
The Ruins of Solgrim - Part 4

He could hardly understand how the proposal in itself had lacked any sort of nervousness from him, and yet these many interactions that followed, when the matter should have been well and truly sealed, seemed to be far more embarrassing than the moment itself.

He supposed it was likely because of the way the villagers looked at him, as if they could guess the state of his heart. They attributed to him an apparent love sickness that he didn't think matched him. It was a troublesome thing to be mislabelled.

It took a searching of nearly the whole town before he'd managed to find her. On the path towards the Black Mountains was the last place he would have thought to check. The walls had stretched out over the years, and new houses had been built further along the trail than there had ever been before.

Nila stood in conversation before the ruins of one such building, speaking to a pair of villagers that Oliver could only assume were a married couple.