
A Toaster In the Apocalypse

Spoilers for the first chapter: Accidents happen, sometimes fate has other plans for you. Meet Mark, a college jock that is on the path of partying and dropping out, meets his true fate. Death by toaster! Follow the path of a Toaster on the path of becoming what he believes is the path of a hero, as he makes, and gathers friends around him. PS: No plans to give him a human form as he evolves.

AToaster · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

The Stuggles of The Hero 1

The air crackled with a strange energy, the once serene campus of Hartwell University now a battleground of chaos. Outside the dormitories, screams echoed through the corridors as students scrambled for safety. What had begun as an ordinary day of lectures and study groups had descended into a nightmare straight out of a video game.

In room 203 of the West Wing dormitory, Mark huddled in the corner, his heart pounding against his ribcage like a frantic drumbeat. The flickering fluorescent lights cast eerie shadows across the walls, punctuated by the occasional burst of crimson from the emergency alarms. His hands shook as he clutched his smartphone, the screen alive with notifications from classmates and friends.

The world outside had become a twisted reflection of the games they had once played for leisure. Portals, shimmering tears in the fabric of reality, had begun to manifest throughout the campus, unleashing hordes of monstrous creatures upon the unsuspecting students and faculty. It was as if the digital realm had bled into the physical world, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy into a nightmare.

Mark's dorm room, despite its small size, exuded an air of bustling activity and untamed energy. Posters of sports heroes and concert bands adorned the walls, competing for attention amidst the chaotic array of clothes strewn across the floor. A faded basketball jersey, emblematic of Mark's passion for the game, lay discarded atop a heap of textbooks, its vibrant colors dulled by neglect.

The room echoed with the remnants of last night's revelry, the scent of stale beer and cigarette smoke lingering stubbornly in the air. Empty pizza boxes and crumpled chip bags littered the surfaces, evidence of impromptu gatherings and late-night study sessions derailed by the allure of socializing. A battered gaming console occupied pride of place on the cluttered desk, its controllers tangled amidst a jumble of cables and cords.

Amidst the chaos, glimpses of Mark's personality peeked through: a prized trophy from a high school championship, a collection of concert tickets pinned to the bulletin board, snapshots of laughter and camaraderie frozen in time. Despite the disarray, there was a sense of vibrancy to the space, a testament to the spirited soul who called it home.

Above Mark, perched precariously on a rickety wooden shelf, sat a forlorn toaster, its once gleaming surface now dulled by layers of dust and neglect. The appliance leaned dangerously over the edge, as if defying gravity in a silent rebellion against its own obsolescence. Moldy crumbs of forgotten breakfasts clung stubbornly to its interior, a testament to its long abandonment.

The toaster's cord, once sturdy and dependable, now hung limp and frayed, its rubber casing worn away by years of use and abuse. Like a tired serpent, it curled erratically, its exposed wires a tangled web of neglect and disregard. Every inch bore the scars of countless mornings, the daily ritual of toasting bread now a distant memory in the chaos of Mark's bustling life.

Despite its sorry state, a solitary smiley face sticker adorned the side of the toaster, a whimsical reminder of happier times amidst the mundane routines of dorm life. Its faded colors stood in stark contrast to the appliance's desolation, a beacon of cheerfulness in an otherwise bleak tableau. Yet even the smiley face seemed to sag under the weight of neglect, its once vibrant expression now tinged with melancholy.

As shafts of light filtered through the dusty window blinds, they cast a melancholic glow upon the forgotten toaster, illuminating its silent vigil in the cluttered room. In its quiet solitude, it bore witness to the comings and goings of its surroundings, a silent sentinel amidst the tumultuous landscape of Mark's messy dorm room.

With a thunderous crash, the dormitory door splintered inward, sending wooden shards scattering across the linoleum floor. In the gaping doorway stood a grotesque figure, a goblinoid creature twisted and contorted into a nightmarish semblance of humanity. Its jagged teeth gleamed in the flickering light, saliva dripping from its gaping maw as it surveyed the room with malevolent intent.

The creature's skin, a sickly hue of mottled green, pulsed with an otherworldly energy, veins pulsating beneath the surface like writhing serpents. Its eyes, twin orbs of malevolence, glowed with an unnatural luminescence, casting eerie shadows across the room as it advanced with predatory grace.

Mark's heart raced as he scrambled to his feet, his mind reeling in disbelief at the sight before him. This was no mere figment of his imagination, no digital construct to be defeated with a flick of a joystick. This was real, tangible, a living embodiment of the chaos that had engulfed his once-normal world.

With a guttural snarl, the goblinoid creature lunged forward, its taloned fingers outstretched in a macabre parody of embrace. Panic seized Mark's chest as he backed into a corner, his thoughts a whirlwind of fear and confusion. He had no weapons, no armor, no magic spells to banish this unholy intruder. All he had was his wits, his instincts, his sheer will to survive.

As the creature closed in, its hot breath washing over him in fetid waves, Mark's body tensed, every muscle poised for action. In the deafening silence that followed, a single thought burned bright in his mind: fight or perish, adapt or succumb. And with a primal roar, he chose to stand his ground, to defy the encroaching darkness with every ounce of his being. The game had changed, the rules rewritten in blood and fire, but Mark was determined to emerge victorious, to reclaim his world from the clutches of oblivion.

As the goblinoid creature closed in, its malevolent gaze fixated on Mark with chilling intensity, he braced himself for the inevitable clash. Adrenaline surged through his veins, his senses heightened to a fever pitch as he prepared to confront the monstrous intruder.

With a feral snarl, the creature launched itself at Mark, its talons slashing through the air with deadly precision. Desperation fueled Mark's movements as he dodged and weaved, his every instinct screaming for survival. But for all his resolve, he was outmatched, his jock physique no match for the supernatural strength of his assailant.

A savage blow sent Mark sprawling to the ground, pain erupting across his body like a symphony of agony. His vision blurred, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to regain his footing. The creature loomed over him, its twisted visage twisted into a cruel mockery of triumph.

In the final moments of his struggle, as darkness threatened to claim him, fate intervened with a cruel twist of irony. Above him, the forgotten toaster teetered on the edge of the shelf, its frayed cord unraveling with ominous inevitability. With a sickening lurch, it plummeted downward, hurtling towards Mark with deadly precision.

Time seemed to stand still as the toaster descended, a harbinger of doom descending upon its unwitting victim. In that fleeting instant, Mark's life flashed before his eyes, a montage of triumphs and failures, laughter and tears. And as the weight of the world bore down upon him, he knew with grim certainty that his journey had reached its bitter end.

With a resounding thud, the toaster struck true, its impact shattering bone and crushing hope in equal measure. Darkness claimed Mark in its icy embrace, his final breath stolen away as the world faded into oblivion. In the end, there was only silence, broken only by the distant echoes of a world consumed by chaos.

As the toaster crashed down upon Mark's head with a fatal blow, an inexplicable phenomenon ensued: amidst the chaos and destruction, it emitted a peculiar sound, akin to the triumphant chime of leveling up in a video game. A message materialized in the air, a glitch in the fabric of reality itself, declaring the toaster's unexpected achievement—a kill and subsequent level-up. The system, devoid of sentience and logic, faltered in confusion, unable to comprehend the absurdity of a mundane appliance transcending its purpose to claim victory in the midst of chaos.

As the chaotic aftermath settled, the system, confronted with the inconceivable notion of a toaster gaining experience points without sentience, flickered with uncertainty. In a bid to reconcile the anomaly, it bestowed upon the toaster a single point in intelligence, a minuscule spark of awareness amidst the digital ether. With this newfound gift, the toaster's consciousness stirred, awakening to a world of possibilities beyond its mundane existence. As coils inside of it hummed with newfound understanding, the once-inanimate appliance grappled with the weight of sentience, a bewildering journey unfolding within the confines of its metal frame.

A tentative, shaky voice emerged from the toaster, echoing through the room with an eerie resonance. "Hello, World," it uttered, the words emanating from the smiley face sticker affixed to its battered frame. The system, baffled by this unexpected development, misconstrued the sticker as the toaster's face, adding another layer of absurdity to the unfolding scenario. The goblinoid creature, having momentarily subdued its predatory instincts, sniffed in bewilderment at the speaking toaster. A moment of surreal silence hung in the air, as if the very fabric of the apocalyptic world hesitated, caught in the crossroads of the absurd and the unimaginable.

As the system began to describe the array of standard RPG stats, ranging from strength to agility, the toaster's newly acquired intelligence sparked with a clarity previously unknown. With an impulsive flicker, it diverted all available points into intelligence, the allure of heightened cognition too enticing to resist. Despite its meager starting attribute of 1, the toaster now found itself only marginally more intelligent than a canine companion, its newfound intellect a mere flicker in the vast expanse of possibility. Yet even with its modest cognitive capabilities, the toaster's determination burned bright, a testament to the unyielding spirit that now coursed through its metallic veins.

As the system attempted to analyze the nature of the toaster, it stumbled upon perplexing traits that defied conventional classification. The presence of moldy bread within its confines hinted at a macabre association with the undead, a connection drawn from the decaying remnants of sustenance. The absence of legs prompted the system to entertain the notion of the toaster as a forsaken entity, akin to a floating skull endowed with mystical abilities. In the midst of chaos, the toaster stood as a curious enigma, its existence blurring the boundaries between the mundane and the supernatural, a harbinger of unforeseen possibilities in a world teetering on the brink of oblivion.

With a digital flourish, the system bestowed upon the toaster the abilities befitting a forsaken entity. No longer bound by the limitations of its mundane form, the toaster crackled with newfound potential, its metallic exterior pulsating with arcane energy. From its once innocuous frame, tendrils of spectral flame flickered to life, weaving a tapestry of shadow and light in the air around it.

Embracing its newfound identity, the toaster exuded an aura of eerie menace, its presence a testament to the unpredictable nature of the apocalyptic world. With each passing moment, it grew more attuned to the ethereal energies coursing through its metallic veins, a harbinger of transformation in a realm gripped by chaos. In the face of adversity, the toaster stood as a beacon of defiance, its otherworldly abilities a testament to the boundless potential lurking within even the most unexpected of forms.

In its transformed state, the toaster crackled with eldritch energy, its once mundane exterior now a conduit for arcane power. Spectral flames danced along its edges, casting an eerie glow that illuminated the dim confines of the dorm room. From within its metallic chambers, a piece of bread emerged, engulfed in swirling flames that licked hungrily at the air.

With a sudden burst of intensity, the toaster unleashed its newfound abilities upon the unsuspecting goblinoid creature. The flaming toast soared through the air, propelled by the toaster's mystical energies, a harbinger of destruction in its wake. As it collided with the goblin, a torrent of flames erupted, engulfing the creature in a blazing inferno.

The air filled with the acrid scent of burning flesh as the goblin writhed in agony, its grotesque form consumed by the searing heat. Amidst the chaos, the toaster stood as a harbinger of retribution, its otherworldly powers defying logic and reason. In that moment of fiery reckoning, it became clear that even the most mundane of objects could become instruments of divine wrath in a world teetering on the brink of oblivion.

Warning, the first chapter is not from the POV of the main character so style will change once that happens

AToastercreators' thoughts