
A very short story of a war era Shinobi

DaoisthOSeId · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Just enough to....

A lost soul wonders the complex maze of reality.

Most of the souls doesn't know thier destination . It is decides by the beings.....the creators.

But this soul....just doesn't wanna go the way they want it to.

So , he just looks for something else ....a reality that the soul itself choose. A reality that is created not by the beings ,but mortals.

"Ohh!!!" They exclaim.

"He will fit right in."

The being smiles.


Disclaimer. : I dont own naurto.


What is the lowest age to be enrolled on the shinobi academy , you ask.

7 years old for villaige forming clans.

But for minor family and merchants....

It's 6 years old. As , they don't have the privilege of learing family techniques and receive formal trainig at home.

For orphans though....it is 5 years.

You get to learn to become a shinobi before you can spell the word shinobi. Not like they have any choice. The crowded orphanages can feed so many mouths of orphans of war veterans. Any kid who I old enough to enroll gets kicked out.

So yeah. Kojima , Yagami and yours truly

Mir....we got kicked out.

The snot nose cried for a bit.

"Smack!!!" I smack yagami on the head.

"Ehh!! Wwhat ...wha was that for?", he screams cluchting his head.

Kojima with a huff says," crying won't help Snot nose. We gotta pull our weight if wanna spend the night."

I scoff in agreement.

Despite being the smarter of the bunch , kojima looks at me and asks ," What do you have in mind , Mir.?

statue of Madar uchiha, keeps watch over the academy.....menacingly.

" I heard they give milk and egg for breakfast in the academy." , I muse.

Kojima laughs.

Yeah....why not. Its not like we have anyother choice.


They say Madara uchiha was one of the founders. Even though he couldnt become Hokage.....he did make the shinobi academy system....and it's curriculum.

In the academy, they tought us about....

Food ,money, ways to live.

About cooking and other stuff .

FYI it was the 1st month.

Than all hell broke loose.

It was ninjutsu class, history class on circulation and physical class everyday.

In the taijutsu class , 3 of us got our ass handed to us everyday.

Girls took those seduction class in the evening.

We never could sneak in there.

Yagami would go ahead and challenge some clan guy. Only to get his ass kicked. And we would have to go and rescue him.

Even though the bullies outnumbered us....we always somehow made it out victorious.

We even got detention and suspension for breaking some clan kids nose.

After 3 years, it was time for genin test.

It was not just some "do a clone jutsu " exam. Written exam,

Obstacle course, than taijustu, than ninjutsu.

Even if you fail in one....you can compansate

With other test.

All 3 of us passed the taijutsu and obstacle course easy.

The written test .....was really easy for me as...I am a reincarnated person. I am mentally 30 years old. And I know this is the naruto world.

And I know stuff.

Stuff that people in this world would kill to know.

That aside.

Kojima passed as....he is smart.

But Yagami flunked it. But his Obstacle course and ninjutsu compensated it.

The guy can actually make perfect clones.

After we passed exam we had a big meal as celebration.

Then tomorrow is the day we will be assigned team and team leader.


The red light district shines most during night. Neon lights, red lamps, plump breaststroke makes the street so alive that nobody would guess how gross it is in the morning.

Vomit ,spit and smell of armpits in every ally, drunkards roam the streets. That ravaged onee san with her hair that looks like a crows nest enters our humble Adobe.

She was kind enough to help us 5 yo kids , with place to stay after enrollment. The academy provided food but no lodging.

Just 3 kids, running around doing errands to earn a living while trainig in the shinobi ways.

We sat up the table and mat , she slops downs on the mat. Yagami prepares some herbal tea. While Kojima goes to grabe the first aid kit.

" you okey onee-chan?" ,I ask....as I light the ciger in the mouth with a lighter.

She shrugs "been worse", stats Mitarai onee-san.

As she smokes ,Yagami puts bandaid on the scratches and bruises.

"Enthusiastic customer....", she chuckles.

"So,....you punks passed?" ,asked while taking a sip of the tea.

We nod.


A bit of a silence.

"Wars coming." , onee-san says.

She is clutching the cup hard.

"Do me a favour and get out of my house. I don't wanna end up with some body bag on my door step ," She blurts out.

We look at each other , after a nod ,we slowly take up our already packed bags and stride toward the door.

Than turn around and Do dogeja.

" Thank you for everything ....onee-san. We love you and we will be back. we won't die."

I scream.

She waves the smoking cigerrret in the agin.

We leave.

We have already ranted out a room.

As our academic performance was average and seemed to show promising future....we were allowed some allowance untill jobs are thrown our way.

Going back to academy we sat through the speeches of hokage , teachers and in the end , we were assigned to teams.

Well, it was kinda obvious that 3 of us will be on the same squad.

Nothing special .

Than came the time for team leader.

There are the jounins hanging around in the trainig ground.

The white haired fang of konoha Sakumo hatake.

The Pale snake Orochimaru.

The blond princess senzu Tsunade.

The soul wrangler Dan Kato.

And some other jounins

Among them.... a jounin is dangling his legs from a branch.

Ero sannin Jiraya. Although....he not sannin yet.

My heart skips a bit from seeing them.

It's like....gravity is shifted towrds them. You can feel the shift in mood as they see us approaching.

Then they choose teams.

We ended up with Dan Kato.

Orochimaru ,tsunade and some others also fetched thier and are on thoer marry way to test them. If they fail to meet thier expectation, its academy again.

As Kato approached us, we stand in attantion.

"No need to be so stiff. I am Dan kato. I will be the squad leader from now on. Don't worry I won't fail you....unless you give me obvious reasons. Why dont you guys follow me to the trainig grounds in the forest. "

We nod.

We reach the traing grounds.

Under a big tree Dan kato sits down. We also sit around him.

He ...brings out a scrool and unsealed 4 launch box.

Yagami is already drooling.

"Why don't we introduce our self's.? As I have already told you....I am Dan kato. A jounin. Now your sensei. I like soft cake ,,hate military rations.

And I wish to be hokage."

He looks at yagami.

"Hello sensei. I yagami. I like fried shrimps...I hate bullies and I wanna eat all the food in the world," says while scratching his neck.

" Kojima des. I like .....playing chess....I don't hate anything in particular. I wish to be a medical ninja . I also want to travel the world one day."

At last he looks at me.

" Hello....my names Mir. I like Ninja stuff. I hate rats. And I wish....."

< wars coming> Onee-sans words play like a record in my head.

I take a deep breath .

"I ....sensi....I just wish to survive. Grow up, marry a girl. Have kids and die of old age. And maybe leave some legacy behind. "

Dan sensei takes aback by my words.

"Very practical goal ....unlike your teammates." He states.

We toast. Eat our picnic and then agree to meet at the same place next day.

The genin life starts.
