
Chapter 1: Prologue - Destruction of the World

It all happened on that fateful day.

Shiva, the God of Destruction shook the universe and its

inhabitants by the core.

There was Chaos.

Utter Chaos.


The God of Destruction, Shiva's laughs echoed in the

midst of damnation, as all of existence was threatened.

On a certain planet in a galaxy named the Milky Way,

screams of horror could be heard all around.

Citizens of the planet were screaming their lungs out at

the death of their loved ones, or their own.

A certain boy on the planet named "Earth" was seen

wailing, holding a near unrecognizable corpse of his


As he cried, the corpse, which was burnt to a crisp, and

looked black because of it, suddenly lost its head.


The skull of the once beautiful mother of a boy named

Ace rolled forward before coming to an abrupt stop.

Ace's heart sank.

Not only had his fourteenth birthday been completely

ruined, the Earth, along with its citizens, including his

family, was brutally killed by rays of light suddenly

dropping from the sky.

There was dark colored debris all over the once

magnificent room that was supposed to be his birthday

party venue.

A faint smile emerged on the once crying youth.

He was now on the verge of insanity, as he banged his

head on the dirty floor.

He didn't stop.

He kept going at it for at least twenty minutes, before a

bright light enveloped the bloody figure known as Ace.

Small molecules of light glistened, as they even made

the bloody body of the crying youth look mesmerizing.

After a couple of seconds, the light settled in, and it

completely covered the boy's body.

It stabilized, before disintegrating in a blink of an eye.

It was like the youth never existed.

It was like he was erased from the depths of the



The hot breeze swept over the european-styled house,

as it crumbled to pieces.

The corpses of Ace's loved ones were never buried.

Well, it didn't matter, because in a matter of seconds,

the planet that once flourished with light was destroyed

by its core.

Bang. Whoosh. Boom.

The debris and remains of the planet turned into mere

asteroids wandering around the infinite void known

also as emptiness.

Terrifying sounds would have been heard had space not

been a vacuum. Everything was over, in a matter of a


The habitat slowly developed over thousands or even

millions of years annihilated within less than a mere


Thousands of millenia of hard work, pouring their

everything into a place where they could be accepted

and be secure.

All erased by a single existence.

A single existence, who had transcended the boundaries

of space-time, and had stepped into a new realm.

One named peerlessness.

Except, there was one god that could match, or even

surpass his strength with ease.

That was the God of All Creation, Brahma.

Unfortunately, he had gone off into the Spirit Realm

with his wife Saraswati, for vacation.

That was what gave Shiva the audacity to meddle with

the Universe's affairs.

If he had done it in front of the god Brahma, who knows

what he would have done to the Destruction God.