
A Traitor`s Court

As the daughter of the most powerful high lord at court, Jordyn's father intends to make an advantageous match for her, securing more power for himself. Jordyn however, couldnt be more appalled by the thought of spending her life as nothing more than a dutiful wife. Accidentally pulled into her cunning brother's schemes, Jordyn finds herself caught in a rat race for power and freedom against none other than her former best friend who secretly harbours a torch for her. Jordyn uncovers a truth that could very well clear a pathway for her to escape her fathers plans but she also soon finds that in order to get what she wants, she would have to risk everything she has.

Chloe_80201 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


My arm throbs in pain as I struggled to hold steady to the reins. That son of a whore really shot me!

I cannot go home now with him hot on my trail. I reroute and make my way to the town instead. Jill mentioned her cousin was staying at the Crow's beak inn for the weekend I recall quickly. If I'm lucky he should be back from dinner with her family. I twist and turn as I go hoping to lose Brycen at some point.

By the time I reach the town, I no longer hear the stalking hooves of Brycen's horse distantly trailing me. I dump the horse at another inn stable and run towards the Crow's Beak inn, heading for the back where they usually do the washing. I find a bucket with barely any water left in it and quickly wash the brown powder and blood off my arms and face. If only I had a change of cloak too. I rip off a side of my shift and wrap the wound tightly and conceal my right arm as much as possible.

"Did an injured slave woman pass by here" I hear Brycen's voice.

Dear god, how did he catch up so fast. I assume the innkeeper just shook his head at him, too busy to get involved. But now I obviously cant go in and ask for Lord Caden. Even if I did, what made me think Lord Caden would help me? I'm sure he wouldnt turn away an injured noble woman even if he had just met me a few days ago. But it was too risky if Brycen saw my arm.

So I take a seat in a corner, order some ale and play the part of a moody, drunk Jordyn.


I swear colourfully darting around the crowded tavern full of scummy looking men drinking cheap ale and talking loudly. The only women present were the barmaids and perhaps a whore or two. None of which were dark skinned, in fact, one of them were actually quite pretty and not dressed like the others. Maybe another time I think to myself.

I am about to leave, when to my surprise, I spot the very last person on earth I expect to find at a tavern, Jordyn.

Suddenly, I ve forgotten all about the thief girl who stole from the package. Jordyn looks rather miserable as she sips her ale and stares dazed.

"Excuse me, darling. How much for your services?" I say into her ear, standing behind her.

She grimaces, clearly repulsed at the implication as she turns, ready to give me a tongue lashing.

But when she sees me, she just rolls her eyes and elbows my rib hard.

"Go away Bryce" she says, taking another swig of her ale.

"But I haven't guessed why you're here yet" I say bemused as I take a seat beside her. "Let me guess. Hmmmm." I gasp mockingly "A secret lover? Who perhaps didn't show and that's why you're attempting to drown your sorrow in cheap ale"

"None of you're damn business" she says, a little disoriented. " Why on earth are you here? Can't you find a woman who actually 'wants' to share your bed?"

"Of course I can. I'm the most eligible bachelor at court." I say leaning back. "Though I cant quite say the same for your, Jyn." I use the name Jordyn's little brother used to call her when he couldn't pronounce her name properly. Of all the nicknames she's had, I always thought "Jyn" fit her best. "Most men are afraid of you, you know that don't you? Or well, rather your father. Lord Jerod can really ruin a man if he wanted to."

"Don't worry about me Bryce, worry about you" She says, reaching out one hand to straighten the collar of my shirt just like she always did when we were younger and my shirt collar was ruffled after I had unbuttoned the top button. "There are rumours about you too at court you know?" She says sweetly.

"Like that you have been, well…." She drawls "Disinterested in seeking a match. Some rumours imply further than that but I'm sure you're aware. Maybe it is you who has a secret lover?" She says eyebrows raised.

My smile fades. Her words are true. I haven't been seriously involved with anyone for almost a year now. Ever since Sherrian. For a second I see a shadow of guilt pass her eyes as she understands my silence.

Her words are slurred together and she looks a little pale, so I try not to be offended by her lack of sensitivity since she is clearly drunk, or halfway there. God it would be fun to have a conversation with her in this state. She always spoke such nonsense when she was drunk. But alas, the better part of me wins out and I offer to escort her home.