A madness that ought not to have been allowed to be. Years of scheming, corruption, and unpredictability.
"Your praise does come with great gratitude. It is rare for one to find such a willing student. Those not actively involved tend to forget that this is very much a two-way endeavour. Most of the pupils here think that being here is enough to learn. I am always in search for a spark that goes a step further than that, and in you, I found it, and attempted to nurture it, as I have with others," Volguard said. "I am proud to have called you a student. When the scholars come to write of your achievements, I will be proud to have played a small role in the life of the man that wrought them."
"Unlike Yoreholder, I do not feel the need to leave this Academy of ours. I believe the future to be in the younglings, even if I do hold to the same conclusion as her, that strength, in the end, shall win out," Volguard said. "Go forth, young Patrick. I have taught you all that I could think to teach you. Go forth, and secure your wishes."