
A Trap in a Lewd Dungeon

Have you ever wondered what would become of you once you died. When the last vestiges of your existence is wiped from the universe. Well if you have then you've thought more than I did. As I was what one would see and say that he only lived in the moment, chasing the most recent highs and wasting a life away in silence. Yet when it all ended I found myself in a black void, a voice telling me of wondrous things. Of people turned heroes by a mysterious system, of a place where all could happen. I was excited, to be able to become one of those but my luck it would seem had not turned as I was not to be one of those heroes but the opposite really. A villain, one whose only purpose was to be the stepping stones of a burgeoning hero. NO... NO I say to that fate I would not be just another common mob, waiting for my inevitable death. I had dreams beyond that, beyond anything that this damned system had made for me. I had died alone, with no one to mourn me, but most importantly I had died without ever knowing the touch of a woman. And it may have been for that very reason that I had overcome my limits, taking the power the system gave to me and jailbreaking it. Taking it upon me to be the lewdest dungeon. Instead of being the whetstone for a hero I would be the bad end. The final villain that none could overcome. Yes, that was to be my purpose. But why... why was I given such a body. I had become so cute, a body that would topple countries with its cuteness, I didn't want to be that, I wanted to be the muscular demon lord at the end of the road. SO WHY!

SpacesSnips · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
233 Chs


When I stepped into the dungeon, it was to a feeling of supreme anticlimactic anticipation, a feel that was quite different from what I had felt when I had first come here. 

It was actually quite exciting, when we had come here it was to the sight of a blockade, as if there was something going on with them. But other than that there wasn't much. 

Lily walked up to them, and I followed behind. There was not much drama until then. But oh boy, after that. 

It brought a smile to my face even now as I remembered the scene she had made.

I remembered that we walked up to there, a greeting was given to Lily and a small smile to me. But then there was what he said that brought a bit of rage to Lily.

"Sorry but we aren't allowed to let you in, important clients and all that, you understand?"

Lily nodded and then as if by complete understanding she just gut punched the dude. His eyes bugged out but it was like he had expected that. 

I shrugged and just followed after Lily as she walked through the place and over to the gate. It was then that others gave a cursory effort to stop us. But that was all it was, a cursory effort.

It still brought a small snicker to my face as I found humor in it. I mean, it was obviously planned by the face that the officer was making but it was quite amusing to think that she could just knock an officer out with absolutely no repercussions at all.

I sat down at the entrance and waited for Lily to come back from her business, she had told me that she needed a bit of time to 'resolve some issues.'

Which I was quite sure was some code for threatening the officers at the gate to not talk. Or to not do something. Eh' well it didn't really matter to me.

I was safe right here and was quite content to just let her do her thing as I did my own.

I hummed a little song while waiting. it was a tune that I had heard over and over before but now I was just humming it. A bit of nostalgia on my mind.




[Lily POV]

A smile lit my face, a beatific one that glared down at the soldier below me.

"Now, we have an agreement, yes?" 

He nodded frantically; my reputation proceeded me it seems. As he had agreed without me doing anything to him.

I hummed and nodded, it seemed to only agitate him further. Until finally I let him go and he just talked through his radio.

It was finally time; I had gotten the name of whoever had reserved the dungeon while I wanted it and that was all that mattered to me.

If they wanted to bother me afterwards then so be it.

I would welcome them to do that after all. I could see the bloodthirst in Inari's eyes. He might of thought that he hid it well. But that was not hiding at all.

There was just this violence in his eyes that could not be hidden by anything, and if I were to be honest, I found that quite endearing.

Not that I would ever say that out loud. Dear god no, it would be too embarrassing. 

And so, with my business mostly done I left the little office that he had. But not before I took some of the money that he had stashed around here.

It was quite easy, especially when you had perfect movement like I did. Perfect sight and intuition. I snickered, an inside joke.

I then left the comatose person to himself and leaped over the fences that blocked this from public view.

There were some soldiers that tried to stop me but a simple flick to their head had them stopped in their tracks. Merely placed on the ground as I walked closer to the portal.

For a moment I wondered where Inari had went, if he had hid somewhere to watch or if he had gone back into the portal.

But then I snickered to myself, of course he had gone into the portal, if I could not sense him then where else could he have been. Not around here for certain.

And so I stepped in, one foot after the next.

A disorienting sensation spilled over my stomach and with it I felt as if I were to puke but I suppressed it with experience.

Once I was in I let my vision adjust and once it had I picked Inari from where he was snoozing on the ground and into my hands.

He was just too cute, way too cute. He was like the perfect teddy bear. And I just had to have him. 

"Lily..." He grumbled, but it did nothing but make me snuggle him harder. He was just way too cute. I needed to take him in before I let him loose in the dungeon on his own.

Oh, did I not tell him yet, actually I didn't really know if I did or not. I might have.

I racked my brain for the memory but nothing came. And so I just shrugged. With his protests I put him down and into my lap.

Where I then pushed him against my breasts.

"Listen" I told Inari and he stilled in my arms, "I will not be helping you here, you are entirely on your own, mmkay~" I practically purred into his ear.

He nodded and I finally let go. With one final goodbye I let him go and he went off. I hid around, making sure that he could not see me at all.

It was a skill that only one as perfect as I could master. I laughed to myself again, another inside joke.

And with that he was off, onto his own journey in this little dungeon. Where he would gain power.


Yo author here again, just reminding y'all to give me them power stones if you got them.