
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantasia
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96 Chs

Serene and Furious

As the first rays of dawn brushed the sky with shades of orange and gold, Chase's consciousness slowly stirred from slumber. A low, pained groan escaped his lips as he felt the remnants of a dull ache coursing through his body. Pushing himself into a sitting position, he noticed the snug embrace of bandages enveloping him. Beneath the protective layers, his injuries had fully healed, a fact that brought forth memories of betrayal and the battle against the old man.

"I will have my revenge," Chase declared, clenching his fist as determination ignited in his eyes. The embers of vengeance burned within, urging him to grow stronger.

Suddenly, a serene voice wafted through the air, a soothing balm amidst the turmoil. "You're awake, young one." Chase turned their head to find the old man by his side, exuding an aura of calmness and sagacity that gently enveloped the atmosphere.

Curiosity mingled with caution as Chase posed a question, eyes fixed on the old man. "Who are you, and why did you help me?"

The old man stepped forward, revealing his identity with a sense of grace. "I'm Master Li Wei," he introduced himself. "I extended my help because your ambition is admirable, and your spirit resonates with great power."

A flicker of shock danced across Chase's face. "You... You're Master Li Wei, the same one who instructed one of the legendary Seven Heroes, Hero Kaelen, the Elemental Harmonizer?" his voice tinged with awe and surprise.

Hero Kaelen, a name etched in the annals of history, was a figure of legend. Facing a malevolent sorcerer intent on unbalancing two emotional energies, Kaelen's unwavering resolve led him to blend the Serene Flowing Energy Arts and Furious Storm Energy Fist. His movements embodied the grace of water and the explosive force of fire, overcoming the dark sorcery with an unyielding spirit, and restoring balance to the world, then become the third of the legendary Seven Heroes.

An unexpected anger clouded Master Li Wei's expression. "Don't mention his name in the same breath as mine," he snapped, his fury evident.

Chase's confusion grew, the pieces of the puzzle not quite fitting together. Why such animosity toward his own student?

"I won't," Chase replied, his tone wary as he considered whether to delve into the reason behind the old man's anger.

Master Li Wei's anger seemed to diminish as he moved on, perhaps realizing his outburst. "I am Chase Haema," Chase introduced, their curiosity still lingering about his unexpected hostility.

Master Li Wei appeared taken aback by the mention of Chase's name, his demeanor momentarily shaken. Nonetheless, he maintained his composure. "I can teach you the art known as Serene Flowing Energy Arts," he offered, in his mind prompting questions about the purpose of this encounter and whether Chase's connection to the Haema family held significance.

"Why the sudden interest in teaching me?" Chase inquired, casting a glance at his missing arm. "I lack an arm to practice martial arts."

Master Li Wei's reply was gentle and reassuring. "My son and I seek to pass on our styles to a worthy successor. And your missing arm is of no concern to us."

Chase's mind churned with contemplation. 'His teachings may prove beneficial, especially since he instructed the legendary Hero Kaelen,' he reasoned inwardly, acknowledging the potential advantages of learning from a master with such a distinguished background.

With determination in his eyes, Chase looked up at Master Li Wei. "Could you explain on the principles of the Serene Flowing Energy Arts?" Chase's query was deliberate, an attempt to ascertain the value and compatibility of the art with his aspirations.

Master Li Wei stepped forward, his movements were as light as feathers brushing over the ground. "The path of Serene Flowing Energy Arts requires more than mere physical skills. It demands inner tranquility and a deep understanding of oneself," he explained, his voice a gentle yet resonant stream.

"I lack that inner peace," Chase admitted, a tinge of regret in his tone. The tumult of anger and revenge dominated his heart.

Master Li Wei paused, his gaze steady upon Chase. "Fear not. Through my training, we can cultivate that serenity within you. My brother's training, on the other hand, can harness anger and amplify that power," he said, his words holding a spark of hope.

Chase considered Master Li Wei's proposition. 'If what he says holds true, then the mastery of a style taught to a legendary hero could indeed be invaluable,' he mused, his thoughts intertwining with possibilities.

With determination resolute in his heart, Chase met Master Li Wei's eyes. "Master Li Wei," he began, masking the anger that simmered beneath the surface of his words. "I... want to grow stronger. I want to learn the Serene Flowing Energy Arts."

Master Li Wei's smile was kind, filled with understanding. "Your determination is admirable, Chase. Are you prepared to embrace the path of serenity?"

Chase nodded, their resolve unwavering. "I am."

In the midst of this moment, another voice pierced the air, fierce and unyielding. "Ha, finding inner peace as a path to strength? True strength is forged through harnessing your fury and unleashing it upon your enemies!"

Chase turned to behold another figure, much similar to Master Li Wei, their eyes ablaze with an intensity that demanded attention. Despite the differences in their approaches, mutual respect shimmered between the two masters.

Master Li Wei introduced the new figure. "Student, This is my brother, Master Zhang Lei."

Master Li Wei and Master Zhang Lei exchanged a knowing look, their understanding communicated in silence. "Son," Master Zhang Lei addressed Chase with a fiery conviction, "within you lies an untamed fire. To master the Furious Storm Energy Fist, you must embrace your emotions and channel them into your power. Will you walk the path of fury?"

For a moment, Chase hesitated, torn between two opposing ideologies. But then, the fire of determination ignited within, and with unwavering conviction, they proclaimed, "I want to learn both. I desire to find the equilibrium between serenity and fury." he said out loud in determination wanting to be like a hero Kaelin.

The masters shared a knowing nod, recalling another soul from their past who bore resemblance to Chase in more ways than one. Master Li Wei placed a reassuring hand on Chase's shoulder, while Master Zhang Lei stepped forward, extending a hand. "So be it," Master Li Wei affirmed. "If you're committed to this journey, we shall guide you. But remember, the path will not be without challenges."

With a firm nod, Chase embraced the upcoming challenges, determined to find a balance between the serenity of the Serene Flowing Energy Arts and the ferocity of the Furious Storm Energy Fist.

In a distant village, flames licked the sky, and panic ensued. Ava, sprinting out of the woods, her eyes ablaze with fear, raced towards the inferno. Her cries for her mother echoed through the air as she desperately sought others amidst the chaos.

"Mom! Mom!" she called out frantically, her pulse racing with anxiety. The village seemed to be consumed by the flames, a nightmare she could hardly believe.

Tears mingled with sweat on Ava's face. "Where is everyone?" she pleaded, her voice filled with dread as she continued searching.

Amidst the turmoil, a voice broke through the tumult, offering solace in the midst of the catastrophe. "Ava!"

Turning towards the voice, Ava's heart swelled with relief as she beheld her mother, her father, and a striking, otherworldly looking beautiful woman standing beside them.

"M-Mom!" Ava rushed forward, enveloping her parents in a tight embrace. "I thought you were gone," she confessed, the relief evident in her voice as she clung to them.

"We're safe, sweetheart," her parents assured her, their words a soothing balm amidst the chaos.

Ava's attention shifted to the mysterious woman beside them. "What happened to the village? Why is it ablaze?" she inquired urgently, her eyes flickering with concern.

However, her parents remained silent, a weighty anticipation lingering in the air as they held Ava in a tight embrace.

"Ahem," The woman on the side coughed.

Ava's mom and dad pushed her off them"Ava, this woman wants to talk to you" her mom said in a serious tone but yet a worried tone.

The woman looked at Ava with a serious look"Princess, I'm certain you've felt the power within you, a power struggling to break free." The woman explained respectfully, The woman's loyalty and respect were palpable.

Ava's brow furrowed as she recalled those moments of overwhelming strength inside her and passing out during the wolf hunt task, moments she couldn't explain. Her heart raced as she awaited the woman's explanation.

"Thanks to your royal bloodline, you possess the potential to become one of the most powerful of our kind," the woman revealed, her voice resonating with a mix of authority and reverence. Her features transformed as whiskers sprouted from her face, teeth elongated into canines, and seven vibrant purple tails emerged from her back, exuding an air of power and charm.

Ava's eyes widened as she processed the revelation, her heart pounding in her chest. "Royalty?" she repeated, disbelief and wonder warring within her.

"We need to begin your training immediately," the woman continued, her tone urgent as she cut to the chase. "Your strength and control over this power must be honed before it consumes you."

Ava's thoughts raced as she considered the woman's words. "Train... to become stronger?" Her voice was filled with a mix of determination and uncertainty, her heart set on reuniting with Chase.

Gathering her resolve, Ava's gaze fixed on the woman. "Yes, I'm ready to train," she declared firmly, her eyes alight with determination. Her mind was resolute, fueled by her desire to grow stronger and find Chase.

The woman and Ava's parents exchanged astonished glances. Ava's swift and determined response was an unexpected turn of events, challenging their expectations of her reluctance, her parents realized that Ava becoming a knight changed her for the better.

Back at Chase's location, after an hour of conversation, they stepped outside, the training grounds bathed in a warm and inviting glow. Facing Master Li Wei and Master Zhang Lei, Chase's eyes shimmered with determination and curiosity, ready to embark on his new training.

Master Li Wei's presence was serene, his voice a soothing melody as he began. "Chase, welcome to the realm of Serene Flowing Energy Arts," he said, his words carrying an air of calmness and wisdom. Demonstrating graceful and fluid movements, his hand became a conduit for gentle blue energy, each gesture resonating with poise.

Chase absorbed Master Li Wei's words, a sense of tranquility washing over them. "To attain inner serenity, focus on what calms you," Master Li Wei advised. "Breathe deeply and connect with the energy that surrounds you. Let it guide your movements, and you'll discover harmony in every action." He demonstrated a series of slow, fluid movements, around his hand flowed blue light energy as water, each one infused with grace and serenity.

As Chase continued to absorb Master Li's words, he felt a newfound sense of balance within him slowly coming out, as he realized that only family, friends and close ones can keep him calm, suddenly the world around them seemed to fade away as he delved deeper into the essence of Serene Flowing Energy Arts.

Standing by their side, Master Zhang Lei radiated fiery intensity. "And now, Chase, welcome to the domain of Furious Storm Energy Fist," he declared, his words brimming with enthusiasm. "In this art, we harness our emotions, channeling our fury to unleash devastating might upon our enemies!"

Master Zhang Lei launched into a flurry of rapid strikes, each movement charged with raw power. "To unleash the fire within, you must allow your anger to fuel your actions," he proclaimed.

As Chase continued to absorb Master Zhang words, he felt large anger within him, already built up inside him, as he reaslied that when other threaten or hurt his, family, friend and close ones make him anger an he will do any even going to end of the world to find them, suddenly world around him filled with a wave of fire, as he delved deeper into the essence of Furious Storm Energy Fist.