
A villain's path to being a white lotus

Xiao Weiwei knew that it was all over when her sister stabbed her chest with a kitchen knife. As she fell to the ground limply, she wondered what great mistake she had committed in her life to suffer so much. Her soul left her body and she watched her sister and her lover live a good life, her company overtaken by her relatives and her parents living in a small backwater village persecuted by other villages. Her eyes reddened and even though she had no heart anymore, her chest contractions hurt her so much that she clutched at her soul body. "Xiao Yaoyao! I'll never let you go!" Her vision darkened and her soul disappeared from that plane called earth. -- When Xiao Weiwei reawakened, she saw that she was in a white space and there was a small peach blossom tree in the centre of the space. Intrigued, she moved closer and touched a bud of the tree. As she did so, she heard a voice: "Quickly withdraw your hand! Don't touch the tree hastily!" But it was too late! There was a shining light which blinded Xiao Weiwei and all she heard was: "The system most compatible with Host Xiao Weiwei is Villain's white lotus system". -- 1. There's no male lead or CP in this novel 2. The author's three views are not represented by the female protagonist's views 3. Gender is not fixed 4. This is an original novel -- Different worlds 1. Campus romance 2. Modern business romance 3. Ancient palace fights 4. Interstellar World 5. Primitive World 6. 1980s path to the countryside 7. Entertainment world More worlds TBC -- Release schedule: A chapter a day

SpicyChickenWriter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Campus World

Xiao Weiwei ignored all the other people in the cafeteria and their strange glances, blatant stares and whispers. She ate very calmly and carefully and once she had finished the curry, she moved to the washing area and left her containers there. Each student had a designated washing station where workers would wash their dishes. 'Rich people and their privileges' was the thought that ran through her head as she walked back to her classroom. In fact, she was not the only one who was free that afternoon - Hong Lili's follower Chen Jiayin also seemed to be in her class and was very free.

Chen Jiayin was also instrumental to the plot because she was the one who gave Hu Weiwei the drugs that made Ye Miaomiao faint. After that, both of them left her to be raped by hooligans. Xiao Weiwei felt this part of the plot was naturally indispensable so she walked towards Chen Jiayin. Chen Jiayin looked at her and tilted her head in confusion.

Xiao Weiwei walked past her and then seemingly remembering something, she turned around and bent down to whisper in Chen Jiayin's ear: "I saw you earlier today bullying Ye Miaomiao." Chen Jiayin's face didn't change nor did she show any fear and Xiao Weiwei felt some admiration in her heart. Who wouldn't feel extremely scared or guilty after being exposed as a secret bully? This calmness showed a high emotional endurance and psychological quality that is extremely rare amongst teenagers. Chen Jiayin replied flatly: "And so what? I don't think this has anything to do with you?" Xiao Weiwei pursed her lips and started thinking about what to say next. Honestly, she was despairing at the hard task of pretending to be innocent. There is absolutely no way she can just casually not care for Ye Miaomiao but she also cannot directly propose to destroy or bully her. Without a proper motive, Chen Jiayin would definitely be suspicious.

Everyone else's motives were clear - some liked her brother but most importantly, no one wanted to break the current status quo of the school. Everyone had a clear identity and allowing Ye Miaomiao to join high society would break the delicate balance between the rich and the academically talented. Still, Xiao Weiwei was the only one not allowed to have the former justification. She gave Chen Jiayin a side-eye glance: "My brother seems to like her so you might as well give up now." Chen Jiayin sighed, seemingly nonchalant but her white knuckles betrayed her. Her fingers dug into her palm so hard that shocking finger imprints were left there. "Hu Weiwei, you're telling me this so that what? You think that if you plead with me things are going to change?" Xiao Weiwei glanced at Chen Jiayin's hands and continued to fan flames: "You can't force feelings. Besides, Ye Miaomiao is pretty and elegant and my brother is handsome - a match made in heaven." Xiao Weiwei directly hit Chen Jiayin in her sore spot.

Chen Jiayin was born in a family of extremely talented surgeons both of whom were extremely good looking. She was the eldest daughter and also the worst looking in the entire family. The beautiful gene skipped her and was directly concentrated in her other sisters and brothers. Such a thing hurt her self esteem. Xiao Weiwei didn't know all of this intimate information but what she did know was that Chen Jiayin was indeed one of the worst looking in the class and in Hong Lili's group.

Her entire value lay in her background. And the most important thing is that all women definitely value their appearance whether they are gorgeous or ugly since society sees faces before it understands words. Xiao Weiwei took a guess but didn't expect her guess to be right because Chen Jiayin gave her a sharp look and then became even more expressionless - she didn't even reply to her previous words at all. Xiao Weiwei then murmured softly and her eyebrows furrowed as if troubled: "But what is appearance? Is it enough to enter high society?" She said this whilst walking away so it came across as an after thought and then left after packing her things at her own desk since her task was done. Chen Jiayin also thought about what she said and regained some light in her eyes.

Xiao Weiwei hoped that Chen Jiayin was thinking what she was thinking - Ye Miaomiao still had no background. And this is the main reason why her relationship with Hu Ying had so many ups and downs. Since Chen Jiayin was going to fight battles for her in the light, Xiao Weiwei decided ot be in the dark to stir things up. Her plan was very simple: the less people know and the less you talk, the harder it is to be exposed. And this is why she chose Chen Jiayin not Hong Lili to start with. Chen Jiayin had a low self-esteem therefore she was least likely to expose her shortcomings to others - she could not just say 'l'm targetting Ye Miaomiao because she's prettier than me'. Such an admission of weakness would make her a sheep in high society and she would be bullied even harder than Ye Miaomiao. But because of her secretive nature, it was easy for her to do things and not get exposed.

Such a person is easier to work with than Hong Lili who is already over confident in all aspects. Also because of her high status, she'd already been accustomed to some high level scheming so Xiao Weiwei's small tricks would be exposed clearly. Also because of her confidence in her family background, there was absolutely no way that Hong Lili would act secretly therefore such a strategy would either end in Xiao Weiwei being exposed as tricky or Xiao Weiwei would be pulled into the bullying group and stand firmly opposite Ye Miaomiao. There is no way to maintain an ambiguous attitude after showing your true thoughts to Hong Lili - she would definitely force Xiao Weiwei to make a choice and such a thing is desperately unfavourable if Xiao Weiwei wanted to maintain her white lotus attributes. White lotus girls are well known for neither agreeing nor disagreeing so Xiao Weiwei could never put herself in a situation that would cause her losses.

The system also appreciated this kind of high level thinking and smashed the like button for Xiao Weiwei. After school, Xiao Weiwei directly went home without waiting for Hu Ying. She couldn't wait to deal with that accursed diary that was hanging over her head like an executioner. After she'd read the plot earlier, she found some loopholes in the story. It was said that Hu Weiwei's diary was first found by her mother so how could her brother take screenshots of it and post it to the school forum? You must know that Hu Weiwei is her mother's biological child and natural she had a deeper bond with her than Hu Ying. So how did Hu Ying get the diary? That is the first suspicious point. What's even more suspicious is that Hu Weiwei's mother compared her to Ye Miaomiao. How is that possible? Most parents, even when disappointed in their children, wouldn't cause them pain. Especially, when mentioning people who have hurt their children in the past. These kinds of questions led Xiao Weiwei to suspect that some tricks were used. Either Hu Weiwei was not her mother's child or Hu Ying himself was also tricky. In this 21st century, there is no way that anyone would accept money from a 14 year old boy, no matter how high ranking he was in society, to do investigations.

Xiao Weiwei felt extremely tired from thinking about all these problems and wanted to just sleep. But it was barely afternoon and there was still more to come. When she got home, she immediately locked the diary that Hu Weiwei left lying around in a safe and changed the password combination to her own death date. Such a date would not be significant in this world and therefore it would be harder to guess. This was also a reminder for her that she wasn't from this world. Xiao Weiwei felt scared that one day, she would assimilate into the world too well and forget that she'd been dead before.

After temporarily solving the diary, she went to look for some food. In fact, there was only a helper in the house at this time - everyone else was busy. She grabbed some cakes and crisps at random and then went back to her own room to do homework. Even though her mission was to terrorise others, she still didn't want to fail her exams as well.

She powered through her homework and when she felt prompted to check the time, it was already 8 o'clock and no one had come to check on her or tell her anything about dinner. This caused Xiao Weiwei's doubts concerning Hu Weiwei's family life to increase. In fact, she had a vague guess as to why Hu Weiwei liked her brother. But before hasty conclusions, she wanted to experience some family interactions.

She rubbed her sore wrists and cracked her knuckles to release tension. Then she stood up with her empty glass and walked slowly down the stairs. At this time, you could see that there was a family of three sitting on the table - the boy was doing homework vigorously on one side and his father sat opposite him typing on his laptop. His mother was also moving around the table helping with the questions and also massaging her husband's shoulders. Xiao Weiwei frowned but bravely went downstairs and into the living room. As she passed by, her mother called her over: "Xiao Wei, go to the kitchen and bring out the pomegranate pudding for Hu Ying. I made it yesterday and now its cold enough to eat."

But before Xiao Weiwei could take a step in the direction of the kitchen, Hu Lin interrupted: "What's the use of eating desserts as a stinky boy? Xiao Wei, you can directly eat the dessert yourself. In fact, dad has to apologise to you recently because things at the company have been too hard. How have you been?"

Xiao Weiwei copied Hu Weiwei and replied softly saying that everything was fine and studies were going well.

Satisfied, Hu Lin patted her head and then continued typing on his laptop. No one said anything about her mother's instruction but Xiao Weiwei still went into the kitchen to get the dessert. She wanted to test several people's reactions. After getting the dessert, she went back to the living room, pulled out a chair and started eating the dessert slowly. She even squinted her eyes in satisfaction and told her mother that it was delicious.

As she was eating, she secretly peeked at all their expressions. Her mother looked very dissatisfied and she even pouted her mouth. Hu Ying gave her some dark looks and then continued doing homework. Even Hu Lin seemed to be flabbergasted but he couldn't say anything because it was his own instruction. He looked at Xiao Weiwei and then retracted his eyes calmly. In his heart, he also felt gratified that his step daughter also thought things through. Hu Weiwei didn't know this but her withdrawn character was seen by Hu Lin as a rejection of the entire family which is why he normally didn't interact with her much.

But now that Xiao Weiwei obeyed his instruction, he also felt gratified that he could finally be a father figure for her.

Xiao Weiwei took note of all the reactions and confirmed her previous guesses. Both her mother and Hu Ying had problems. From one interaction, as a bystander, Xiao Weiwei could see things clearly. Hu Weiwei's mother was problematic because she acted like a cow and horse for the family and seemed to want her daughter to follow the same path. In fact, such actions already display insecurity in her own position as a second wife and such insecurities were taken advantage of by Hu Ying. In the name of being his new mother, Hu Ying took many opportunities to act very immature and wilful - this was indulged by Hu Weiwei's mother. The lady even encouraged her own daughter to be used as a servant for Hu Ying. Xiao Weiwei was also speechless. Such familial interactions were also labelled 'harmonious'? Madness.