
A verse between stories

Come here my friend friend of this place, what you listen, What you think, here I am going to tell it. A passing story prey to this place, what you call mind, It's what I call home. -------------------------- Delta is my name, say the whispers of the lord of the wind, always getting into matters that do not belong to him ...

Dvsvengador · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


I was worried.

He, the one who has seen civilizations emerge, perish and repeat.

In all his existence, from the beginning of the world he had not felt that way, he had no idea what was wrong with him, no, wait, if he knew, mortals called him fear, yes...

Thatwas, I was afraid... , millennia ago when he was still a young tree in his first steps after becoming the protector of the world had seen him, being able to touch the thread of fate in his inexperience was carried away by a false sense of omniscience, I try to foresee his end to avoid it, but his vision horrified him was a terrible world, that was his home, yet all I glimpse was death and destruction, the world was destined to perish, and he, as his guardian impotently died with him, without achieving anything.

He naively believed that as one of the oldest and most powerful beings in existence he could outwit his destiny and that of the world, but reality is cruel, I tirelessly seek a way to save what gave birth to his existence, until the creatures that by then began to settle close tocthe skirts of his imposing trunk called him 'The Wisest Being', but nothing further away from the cold reality.

If he were the 'Wisest Being', would he have spent entire moons looking for a way to dodge something invisible, intangible, and all-powerful such as the force of fate?

I wouldn't, if he was the one they said he was, he wouldn't be looking for a way to save the world from the bonds of the future.

He laments for millennia in bitter silence for not being able to find a way to break his bonds when he was young, at all that time I reflect on his own existence, Who was he as guardian of the world?. What was the meaning of being the one who protects a world if he is destined not to be able to save it, to not be able to protect it?

This is how after eons of existence I accept that, if the world died, that it would actually die with what saw him born and grow.

From that moment I use everything that was in your power to make the world a wonderful place.

To those beings who initially settled on his young, sturdy stem, I teach them everything they could understand about him and command them on a mission, which consisted of spreading their knowledge to every corner of the world, they gladly accepted of course.

Why wouldn't they,, accept a mission given by their majestic, grandiose, fabulous, spectacular, amazing... what was he in?, ah! Yes, given by his protective father.

They managed to do wonders with my teachings, being able to establish lasting alliances with beings of other races.

It was impressive to see that they had managed to bring the knowledge given by me to the children of the giants, who were once known for their stubbornness and closed-mindedness.

As a reward for his efforts I grew an extensive lushness in my surroundings, it was a pleasant surprise to know that many inert inhabitants of those forests formed their own consciousness without my attentive vigil, something extraordinary in deed.

It was incredible that these beings had the ability to leave their bodies and thatit was an anthropomorphics, much like the first beings I gave my teaching.

Since I gave them life, they started calling me father, as I taught those beings who began to call themselves humans, who in an ancient language meant they came from the earth or something.

To my daughters, since I was their 'Father', I call them Dryad.

It was regrettable that a millennium after that it happened If some of the humans forgot the values that governed them, and so began a war against some unallied races of them who had settled on the outskirts of the other end of theforest, which in the different human languages began to call garden, some of Eden, others of the Hesperides, one of those who could draw my attention the most was Vanaheim which meant home to the Vanir, although I never understood who the Vanir were.

As guardian of the world and its people could not allow its inhabitants to kill each other, I served as a mediator of that problem in which humans forged another alliance that would remain in force through the ages.

Another millennium later, from the depths of the remote lands of the north where frost dances to the beat of the voice of the wind, came the descendants of the rocks and mountains, who walked away from their lands for adventures and glory for their people, humans having somewhat similar goals gave them a warm welcome.

They were called Dwarves by their human allies with whom they established trade routes to change resources with each other, which allowed them to share their culture even more to all parties involved.

Having spread the joy through the known lands I decided that I would give them a gift again, but I would not do it directly because they would have to find their own prosperity.

With that in mind I blessed the earth, who with my present gave birth to creatures to whom I also name them, call them spirits.

These spirits would have a companion, with whom they would share their entire existence, many of these spirits at birth of nature would have an affinity with the elements of nature. By bringing joy to all kingdoms I did something that I thought was a good idea at the time, which I say good, I thought that was the best idea I would have had up to that point.

I gave each and every spirit that existed and that were about to come from me, I gave them some of my energy and vitality, which caused the spirits to move forward or to put it another way to evolve.

That action that I believed at the time that was a small thing had repercussions for me that I did not consider at the time of performing them, made me enter into a forced dream of a thousand years so that I could recover a part of what I gave.

As I regain consciousness I was relieved to know that peace and joy still reigned in the world, but it raised a very big alarm in my mind, causing me to wonder what would happen if it happened again.

Then having found a solution in a conscience, believe spirits directly from me, raise them by teaching them values, virtues, I transmitted all my knowledge and experiences to them so that if one day I were to fail as guardian and protector of the world they can protect it with its inhabitants.

When I finished transmitting allmy knowledge, I sent them to usethemselves, in a slightly sentimental way, my children each undertook their own odyssey.

Centuries later they returned to my side having matured from their own experiences, surprisingly, Balder returned having accepted as a companion a gigantic skadi name.

The rest of my children returned with experiences to tell of their adventures.

My daughter Ulysses returnedor with information about the emergence of a new race called Fairy unanimously by my sons, this particular race was born from the embrace of two different, the dedes were born from the united of deads and spirits, an interesting thing actually.

Unfortunately the peace I had created was not going to last long, a century later I entered into a prophetic dream that alerted me to the destruction of the world, my mind was tinged with despair, but in that vision I managed to see something different this time, I saw my daughter Kalista, who always liked to sit more and think with me than with her brothers.

I saw her waging a fierce battle against what causes the destruction of the world, unfortunately... that happens after my death.

Relieved to have seen hope after millennia of concern, I call Kalista to meet me.

"Yes father?" A young, melodious voice responds to my call almost instantly by making me smile inside.



In a room only illuminated by the dim moonlight was a young man no more than 13 years old lying placidly in his bed clearly enjoying a good sleep. Suddenly that boy wakes up slowly opening his eyes, sitting down to carve his sights with his hands the yawning child and turns his head to the window where a small bonsay of an ash is located by fixing his gaze on the mythical tree, his view shines with fantasy unfortunately there is no spectator to appreciate the birth of the purest creativity.

That child jumps out of bed no matter what other people's dreams, turns on the light of an ageing lamp over the years, opens a small lost notebook in the chaotic order he usually calls a shelf, and begins to write ideas in a frantic way, if anyone besides the young man could see that that little notebook has written a legend left for the infant.

'Dreams are born of those who share them'

Hey I said I was going to publish the first chapter, and I was going to do it ... until I realized that ... I had no prologue.



I ask for your help with any errors in the prologue and following chapters, since English is not my first language and I am still learning it.

Dvsvengadorcreators' thoughts