
Moving Away

In a week, I will sit for my final exam in primary school. I will be a 9-year-old during my graduation.

It's been a hectic year with my plans before Hogwarts. I am very grateful that I could achieve most of the tasks before graduation. The only task left before phase III is getting adopted by a squib.

For that final task though, I actually am not as keen to be adopted anymore. With the amount of money and the free reign I have so far, I am not willing to be pampered or raised by some strangers anymore. Even when the adult is confounded. I value my freedom and privacy too much.

If I wish to be solitary, then I would need to consult my situation to a magical lawyer/solicitor. For the muggle world law, I could use one of my elves to act and look like a random adult who will 'adopt' me. So, it's the magical one that is concerning. I might get a magical guardian by force without my consent, like what happened to Potter with the Dursley. Ain't nobody got any patience for that.

With that, I write and send a letter to BloodFangs requesting him to find me a capable solicitor. In the meantime, I will focus on my year-end exam.

Sometimes I call one of my elves to help me bring food and such. But I still stay in the orphanage. After my graduation, I will move away by being 'adopted' by a camouflaged Jelly.

In the meantime, I enjoy my time in the orphanage with my friends and the matrons. They've been growing on me over the years. Sure, one or two kids would be adopted once in a while, but mostly the matrons stay the same.

I've been avoiding adoption by willing my body to be invisible like a Forget-Me-Yes spell (yes, I'm calling it that). So, I am one of the oldest kids staying here.


After the exams are done, I have Jelly come over and explain the situation.

He would glamour himself to be a 40-year-old single woman who can't have any children but wants one. She used to have a husband, but he died 2 years ago from a car accident. Her name will be Joan Petrakis. She will adopt me in the morning. Today I intend to pack and spend the last day with everyone in the orphanage. I'm feeling a bit sad, honestly.

I think I will donate some more money to the orphanage after I leave. Yes, I will do that!

The next morning after breakfast, Joan Petrakis comes to Miss Sally's office to adopt me. With some confoundus here and there, Joan Petrakis is able to legally adopt me. The process is swift. In an hour, I have all my meager belongings at the front door of the orphanage while hugging everyone and saying goodbye for the last time.

I'm crying hard at this point. Call me a crybaby, but deep in my heart, I'm yearning for any family to have. The orphanage is/was my first family in this world.

So, after 30 minutes of bawling my eyes out, I walk out of the orphanage with Joan Petrakis and my belonging which is stuffed in a rather large brown bag. After reaching a nearby empty alley, we apparate to my flat in the Diagon Alley.

Well, new life here I come!