
A Traitor`s Court

As the daughter of the most powerful high lord at court, Jordyn's father intends to make an advantageous match for her, securing more power for himself. Jordyn however, couldnt be more appalled by the thought of spending her life as nothing more than a dutiful wife. Accidentally pulled into her cunning brother's schemes, Jordyn finds herself caught in a rat race for power and freedom against none other than her former best friend who secretly harbours a torch for her. Jordyn uncovers a truth that could very well clear a pathway for her to escape her fathers plans but she also soon finds that in order to get what she wants, she would have to risk everything she has.

Chloe_80201 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


Brycen tried his best to listen whilst seated in Weylans rooms as his friend went on and on about his plans for their northern trip, but for some reason his thoughts kept drifting to Jordyn.

Jordyn, who he hadn't seen in years. Jordyn, who he often thought about still. He treated her poorly last they met. He wasn't even sure why he did it. Perhaps because she had said things that made him feel inferior to her once, but even in that, it was because he goaded her.

As children, he found it gloriously amusing, getting under her skin. How he made her admit cruel things she wouldn't usually say despite her shy, polite nature. He remembered the way her eyes glittered with challenge, mirroring his own and the pure satisfaction he found in winning. He felt something for her even then but was too young, too immature to understand it. He brought out a different version of her that only he got to see.

He always knew in some part of him that she could do better than him. As daughter of the most notorious renown high lord, Jordyn could have her pick of suitors. His family was wealthy yes, but not nearly as much as the Rosenbergs and he knew all too well that the Lord Jerod would never in a millennium allow his daughter to marry down.

That had changed though over the years, and he had certainly intended to keep it that way. The Torre's had risen so much in power and wealth that they now rivalled the Rosenbergs and perhaps even the king. Part of it was due to him and his alliance with Weylan. One of the most cunning men his ever met. Weylan, was different from the other noblemen. He was a quick study and sharp as a whip. He overshadowed Terence in every possible way. It was clear as day which son had inherited Lord Jerod's serpentine wisdom.

But despite their close friendship, he knew Weylan had his secrets. He was careful in the way he explained things to him, in the information they shared. He never really knew Weylan completely, he had always been a big mystery to him. But he didn't mind, because he had his secrets too.

"Brycen, are you even listening to me?" Weylan snapped, hauling him from his thoughts.

" Yes, you said you wanted to visit Craton but weren't sure if we had time if we were to visit the other continents." Brycen cleared. Thank God he had caught that last part. Everytime he visited, he couldn't help but think about what he d do if he bumped into her or if she d even be here. Would she want to speak to him? Perhaps it wasn't a coincidence that he d never seen her whenever he visited. Maybe she made a point not to be around if she knew he was visiting. Gods! It irked him how she plagued his thoughts then and even now. Due to the awkwardness that continued between them, Brycen always insisted on Weylan came to his estate, Wemberly instead but unfortunately, they were closer to his estate for business thus it wouldn't have made sense to go to Wemberly.

"Weylan, youre needed!" Someone says, bursting in. Brycen turned to find Jordyn at the doorway.

"Ever heard of knocking" Weylan said irritated.

Brycen stood in the presence of Lady Jordyn as it was considered ill mannered to sit if a lady present, was still standing.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was not aware you had company" Jordyn said.

"You remember Brycen " Weylan said gesturing to him who nodded stiffly. " What has it been, 7? 8 years?"

Jordyn acknowledged him, plastering a smile towards Brycen but. She mustve been as surprised as he was.

"I must speak with you alone" Jordyn said to Weylan walking further outside the room they were in.


Weylan joined her in the sitting room, closing the door behind him.

"A package arrived for you yesterday, but didn't exactly 'make it'" Jordyn said in hushed tones.

Weylan stiffened "When was the last time you saw it and where?"

"I saw it from my window as you mentioned but this one was strange, it was not brought by your usual man and it had no red sash. I m assuming this was the package you wanted me to retrieve as no other package came for any of us today. By the time I came to the servants gate it was gone"

"So your saying it just vanished in a matter of a few minutes"

"I m saying I think someone else knew about it"

Weylan swears colourfully storming out, heading straight for the servant's gate and I follow after him.

" You don't think it was father do you? Who else could've known and gotten to it so quickly?" I ask

"No it cant be, if father knew he would've said something by now." Weylan says.

"Weylan, what in hell was in this package?"

Weylan sighs exasperated and just walks away hurriedly towards the stables

"Weylan wait! What about Brycen?" I say as he mounts his horse.

"Tell him there was an emergency but don't say what. I ll meet with him tomorrow" Weylan takes off in a gallop.

I sigh, the last thing I want is to be alone with Brycen. I could send a message with a servant instead but that would seem rather rude and besides Brycen probably wouldn't be pleased and start asking questions. I never quite trusted him. He was a nosy, conniving rat whom I better make sure leaves without poking around for information. Why do I always get stuck cleaning up Weylan's messes?