damaging Diomedes with their all out attacks

After a while, the smoke begins to dissipate, finally showing the damage of all three, Rias, Akeno and Issei's attack.

Asia: (That was a big attack, He couldn't have survived could he?)

Xenovia: "Wow, You guys really packed a punch on that attack, look at the size of this crater!!"

Xenovia says as she's taken away by the massive results of Issei, Rias and Akeno power

Rias: *Pant* "This isn't over yet Xenovia, our attack was large and powerful indeed, and any other lower Ranking devil wouldn't stand any chance of surviving that attack, but, Diomedes is different, he surpasses all high-class devils and those ranking under"

Rias says while she's slightly winded after she released her massive attack

Issei: *pant* (Damnit I used a lot on that attack, but I still have enough to keep fighting)

Issei thinks to himself as he himself is also a bit winded

Akeno: (Diomedes is still alive that's for sure, but if he's taken damage remains to be seen, we just need something that can atleast help us gain a bit of advantage, a weakness, a vulnerability, anything)

The smoke is now almost completely dissipated and the group awaits for the results of the their inflicted attack on Diomedes

With the smoke now completely gone, the group is in absolute shock at what they are witnessing

Issei: "We didn't do shit to this guy!! he's just f*cking chilling on a piece of rock!!!

Asia: "He- He's alive, but I thought you guys had him for sure"

Asia says as she stutters from shock

Akeno: "this isn't good, that was one of our best attacks, and basically just ate it, and now he's sitting on a rock?"

Xenovia: (Rias, what's our plan now?)

Rias: (He- He's not even scratched one bit, and we put so much in our attacks, we have to find a another plan to distract him, it's obvious going against him would be fatal)

Rias thinks to herself

Diomedes: "HAHAHAHA!!!!!, Was that seriously the best each of you got, If I'd wanted a massage I would've just stayed in the underworld"

Diomedes mockingly taughts the group for their ineffective attack

Issei: "Oh REALLY!!! How about you massage this ASSH*LE!!!!"

Issei yells out as he than activates his Dragon Blaster

Rias: "Issei Wait what the hell are you Doing!!!???"

Issei: "Don't worry Rias I have plan, I'm about to roast this son of a bitch and give you guys time to escape and call for reinforcements!!"

Issei tells Rias

Rias: "Issei no that plan is too reckless, if we leave you alone with Diomedes he'd surely kill you"

Issei: "Even if he does, I'll make sure you guys already escaped by then"

Akeno: "Issei what on earth is wrong with you, you can't keep recklessly endangering yourself like this, we have to figure out another way"

Akeno shouts at Issei

Issei: "There is no other way, and besides you'd all just be wasting your energy by trying to help me, I'll blast this jackass giving you guys your opening"

Kiba: "No Issei, no one's leaving you to fight this battle alone, we commend your self-sacrifice but this time we're not accepting it"

Koneko: "That's right Issei, you've sacrificed yourself so much for us in the past, well this time we're not gonna let you do this on your own, I may not be very strong but I'd do whatever it takes to help us win"

Issei begins getting frustrated as he realises that no one will leave without him

Diomedes: "Hey dragon boy, are you gonna shoot me or what!? Or should I just come up there and slowly kill you!?"

Diomedes taunts Issei

Issei: "Oh you just wait, I'm almost finished finished charging this thing and I promise you that I'll make that pretty face of your melt off like sh*t""

Issei says as his cannons energy beams starts growing

Issei: Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Xenovia, Kiba, you guys gotta get the hell out of here I'm ready to launch this thing and end this Assh*les existence!!!

Xenovia: (Issei knows that's not gonna happen but he still insists that we have to retreat, he sure is some guy)

Issei's Dragon Blaster is now fully charged, he than tells Diomedes to get ready for his demise then launches his attack straight at Diomedes, with Diomedes not even moving an inch

The attack connects causing another large explosion to occur and causes the ground to shake, leaving nothing but large smoke and debris behind

Issei: *Pant* "Did I get him?"

Then suddenly from behind all the large sums of smoke, a rock is thrown at full speed and hits Rias on her forehead knocking her out in the process

The group is in Utter shock

Issei: "Rias NOO!!"

Issei yells as he quickly heads to aid Rias

Akeno: (Rias?)

Akeno concernedly thinks to herself

Asia: "Rias, is she ok!!??"

Asia concernedly yells out for confirmation

Issei than arrives at Rias's body and slightly tilts up her head, he then notices that Rias is completely knocked out and that there's a bleeding bump on her forehead

Issei: "That son of a Bitch, he's gonna pay for thi-

Issei says to himself as he looks to face Diomedes but he instantly gets stopped as he notices that Diomedes is now only a few inches from his face and grinning

Diomedes: "Now it's my turn little boy"

Diomedes menacingly tells Issei as he tightens his fists and punches Issei through his chest breaking through his armour and sending him flying back and crashing through large nearby rocks in the process

Akeno: ISSEI!!!

Akeno concernedly yells out to Issei after seeing him flying through rocks

That same moment Kiba and Xenovia decided to charge Diomedes at the same time, Kiba uses sword birth causing it to rain Holy blades and Xenovia uses her Durandal at the same time but unfortunately Diomedes just blows away all their oncoming attacks with ease

Xenovia and Kiba are shocked at how Diomedes just deflected their attacks

Xenovia: (How the hell did he just-)

Kiba: (He just blew our attacks away like it was nothing, the same way he did to my troopers)

Nonetheless Xenovia and Kiba kept moving forward and tries rushing Diomedes

Xenovia takes the lead ahead of Kiba and once again uses her Durandal on Diomedes at a closer range but Diomedes just smacks it's oncoming holy aura away

Kiba on the other hand uses his quickness to sneak up next to Diomedes and summons Gram to slice his head off, but with Diomedes's quick reaction speed, he ducks under and blows Kiba away sending him flying past Asia and Koneko and into a stray rock

Xenovia also tries slicing Diomedes's head off but he dodges the blade and kicks Xenovia in the stomach causing her to drop her blade and fall to her knees while gasping for air

Diomedes then tries stepping on Xenovia's head but he then stops as he notices an oncoming lighting strike attack coming from Akeno

He then puts his foot and faces the attack. With his magnificent abilities Diomedes then starts absorbing Akeno's attack

Akeno: "What h- he can absorb things?"

Diomedes then completely nullifies Akeno attack.

Diomedes: "She must be the daughter of Baraqiel, I'd recognise that sort of power anywhere"

With Akeno's lighting energy now coursing through him, Diomedes then channels all of the energy he absorbed into one single ball of energy

Akeno: *gasp* (N- No way, is he gonna hit me with my own attack, this could be big) KONEKO, ASIA GET OUF OF HERE NOW!!!

Akeno yells to Koneko and Asia so they cannot encounter the oncoming danger

With the attack now ready Diomedes then throws the absorbed energy ball straight Akeno

Akeno with concern on her face then with no other choice uses her Holy Lightning Dragon attack in hopes of devouring or atleast nullifying Diomedes's attack

Akeno and Diomedes's attack makes contact but unfortunately Diomedes's attack managed to pierce through Akeno's Holy lightning Dragon attack and instantly striking her

Akeno starts whaling out in pain as the attack starts slowly incinerating pieces of Akeno's clothes till the attack had finally ended with her stripped completely naked and made her barely consious, Akeno then falls to her knees then on all fours and starts tiredly grunting in pain

Akeno: (He's too strong)

Akeno thinks to herself as her body is in pain

Diomedes then turns his attention to Koneko and Asia

Realising that Diomedes now has his eyes on them, Koneko then tell Asia to stand behind her so she can protect her, Asia does what Koneko tells her as starts quivering in fear

Koneko then quietly tells Asia to heal both Akeno and Xenovia while she's behind her, Asia agrees with a look of concern in her eyes

Diomedes then slowly starts walking towards Koneko and Asia

Diomedes: "So I take it that you two are the two weakling cowards in the group, pretty pathetic, or wait...No I've seen this form before, and your aura is almost the same as Kuroka's, it's unmistakable you must be related to her, so that also make you a Nekoshou"

Koneko is suprised

Koneko: "How do you know about my sister?"

Koneko curiously asks

Diomedes: "How do I Know about her?? Hahaha, She used to always want to sleep with me, and everytime I angered her she gave me that same look your giving me now, what a wonderful coincidence"

Diomedes says

Koneko: "You disgust me you creep" *spit*

Koneko shows her despisement towards Diomedes

Diomedes: "my, my that's quite rude of you little girl, I'm afraid your gonna have to be taught a lesson"

Diomedes tells Koneko as he walks towards her

Then all of a sudden Xenovia with her Durandal in hand sneakily attempts chopping Diomedes head off once again, but her plans get foiled as Diomedes catches the blade without even looking at Xenovia, he then tightens his grip on the blade and starts spinning it till Xenovia eventually loses her grip sending her flying and skipping off the ground

Asia very concernedly asks Xenovia if she's, Xenovia just slowly gets up and assures to Asia that she's fine and that she'll manage

Diomedes then starts examination the weapon he took from Xenovia then recognises it

Diomedes: "Wait a minute, isn't this a Durandal, what is such a beautiful and work of fine art doing in the hands of you"

Xenovia:  *pant* "That's something that you don't need to know about"

Xenovia says to Diomedes while she struggles to catch her breath

Diomedes then just smirks and tosses the blade back to Xenovia and she catches it

Xenovia: "Now just wait till I get that neck of yours, you'll be sorry for ever doubting what the members of the Gremory household are capable of"

Xenovia tells Diomedes, ensuring his defeat

Diomedes just starts Laughing at what Xenovia said and then just tilts his head sideways while tapping on his exposed neck trying to taunt Xenovia to go for an attack

But then next moment a attack of lightning heads straight for Diomedes's neck but luckily for Diomedes he noticed it in time and hit it away with his hand

Akeno: "Come on why did you deflect it, I also wanted a chance at striking your neck, I'd probably think of removing it entirely and using it as a Halloween basket"

Akeno says as she slowly starts getting up after being healed by Asia

Diomedes: Oh dear, I didn't think you still had some in you, color me impressed you people surely don't know when to give up do you"

A voice from the bushes then responds

Kiba: *grunt* "You got that right, we didn't become part of this household by being quitters, we always stand against any threat together, as long as we still breath, there's no reason for us to stop fighting"

Kiba says as he exits from the bushes favouring his ribcage

Diomedes: (Oh Really?)

Kiba then stands besides Akeno and Xenovia as he summons Gram once again

Diomedes: "Hahahaha!!! Your all a bunch of fools, how can you even imagine fighting me when you already depleted your energy fighting me the first time, and yet that still wasn't enough to give me a nice massage"

Diomedes says trying to insult the group for their weak efforts

Xenovia: "You may be laughing at us now, but we'll see who's laughing when-"

Xenovia gets stopped mid of her sentence as Diomedes punches in the gut with incredible speed

Koneko, Asia, Kiba and Akeno never even saw him coming as they stare on in complete shock

Xenovia then drops to her knees while gasping for air but then Diomedes delivers a kick to her face causing blood to come from her mouth and sending her body flying towards Koneko while at the same time knocking over her and Asia

Diomedes then quickly looks to Kiba who is still in shock and quickly knees him in the gut causing him to cough blood

Diomedes then focuses his attention to Akeno who is also shocked and confused and delivers a brutal gut punch to her abdomen causing her aswell to cough up blood, Diomedes then hears Kiba trying to get up and quickly kicks him in the face breaking his nose in process

Diomedes then focuses his attention back to Akeno who is squealing in pain of her abdomen shot, he then picks Akeno up by her hair and just starts grinning

He starts examining Akeno's naked body and starts asking her if she'd already have her first time

These words then starts to terrify Akeno as she starts thinking of possible meanings that Diomedes is talking about

Diomedes: You what, You don't need to answer just by looking at you I can already see that your still quite inexperienced, but don't worry, that can all change as long as you admit defeat and join me in the underworld to be my personal slave

Akeno just terrifiedly looks into Diomedes's seductive eyes

Akeno: "N-No, I won't ever be your slave and my first time won't ever be with you"

Diomedes: "Ohh really? Tell little girl, if not a man of my stature than who else could it possibly be?"

Akeno then suddenly gets a flashback to the time when Ayanokōji saved her from falling and the feeling she felt during that present moment, she also remembered the previous night when she and Ayanokōji were on their walk when he flat out told her that he was thinking about Akeno when he described his beautiful and romantic setting

Akeno then lastly remembers her and Ayanokōji's latest discussion with each other during interval this morning, when Ayanokōji said something that felt directly puzzled towards her

Akeno: (Ayanokōji- It's him)

Akeno thinks to herself as she begins sadly sobbing to herself

Diomedes: "Huh your crying? But still didn't answer me, forget it, looks like I should put you out of your misery"

Diomedes then begins winding up his fist to end Akeno, but....

A fist makes connects with Diomedes's face sending him flying more than 10  feet away

With a very blurry vision Akeno feels herself fading away as she begins falling now that Diomedes doesn't have a grip on her, but before she could make contact with the ground by gravity alone, someone catches her and gently lays her down

Akeno then feels a weird liquid on her tongue as she starts to slowly get her vision back, when her vision return she's at a lost for words

Akeno: (T-This can't be, Ayanokōji? he's here, did he save me?)

Akeno thinks to herself as her eyes start to light up

Unexpectedly Akeno then moves her body closer and hugs Ayanokōji with tears in her eyes, Ayanokōji expecting the sudden hug so he just crosses his arms around Akeno's back while telling her

Ayanokōji: Don't worry Akeno I'm here now, sorry for not making it here sooner I had some trouble with my transportation, but all that aside I'm really glad that your still alive

The words "I'm really glad to see you alive" makes Akeno feels a overwhelming sense of longing.

Ayanokōji and Akeno loosen their hugs then Ayanokōji starts getting up

Ayanokōji: "You just stay tight, and let me help you guys out with this one, have my jacket, use it to cover yourself since you don't have anything on at the moment"

Akeno takes Ayanokōji's jacket and uses it to cover herself, as she now looks around she sees Rossweisse and Irina had also tagged along and seemed to have brought Phoenix tears with them aswell

Akeno then sees that Ayanokōji is approaching Diomedes despite not knowing what he's truly capable of


Akeno desperately pleads for Ayanokōji to step away from the life threatening force named Diomedes

Ayanokōji then stops and looks back at Akeno

Ayanokōji: "Trust me Akeno, there's nothing you can do now to stop me, the moment I saw that he hurt you, is the moment I knew I had to make him pay, so please, stay right there where it's safe"

Akeno then gets a warm sensation running through her chest as she realised that what Ayanokōji said in the end is exactly what she told him to do earlier today

Rossweisse and Irina overhear Ayanokōji and Akeno's conversation and immediately tries stopping Ayanokōji

Rossweisse: "What do you think your doing you can't handle him on your own didn't you see what bad shape everyone is?"

Irina: "We have to get everyone back to full health as soon as possible before we should even attempt taking this guy on"

Ayanokōji doesn't respond and instead just keeps approaching towards Diomedes

Diomedes then quickly gets up and favours the side of his face, he then notices someone approaching him

Diomedes: *grunt* (Who the hell was that I couldn't even sense anyone approach me, wait who's this? Now I remember it's this little twerp that blindsidedly hit me)

Ayanokōji: I'm afraid your time torturing all my friends has come to an end, now you must die

Ayanokōji coldly tells Diomedes

Diomedes starts grinding his teeth in anger

Diomedes: "And who the hell might you be?"

Diomedes asks

Ayanokōji: "Who me? I'm the one that's going to set you free from the Burdons of life, in other words I'm gonna kill you"

Ayanokōji coldly assures to Diomedes

Rossweisse and Akeno then successfully heal Xenovia, Kiba, and Issei who was found knocked out behind the bushes

Koneko and Asia only seemed to be temporarily knocked out along with Rias who are now slowly waking up

Diomedes just looks at Ayanokōji and starts Laughing at his statement

Diomedes: "Do you really believe that you'll kill me because of one Lucky punch, than I guess your just as delusional as your little friends who I just picked up"

Ayanokōji: Delusional? No I'm afraid that your the only one who's delusional here

Diomedes just scoffs at this statement

Diomedes: Your calling me delusional now, how about I show you who's delusional

On the far side Rias watches on in horror after seeing the situation Ayanokōji's in

Ayanokōji: (Why on earth is he here) "Ayanokōji get away from him, he'll kill you!!!"

Rias shouts to Ayanokōji desperately trying to get him away from dangerous

But she doesn't seem to be responding back the her

The rest also watches out in horror seeing Ayanokōji's predicament and start yelling at him to get out of Diomedes's way

Diomedes: "Do you hear that boy, your friends are getting worried about you, and to be honest they should but it's too late for you to run now, your gonna die by my hands and then I'm coming after the red dragon emperor and then I'll kill all your little friends while enslaving that little black haired girl over there (refering to Akeno) and then I'll-"

Diomedes immediately stops dead sentence after receiving a vicious and unexpected blow through his abdomen by Ayanokōji

The group eyes all widen in absolute shock at what they are witnessing

Xenovia: "H-he just punched striaght through him!"

Koneko: (No Way, t- this can't be true I witnessed first hand what this guy was capable of but he didn't even see Ayanokōji coming!)

Koneko thinks to herself in Astonishment

Kiba: (Ayanokōji, he just one shotted him) Kiba then gets a flashback to their last sparring match (Ayanokōji, who on earth are you?)

Rias: (B- but h- how, how could he have broken through his defences so easily, this doesn't make sense)

Akeno: (Ayanokōji? H-How are you doing this?)

Diomedes then starts coughing up blood from Ayanokōji fatal blow and starts grunting in pain

Diomedes: *grunt* (Gyaa, who, the hell- is he?)

Diomedes thinks to himself while thriving in pain he hadn't felt in a long time

Unexpectedly Ayanokōji starts twisting the insides of Diomedes's intestines causing him to scream out in pure agony

The group can still only watch out in horror

Issei: (Am I....missing something here?)

Ayanokōji then grabs Diomedes by the hair and holds him in the same position he had held Akeno in

And Akeno realises this from the far side

Ayanokōji: "Tell me Diomedes, do you still think I'm Delusional, whether or not you think so doesn't even Really matter to me"

Diomedes then starts vomiting blood as his whole body is in agony

Diomedes: "Wh-Who, who the hell *grunt* are y-you, you aren't an O-ordinary devil or h-human, y-you can't be... that's impossible"

Diomedes says as he struggles to use his words to speak

Ayanokōji just coldly stares in Diomedes's eyes and responds to him in a cold and calm voice

Ayanokōji: "You haven't figured it out yet? I'm the one you were looking for this whole time"

Diomedes's eyes widen in definite shock and fear

Diomedes: (What it c-cant be, n-No, I can't...Lose)

Ayanokōji then removes his hand from Diomedes's abdomen and tells him with a cold and emotional less voice as he now holds his hand by his chest

Ayanokōji: "Tell the God of Hades I said hello"

The next moment Ayanokōji then completely incinerates Diomedes with a large energy blast leaving no trace of him left to remain

Faces of absolute, confusion, worry and fear showcases on the group's faces after witnessing the unexpected results of Ayanokōji abilities and how he easily defeated Diomedes

Ayanokōji then lowers his hand and looks up to the sky while closing his eyes and says to himself with a voice of relief

Ayanokōji: "It's finally done, now I can finally enjoy my life" *exhale*

Rias: "Ayanokōji!!"

Rias shouts

Ayanokōji faces his head towards Rias after hearing her call for him, he sees everyone looking at him with a very curious and concerned look on their faces and already understands what the problem is

Rias: "I think there's some explaining you'll need to do Ayanokōji!!"
