
A Time of Tigers - From Peasant to Emperor

A madness that ought not to have been allowed to be. Years of scheming, corruption, and unpredictability.

Nick_Alderson · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1541 Chs

Opening Act - Part 2

The fire from the oil atop the wall was at least solvable. The oil was thin enough spread that the wall of flame didn't rise too high. Even if they didn't deal with it, it would likely burn itself out soon enough without causing them too much damage. The real problem was the gate. Even from as far down as the source of the fire was, Gadar could feel the heat burning his face viciously whenever he turned towards it.

That was something that they most certainly could not deal with. That was a fire liable to burn straight into the heart of their encampment. Talon had said it as quickly as anyone else had. He'd taken one look at the damage, and dismissed that ever-so-important defensive feature.