
A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Hi, I'm Revlo, the main character, the title speaks for itself, an isekai story. Somehow I died by getting hit by truck-kun when I was walking home from school and got reincarnated into a world of magic and swords. Elves, fairies, and goblins roam this world that resembles that of the middle ages. Don't tell me I'm gonna be one of those isekai protagonists where I get cheats and become op?... Wait, where is my cheat? I don't get a system? or any talent in magic? Well that's okay, I have the knowledge that I got on modern-day Earth, I'll use this to get any advantage that I can.... and I died at the age of 15, seriously? before my legend even began, I died just like that? Wait! I got reincarnated again! This time I'm in a cyberpunk world... I still don't have cheats and my knowledge is useless in a cyberpunk world... frick... well I got a second chance, I won't waste it, I don't know how I died in my previous life but I'm gonna make the most out of this....15 years later... I died again... The third time, I'm in a cultivation world, I died at 15 years old again... The fourth time, I'm in a futuristic world, I died at 15 years old again... The 5th, 6th, 7th, 18th, 23rd, 55th, 68th, 132nd, 300th, 419th, 600th, 665th, 999th life... I kept dying and reincarnating and no matter what I do to prevent it, I kept dying the moment I turn 15 years old! Until I reached my 1000th life..... the moment I was born... within in the depths of my soul.. something felt different. =Update Schedule= Mon-Tue-Fri-Sat-Sun [2000+ words per chapter] Disclaimer: This is my first time writing an original story so be warned that there will be plenty of infodumps in the first dozen chapters because I didn't take this story seriously at that time, if I somehow finish this story, I will rewrite those chapters so it could become more reader-friendly.

DrDedot · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Turron Town's Town Lord

"Try to hide your aura a bit" Revlo said as they slowly walked towards the town gates.

"Grr?" Browny titled his head at a certain angle, he was puzzled.

Revlo didn't look back at him and said.

"You are a giant 3-meter horned bear, if you even a little bit, emit just a little bit of your aura, you'll scare everyone you'll encounter"

Browny jolted his head in realization and nodded to what Revlo just said.

The sentries crossed their iron spears, barring Revlo's entry as they looked at him sternly.

"Identification" the older one of the guards said.

The town that they were in is called Turron Town, one of the outermost and farthest towns away from the capital city of the empire.

Despite that, the land area that covers the town is already enough to rival the biggest cities of a third-world country on Earth, the town is ruled by the Kiply Family, one of the baronial families of the Doni Kingdom, a vassal kingdom of the Freedom Empire.

In the southern continent, there are over 100 kingdoms and territories combined and most of them are subordinated to the Freedom Empire.

The Head of the Kiply Family, Stewart Kiply is a third-class master-ranked champion and one of the only 5 master-rank champions currently in this town.

In each champion rank, there are sub-ranks, these sub-ranks differentiate the magic core progress of those of the same rank.

Third-Class(rated F to E), Second-Class(rated D to C), First-Class(rated B to A), and Super First-Class(rated S-SSS).

Right now Revlo's magic core progress is rated at S in the novice rank, according to his system, which means that Revlo is classified as a super first-class novice ranked champion.

These sub-ranks are kind of like the minor realms that you would see in a cultivation story. Even though the gap between the sub-ranks is not as big as the gap between the actual ranks, there is generally a big gap between the third-class and the second-class, as 9 times out of 10, the latter would win if they clashed.

Hearing what the guards said, Revlo pulled out an ID card, it was shiny, blue and its size was enough to fit in one's palm. It has a stamp of the Mason Clan's emblem in the upper left corner.

It was blank with no other things written or drawn on the surface but if anyone were to look at it closely, there were microscopic complex runes and symbols hidden deep inside this card, this particular card seemed to be made out of expensive materials.

Seeing this card, the two guards widened their eyes in shock, these ID cards were items that were used throughout the southern continent, they could not be forged or be remade, these cards contained the personal info of an individual that can be read through by a magical device.

Another feature these ID cards had is that these cards have different colors that indicate someone's social standing, with red being the lowest and violet being the highest.

These guards had never seen a blue ID card before in their lives, at first they thought this card was a fake but after confirming its validity with a magic device, they had no choice but to believe it.

Then the way they looked at Revlo changed, their gazes were now respectful and it also contained a little bit of fear, having a blue card meant he was someone of extremely high status and background.

Even the ruler of this town only has an orange ID card.

Revlo also has a second ID card with him, it was colored red, his parents insisted on getting a second card for him in case of an emergency but he pulled out his blue ID card since he has no reason to hide his identity anyway.

The guards swiped the blue card over a smooth crystal ball, the blue card flashed a white light for a moment and then the crystal showed a holographic display that showed Revlo's info, it was only visible at one side, like a one-way mirror, it was to prevent the scenario of someone's info being seen by others.

"Mason?? Someone from the Mason Clan?" Their eyes bulged and their mouths were agape with incredulity.

Both the guards yelled in surprise after reading the contents of the hologram, their eyes first darted towards Revlo's name and were completely surprised.

They already guessed that the boy in front of them was someone with extremely high status, but never did it cross their minds that it was someone from the Mason Clan.

No other, if the common folks consider the Freedom Empire as the number one power of the southern continent, then the Mason Clan could be considered as the number two.

Well, in reality, the overall might and influence that these two superpowers possessed is the same, even though the majority of the population considers the Freedom Empire as the ruler of the continent, people in the know were aware that they could only be considered as the ruler of half the continent, the other half belonged to the Mason Clan.

The clan's current leader never really expressed the desire to become the ruler of the continent, which is the only reason they were not recognized as rulers of the continent alongside the Freedom Empire, but they were still quite well known, and their influence, fame, prestige and especially strength is not any less than the Freedom Empire.

There were some tensions between the two powers before but the friendship between the current Emperor and Revlo's father changed the nature of their relationship. In addition, the southern continent is extremely large, a single power could not possibly take control of it alone and because of that, there were not many issues between them.. yet.

Gasps were then heard in the background.

There were also some people just right behind Revlo, forming a long line, they were also trying to gain access to the town just like him.

When the people behind heard what the guards said, there was no one there that didn't feel shocked as they fell into a stupor, it immediately caused a commotion amongst them.

"Someone from the prestigious Mason Clan is here?"

"In this town?"

"That boy is..."

"Oh my god"

"A horned bear.. it looks like it is following that person.. could he be a monster tamer?"

This was a town that is far off from the rest of the world which is why they don't get that many visitors of such a high stature, meeting someone that comes from the Mason Clan or the Imperial Family in this part of the continent only happens once in a blue moon or maybe even never.

After confirming Revlo's identity, the older guard smiled, his tone was much friendlier and more respectful than before.

"I apologize for the rude behavior earlier, you are now clear for entry"

They opened the gates and let Revlo and the horned bear inside. After Revlo walked some distance away, the guards finally relaxed and one of them shouted to one of the guards on the top of the wall.

"Someone inform the town lord"

Revlo then hopped on top of Browny and used him as the mount again, he looked around the town, this town was surrounded by stone walls that reached up to 10 meters high, on the streets there were some knights patrolling around, there were even some people that turned their heads to look at the bizarre scene of Revlo mounting a horned bear.

Although there were also monster tamers that had monsters companions with them, it was still a sight to see in seeing a 9-year-old riding a large bear around town.

Revlo asked around for an inn and a catgirl was kind enough to tell him the directions to one.

"You go to the left on that street over there, you'll find the best inn here, it has a large and flashy signboard so you won't miss it meow"

Revlo said his thanks and proceeded in that direction.

He immediately spotted the inn, there was a flashy white signboard that stuck out like a sore thumb in this particular street.

"May's Inn"

Revlo walked inside and was greeted with tables and chairs placed all over, some people were eating, he looked at the reception desk and walked towards it.

"Hey, tamed monsters are not allowed inside" A girl's voice was then heard.

Revlo turned his head and saw a girl with green hair and pointy ears, she looked to be around 14-15 years old and had a pair of transparent wings on her back.

'Someone of the fairy race' Revlo thought.

He then looked at Browny who wore a sad expression.

"Sorry buddy looks like you have to wait outside" Revlo said.

Browny growled in discontent before ultimately deciding to exit.

"There is a place right around the back for tamed monsters to live in, though you got to pay some extra for that" The fairy assured.

Revlo nodded and continued to walk toward the reception desk.

There was another fairy standing behind it, she looked the same as the fairy he met earlier, the only difference is that she looked a bit older, she was either the mom or the older sister.

"Ara~ what a cute little customer" The fairy behind the desk said in a coquettish manner.

"A room for the night and a monster stable" Revlo said in a monotone voice with a poker face.

"You're no fun, at least get embarrassed or get bashful" The fairy grumbled and complained.

"That would be 500 copper for the room and 2 silver for the monster stable" She said.

The currency in this world is pretty straightforward, there are copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins, 1000 copper coins are worth 1 silver coin, and 1000 silver coins are worth 1 gold coin but these coins were not the only currency here, some places only accept mana stones as a form of payment but other than that, most establishments accept all types of currency.

Revlo then paid just the right amount, the little fairy from earlier then guided Browny to the monster stable where tamed monsters stayed.

Revlo headed to his room, it was still in the middle of the afternoon, so he didn't choose to sleep but lay down on the bed, he pulled out a grimoire and started reading it. Meanwhile at the town hall...


A door was slammed in the office of the town lord and revealed a sweaty soldier that was breathing quite heavily, it looked like he ran all the way to the town lord's office without taking a break.

Stewart Kiply, the lord of Turron Town, sat behind his desk writing some sort of document, he furrowed his brows in annoyance from hearing that door slam and stared coldly at the panting soldier who just entered.

As a town lord, he immediately recognized this soldier to be one of the sentries who guard the town's walls.

Based on the soldier's expression, it looked like he had some important news that he had to relay to the town lord with great urgency.

That was the reason why Steward didn't reprimand the soldier nor berated him and continued to stare at him, waiting for the soldier to catch his breath.

"This better be important" Stewart said with a serious tone.

"Forgive me town lord but I bring urgent news" The soldier kneeled to one knee with his head facing the floor.

"Don't tell me that the dungeon raid failed?" Stewart said with an anxious tone.

"Nothing of the sort happened, but an important guest has visited the town" The soldier who was still kneeling, said.

"Who?" Stewart asked.

"Someone from the Mason Clan, I think he was called Revlo Mason, he arrived with a horned bear with him, we speculate that he is a monster tamer"

"A member of the Mason Clan? Are you sure?"

Stewart stood up from the chair that he was sitting on, he was surprised and because of his sudden action, some papers were flying around and landed on the floor but he didn't even spare a glance at them.

"Yes sir"

"Where is he now?"

"We didn't dare send someone to trail him around but we're sure that he arrived in an inn"

Stewart immediately wore his coat that hung around on his coat hanger and walked out of the office.

"Find out where he is, we must greet him properly" Stewart ordered.

Stewart was frantic, as a noble, he was one of the people who were not ignorant of the inner workings of the world, someone from the Mason Clan is basically no different from someone of the Freedom Empire's nobility.

In this small town and as a baron of a small kingdom, the Mason Clan is a superpower that he had to look up to, the difference of power between the Doni Kingdom where he comes from and the Mason Clan was so massive that they would seem like ants in comparison, no the Doni Kingdom would be something lower than an ant to them.

A member of the Mason Clan holds a status that is already higher than the king of the Doni Kingdom, he won't give up this chance to get acquainted with someone like that.

It was an opportunity to raise his standing if he played his cards right.