
A Traitor`s Court

As the daughter of the most powerful high lord at court, Jordyn's father intends to make an advantageous match for her, securing more power for himself. Jordyn however, couldnt be more appalled by the thought of spending her life as nothing more than a dutiful wife. Accidentally pulled into her cunning brother's schemes, Jordyn finds herself caught in a rat race for power and freedom against none other than her former best friend who secretly harbours a torch for her. Jordyn uncovers a truth that could very well clear a pathway for her to escape her fathers plans but she also soon finds that in order to get what she wants, she would have to risk everything she has.

Chloe_80201 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


No...no...NO! I scream in my head. I can't allow Brycen to escort me home, he'll see my arm and instantly know it was me. I scramble for an excuse. If I say my brother was coming to meet me, he would wait until one of them show up.

"You can't" I say.

"Why not?" He asks puzzled.

"Be-because you're right, I am meeting someone. Someone I should'nt be meeting" I say, giving him a look that implied I meant a sort of illicit affair that I obviously wasn't interested in discussing further, least of all with him.

"Oh, well. I suppose that explains whatever it is you're wearing" He pauses for a minute, expression blank, as if waving something off his mind. "Would I happen to know this mystery man?" He asks returning to himself.

"I should think not. He just arrived yesterday"

"Well maybe I'll accompany you till he arrives. It really does reflect poorly for a woman of your status to be seen at a tavern like this alone."

"No one would even look at me twice, dressed like this" I say gesturing to my ragged clothes. "You however, are drawing plenty of unwanted attention!"

"Relax, to anyone whose never been at court, I appear to be simply a noble born acquiring the services of a –"

I glare at him, daring him to refer to me as a courtesan again.

"Well, you know what I mean and you also should know it isn't all that uncommon for noble men. I'm sure Aerin would've shared his endeavours with you" He says winking.

The name is like a stab to the gut. Aerin. Aerin was the first and only boy I ever actually considered marrying. "How do you know him?"

"We went to the same academy. Personally, I always thought his character to be….questionable."

"And you're the pentagon of virtue?"

"Lord Torre, I thought I recognized you." I am inexplicably alarmed when I realize Jill's cousin, Lord Caden Tyron has spotted us, or at least Brycen.

"Lord Tyron, good to see you. Are you staying here for the duration of the week?" Brycen asks.

"I will be staying here, but only for another two days or so"

"I see. Oh forgive me, I was just accompanying Lady Jordyn Rosenberg. The two of you have met I assume?"

"Yes, we have. Lord Tyron's cousin is a good friend of mine" I say as casually as I can. " In fact, Lord Tyron and I have been getting to know each other a lot better this week" I say, making a show of looking at Lord Tyron longingly long enough for Brycen to notice.

I mouth the words "play along" to Lord Tyron, desperately as soon as Brycen turns his attention to Lord Tyron.

"Have you really?" Brycen asks, assessing Lord Tyron.

"Uhm, yes." Lord Tyron says. " In fact, I was suppose to meet her earlier, alas I couldn't get away earlier from dinner. I am so sorry Lady Rosenberg. Please allow me to escort you home. "

"I would appreciate that, yes" I say. "Thank you for accompanying me, Brycen. Have a safe trip back" I say curtly turning my attention to Brycen, hoping he would mind his business and go home.

"Good night to you then, Lady Rosenberg, Lord Tyron." Brycen replies but doesn't move just continues to stand there and watch us as we make our way out.

"Thank you so much" I say as soon as we are out the doors.

"Not at all. May I ask if he was bothering you in an ungentlemanly manner?" Lord Tyron asks concerned.

"No, he was just steering the conversation in a direction that made me uncomfortable" I say.

"I see, well I think he bought our story then."

"I apologize for putting you in an awkward position, especially since we barely know each other."

"Nonsense, you're Jillian's best friend. She speaks of you often and very fondly. In fact, I feel as though I already know you."

Lord Tyron's smile is genuine and warm, a lot like Jill's. Something about it that radiated comfort and safety.

Lord Tyron offers to send me home in his carriage and doesn't even try to ask about my strange attire or why I would be wandering the Raven's beak alone at such an hour. He just rides with me and asks me more about how Jill and I met.

"Forgive me but, you don't seem anything like most of her other relatives" I say, hoping he doesn't think me impertinent for being so blunt. Jill's relatives are his relatives too after all.

He chuckles at that. "No, I certainly hope not. I know our cousins try to give Jillian a hard time but I've always admired her for her resilience. To grow up in the way she did is not an easy thing."

"I am glad she has at least one family member who she considers an ally"

He looks up at me, smiling, almost a bit sadly.

We pull up at the Rosenberg estate. As I leave, Lord Tyron takes hold of my hand lightly. "I look forward to seeing you again soon, lady Rosenberg"

"I thought you were to leave in a day or too"

"How could I when you still owe me the story of why you really were in Raven's beak?" He says, a roguish grin spreading across his sharp features, making him all the more handsome in the dim lighting.

"Perhaps I will tell you at our next secret meeting." I say alluringly, hoping he doesnt notice the blush that has risen to my cheeks at the warmth of his hand around mine.

He chuckles, "I hope it won't be secret from me this time."