
Cliché After Cliché

After they've finished with their classes, Akihiro wanted to go to eat some ramen, but Fuyuko and Akane had some business to do, so they went their separate ways. When Mizuki and Aiya arrived home they saw a pair of high heels at the entrance. Aiya remembered that Hanekawa-sensei had the same exact pair at their lesson and Mizuki saw that Asami was also home. Both of them ruan and checked every room, and while they were looking around moans could be heard. Aiya saw that Hanami was sleeping on the couch with Yuki and Mizuki finally went to Asami's room. When he opened the door he saw Asami naked on top of who could guess, Hanekawa-sensei also naked

"What are you doing?" Mizuki was shocked

"Having fun" Asami saw that he was standing and entered her brother-loving mode "Wanna join in?"

"No and what about Akina?" Mizuki was worried for Akina because this would be another relationship in Asami's notebook of short-relationship

"What about me?" Akina heaqrd her name and revealed herself from under Asami

"Akito?! What are you doing here?!" Hanekawa saw one of her students and hid her exposed parts

"I live here together with my sister who is standing on top of you" Mizuki covered his eyes and turned around

"Asami you never told me that your little brother was one of my students" Hanekawa put on her clothes while yelling at Asami

"Well you never told you were teaching at his school" Asami had a point

"..." Hanekawa didn't know how to respond to that

"Anyways let's go and eat" Asami also put on her clothes together with Akina "What's good for dinner?"

"Nothing because as soon I came home, I heard all the noise that was coming from this room and had to check in"

"Well then I will prepare dinner. What would you like to eat Yuuna?"

"Fish with french fries"

"Okay" Asami took her apron and went to make dinner

"Sensei do you need something else?" Mizuki could barely look at Hanekawa without reminding him of the threesome

"You can call me Yuuna since I am in a relationship whit Akina and your sister" Hanekawa the demon was actually a shy person if you start to know her better

"Are you going to stay here tonight?" even though the apartment was already full with Aiya staying temporarily, but Mizuki didn't had any problem with Yuuna staying here

"No, no... I live next door" Yuuna tried to take a problem from him since he is the only boy in a apartment full of 'horny' women

Yuki saw Mizuki came home, so he climbed up as usual. Yuuna saw Yuki on top of Mizuki's head and took a photo to put it as her background on her phone. They went in the living room and saw Hanami hugging Aiya who was crying like she saw 'Titanic' for the first time

"What happened?" Mizuki and Yuuna saw Aiya and immediately got worried

"Our Dad sent us a message and the police called us to announce that he committed suicide" Hanami didn't cried, but was sad because she loved her father and Aiya was still young, so that's why she started crying

"..." Mizuki and Yuuna were speechless. Yuki saw Aiya and jumped from Mizuki's head towards Aiya to try and comfort her


"You are such a good and caring cat" Aiya grabbed Yuki and tried to stop crying

Mizuki tried to comfort Hanami so he hugged her and now she started crying. She gave her phone with the message on it to Mizuki to read it

"Dear Hanami and Aiya, I want to apologize for my attitude in the last 5 years, but even though I was violent with you, I still loved both of you on the inside. For your mother please say that I'm thankful that she endured me and still loved me after all those harsh years. Thank you for being my daughters, goodbye."

Mizuki understood now why Aiya started crying. Their father struggled to write this goodbye message even though he had a serious mental issue that could be fixed only by sending him to a hospital for the insane

"Your father was a strong man for all these years and only wanted the good from you. He won all my respect" Mizuki praised him for taking care of them so that they would become good persons and he succeeded

"I will contact Mom to tell her the tragic news" Aiya recovered and send the news to their mother

Asami heard the girls crying so she went to check and saw all 3 girls crying and Mizuki standing near Hanami, indicating that something awful happened to Hanami and Aiya, and she was right

"What happened?" Asami was confused

"Their father sent them a goodbye message and committed suicide after that" Mizuki told her what happened and showed her the message

"Oh god... I'm sorry for your loss" Asami joined them even though she wanted to tell everyone dinner was ready, but that could wait a few minutes until everyone, except Mizuki and Asami who suffered more but still, would recover from all this negative vibe

"It's okay. Mom said that she is coming back from the US to hold the funeral" Aiya saw the respond from their mother. Obviously she was heartbroken because she lost her beloved husband, despite his problem in the recent years, he was her husband, the man she loved so much that she chose to marry and have kids with. Imagine being all happy and a few seconds later receiving a phone call that a close family member or a close friend died or committed suicide, that is painful

There was a moment of silence for Hanami and Aiya's father, after that they went to eat. Before they started eating, all of them were depressed except Akina who was in the bathroom the entire time, but later she found out and she joined too, but after they started eating they came back to normal

"This is good. How do you do that?" Yuuna was surprised by the rich flavors of the fried fish

"Spices" Asami responded exactly like Mizuki when Aiya asked him how he made the grilled chicken

"Wait till Mizuki starts grilling the chicken breast. It's heaven when they cook" Aiya told Yuuna about Mizuki's chicken and that made her curious to taste it