
New Day and Old Enemys

This is my last Day on Black mountain, I spend my other day's in training, Now I need to go back to sthe same place so teacher shela come and rescue me.

Even though she Said that she can find me , but I don't believe it, it's a big mountain and I don't where am I , so I need to go back where I came from.

I looked at the waterfall , the roar of waterfall echoed in my ears drowning out the call if distant bird and rustling leaves.

I tightened my fists and exhaled deeply, the chill in air bitting at my skin , climbing this waterfall is no ordinary feet it was the test of my strength stamina and endurance.

I placed my foot on slick rock, feeling it's rough texture against my foot and begin to climb.

It's strange to think how quickly life can change in just a single week, before coming here I don't know if could survive like that in wilderness, or fight monsters but now I did it like I am used to it, my damm body it really doesn't have any imotions.

I gripped another ledge, the spray from waterfall socking my clothes.

With every step my body grew heavier weighed down by exhaustion and socked clothing.

I learned so much in Short time the forest isn't just some place of danger, it's a place of lessons.

Every moment I spend here have taught me something every fight have given me valuable experience of life, young kobolds have taught me don't take rash decision.

Adult kobolds taught me, don't look down you enemy, kobold general have taught me the meaning of strength, stamina, endurance,will power and strategic mindset, and most important thing.

I learn survival using minimum strength to get maximum results.

And that boar to,it taught me that brute strength without precision will get you killed eventually.

I pulled my self upto a narrow ledge took a moment to rest , my breathing was steady, thatks to my improved strength, Vajrastava and mana breathing techniques, and most importantly I can recover mana thanks to my improved mana Core.

With this warm energy following through me my body felt warm and alive , pushing me forward when my muscles screamed for rest.

These 6 days aren't wasted, I used every skill I had Vajrastava , celestial body arts, rune magic and even the light attribute given by spirit.

I pushed myself to brink, practicing strike , using runes And meditating to sharepn my mana recovery and increase my Focus and sharpen my senses, and I am happy with improvement.

The top of waterfall loomed closer now, but climb have became steeper my hands slipped but I avoid falling by gripping a jagged edge.

I gritted my teeth, I have faced so much worse then this , falling here is nothing compared to the blows ,I got from that kobold general.

I closed my eyes focusing my strength on my hands and pulled my body up, I dragged my body and now I am on top of waterfall .

haahaha I don't know how much time passed but I did it, I climbed a waterfall.

But I can't stop here , I don't know if Kobolds have left this place or not so I am going to use the river to swim to forest side , because Kobolds can't smell me if I am inside the river.

1 hours latter

I came to the place where I fought that kobold general I can't sense them, my five senses have improved and still I can't sense them so they are not here.

But damm what with this smell. I can smell blood and see many half burned rotten dead body of kobold, there are almost 30-40 bodys are here , so my final attack where I denoted all peables, combined with blast and strengthen rune have worked.

It was an all out attack on Kobolds using blast rune have done some dammage, But many of them have been eaten by some wild animals, did those basterds left the body of their own kind in open and left, this dirty smell of rotten flesh want me to vomit, but I need hold my self. .

The sound of water fall faded behind me as I stepped into forested path leading to the mountain, but this time I am careful unlike how I came here , and got ambushed by young kobolds.

I can see the mountain top where teacher shela left me with my calculations.

I need 5-7 hour's to reach that place.

As I enter more dense area, I smell the aroma of roasting meat 🍖 🍖 and sound of loud barking, only one thing comes to my mind Kobolds.

I need to be careful, thank God that my body is still wet so they can't smell me , and it's good that I was careful from the start.

But when I peaked through the leaves, spotting the group of 7 Kobolds surrounded a crude campfire , their filthy claws ripping of some poor creature , their laughter grated against my ears , stroking the anger that simmered within me.

What should I do? Should I stay here or leave ? no I need to test my strength, and I don't want to go before killing these basterds.

I took a rock and fused it with my light attribute mana then I casted strengthen, ignite,blast all powerful rune on that rock .

These dense forests was really quite for me untill these basterds come and attacked me out of nowhere. It wasn't just about survival now it's personal , they have no honour,no respect, even for their own kind .

But I wasn't reckless this time , I have already made up my mind, I am going to kill you all, you guys are the first who ambushed me now it's my turn.

With a flick of my wrist , I throw the stone in front of them and before they could understand anything I detonated blast and boom.

" Entire forest shakes with a powerfull noise, this is the improved Power of my rune magic , 3 Kobolds have died and others all injured that they can't Even Walk"

I don't have much i know other Kobolds would come here anytime so I need to prepare some best gifts for them, but before that I came in front of Kobolds.

I see terror in their eyes, as they looked at me alive.

I took a dagger from the body of dead Kobolds and charged at them mercilessly they are all injured so they can't do anything.

I Slash their head blood states sprouting like fountain but I didn't feel anything I didn't show any mercy to them it took 5 minutes .

I killed them easily, took 3 daggers used by Kobolds with me .

Now I need to plain ahed, before I meet teacher shela.

I need to kill these basterds, I know a bit about Kobolds, they can smell me because I have blood of their companies,

Hahahah come kobold general I will make your 🌭 Hot dog.

While muttering my self.

I start running towards mountain after running for half an hours I torn my shirt shirt and climbed at a tree, I put my torn piece there.

Then I start concentrating mana using light attribute, and start drawing strengthen and the Ignite, and blast on a small rock , then I repeat the process on a big tree ,it's first that I am using rune drawing on such large object, but if I can use rune magic on rock then I can also use it in tree, so I repeated on trees one after another, I am loosing my mana, but doesn't matter my mana storage have improved, thanks to rank 2 mana core and mana recovery have improved thanks to light healing, I draw rune pattern on 7-8 gaint tree's and multiple small rocks and shattered them around the tree.

After that I start running againn.....


Aurthor Ok guys thank you for reading

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I am a beginner novelist. I have just started writing novels, and this is my first story. I don't know if people will like this novel or not, but I want to complete it. I have thought through all the ideas, and I really want to finish this novel properly. Thank you so much, friends.


If you find anything wrong in my novel, please criticize it.
