

What happens when a young lady is coerced into marriage by her parents after her step sister, who should have been the bride runs away with her lover-and then her soon to be husband has a hideous scandal attached to his name? Facing the challenges of being a married woman and trying to avoid being close to her arrogant spouse, Emily vows to leave once her dad's debts are cleared. Then fate takes a huge step and she suddenly finds herself falling for the one person she despised. Emily sets out to expose his ex girlfriend image and the ones behind his tainted name while trying desperately to make Liam see her as a lady.

NuellaDuru · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


      The sun was about to say goodbye for the day when I drove one of Liam's cars and stopped at the hospital. Jasmine had been in my mind throughout the nights. I couldn't stop thinking about how she was doing and if she saw anything in Diana's house. Guilt was the strongest among all my feelings for the past two nights. Why did I send a pregnant woman down there? Often I wondered if people were right about me.

      "Hey gal," I ran into the ICU room calmly despite the doctor's warning. "Jasmine?" She was not in the room. Checking the toilet to make sure she hadn't gone there and passed out, I called out to her again. "Where's Jasmine?" I pulled the nurse that just walked into the corner.

       "I don't know."

       "You are a nurse and you don't know where your patient is? Don't even think about lying to me. You've been coming in and going out of this room consistently and you're trying to make me believe you don't know where she is?"