
Chapter 4: Silent cries for help

After leaving the orphanage Kid decides to head to the notice board at the gathering hall just after entering the kingdom through the west gate and before the kingdom central square. The notice board is a spot where people will regularly place request on any kind of job for fast money, whether it be a simple delivery, escorting, harvesting hands or monster take down. Sometimes even the military places notices on recruitment.

From the orphanage to the central square it takes around 25 or so minutes to reach, Kid reckons it's best to pick up Marsen while at it, because he knows he'll heckle him about not bringing him along. He stops by the shoreline hideout and finds Marsen lazing about in bed still, to wake him in such orderly fashion he decides to grab the bottom rock that The Old Man told him to train with and place it lightly on his chest making it hard for him to breath in his sleep.

Bottom rock is said to be one of the more heavier and dense weighted rocks to exist in the West Domain, a single pebble can weigh up to two humans worth of weight, The Old Man use to make Kid run laps up and down the shoreline whilst feet in the water to create more drag weight while carrying 3 pebbles at a time.

Not even 10 seconds after having a pebble placed on his chest Marsen immediately starts gasping for air and tries to roll out of bed.

Kid chuckling to himself grabs the bottom rock and takes it off him "Morning, you sleep well?" Kid says jokingly

"Are you serious right now, I could've died from that, plus why did you even wake me? The sun isn't even touching second dawn yet." exclaimed Marsen.

"Actually, it's first break right now, you've done nothing all morning, let's go, we are heading to the notice board by the gathering hall." Kid replied

"Oh ya! What we doing this time, hunting rogue bandits? Tracking lost artifacts? Or am I lucky and I finally get to help you with a monster subjug-" In mid sentence Kid stops him

"Firstly you ask to many questions, Secondly you're still in training so no monster subjugation, you could barely catch your breath with that little prank I did and thirdly shut up and let's go." Kid pointed out and demanded.

After Marsen got ready they both headed to central square. The gathering center, a busy place where individuals without professions like farming, smithing, tanning or as the such can find simple work for a quick coin grab. Overlooking the request most of them needed harvesting of certain herbs and regents.

"Hmm what's this, 20x cloverleaf needed... That's interesting, with that much you can make a weak poison.." As Kid was examining the request a young girl accidentally bumped into him without making a sound she bowed as in a way she was sorry but didn't say anything.

"Marsen, find out who put this request for the cloverleaf up, I need to go and prepare some things." Kid lying about that follows the young girl after seeing the look on her face he knew something was off. Kid makes his way to the East District also know as the artisans market, where all Smithing, tanning or armouring resides in the kingdom, he followed the young girl by using Scouts Eye, a natural trait home to the elf's but other species can learn it by training their senses.

He sees the young girl enter into a run down shack, he makes his way to the outside of said shack and begins to creep around listening for voices inside. He hears a cryptic dry voice as if they are old or really sick.

before he can collect any information he is stopped by a deep and heavy voice "What are you doing snooping around my workshop?" asked unknown voice.

End chapter.

