
A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Hi, I'm Revlo, the main character, the title speaks for itself, an isekai story. Somehow I died by getting hit by truck-kun when I was walking home from school and got reincarnated into a world of magic and swords. Elves, fairies, and goblins roam this world that resembles that of the middle ages. Don't tell me I'm gonna be one of those isekai protagonists where I get cheats and become op?... Wait, where is my cheat? I don't get a system? or any talent in magic? Well that's okay, I have the knowledge that I got on modern-day Earth, I'll use this to get any advantage that I can.... and I died at the age of 15, seriously? before my legend even began, I died just like that? Wait! I got reincarnated again! This time I'm in a cyberpunk world... I still don't have cheats and my knowledge is useless in a cyberpunk world... frick... well I got a second chance, I won't waste it, I don't know how I died in my previous life but I'm gonna make the most out of this....15 years later... I died again... The third time, I'm in a cultivation world, I died at 15 years old again... The fourth time, I'm in a futuristic world, I died at 15 years old again... The 5th, 6th, 7th, 18th, 23rd, 55th, 68th, 132nd, 300th, 419th, 600th, 665th, 999th life... I kept dying and reincarnating and no matter what I do to prevent it, I kept dying the moment I turn 15 years old! Until I reached my 1000th life..... the moment I was born... within in the depths of my soul.. something felt different. =Update Schedule= Mon-Tue-Fri-Sat-Sun [2000+ words per chapter] Disclaimer: This is my first time writing an original story so be warned that there will be plenty of infodumps in the first dozen chapters because I didn't take this story seriously at that time, if I somehow finish this story, I will rewrite those chapters so it could become more reader-friendly.

DrDedot · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Otherworldly Presence

'Now that I think about it, I couldn't pick up any sort of mana leaking out from that little cutie'

She then turned her head to look at the smiling town lord, waiting to receive her news.

She shook away those thoughts out of her head and faced the town lord with a smile of her own.

"I apologize, the guest in question seemed to not want to get disturbed," she said.

"Seemed?" Stewart asked.

"The guest applied a magic barrier around his room so I was unable to relay sir town lord's words," she said with an apologetic expression.

"That's okay, it's not your fault that the honored guest is busy"

They were not ignorant, Revlo putting up a barrier on his room meant that he didn't want to be disturbed, Stewart also didn't force nor give any sort of trouble to the inn's manager lest he makes a bad impression towards the member of the Mason Clan.

He turned his head and saw that the people were already crowding outside and making a commotion, thankfully, his knights were here to make sure things doesn't get too hectic.

"Excuse me, I will be leaving a knight here, please make sure to send my message towards the honored guest," he said and turned around and walked towards the exit.

He put his hand behind his coat and pulled out an old-looking scroll and handed it to a heavily armored knight whose face cannot be seen.

'A return scroll'

The Inn's proprietress widened her eyes in shock due to the scroll that Stewart just handed out.

A return scroll is an item engraved with a spatial spell that can teleport anyone to a location they have visited before.

What Stewart just handed to the knight is a return scroll receiver, meaning that if he has a return scroll on his person then all he needed to do was to rip that scroll apart and he will be teleported to where that knight was, the one holding a return scroll receiver.

'To think the town lord would even use a return scroll and a return scroll receiver just to meet up with that kid, just who on earth is he to receive that much attention from someone like the town lord?'

The proprietress' interest suddenly rose, a return scroll was not an item that anyone could just have, even some nobles from other kingdoms would not have the privilege to own one, the reason that Stewart has one is that he got lucky when he bought one during an auction where not a lot of people attended.

A return scroll could only be used once before it becomes useless but it was still a precious item to have since there are not that many champions that could use space magic compared to the other attributes, also depending on the situation, a return scroll could save your life when encountering imminent danger, a life-saving straw if you will.

In a quiet room, Revlo, still in a lotus position continued to use the heavenly breathing technique, he was oblivious to what transpired downstairs but even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

He was veiled in a rainbow-colored aura as his magic core oscillated at a slow speed.

'As expected, my mana reserves already surpassed what I previously had, about a 20% increase but it looks like I'm about to hit my limit, well the heavenly breathing technique is a lot better than the traditional method of accumulating mana that the people of this world had been doing'

Revlo said in his thoughts.

His mana reserves are already doubled that of ordinary champions of the same rank, a 20% increase is already a huge improvement, this was credited to the heavenly breathing technique.

'Mana concentration and density also experienced a boost. Correspondingly, the power of my spells would also increase, well this is still not sufficient to win against Elvina in a head-on clash but this is already enough to avoid suffering a defeat'

As mana in the surroundings continues to get sucked in, Revlo assumed the same position for the rest of the day until he needed to sleep.

It was morning, Revlo just woke up and rubbed his eyes.

He noticed that the barrier rune and silence rune was still activated, so he made some hand motions in the air and the runes slowly vanished out of existence.

The second after the runes disappeared, sounds that came from downstairs and the outside immediately entered the room.

Revlo wore a new set of clothes and headed downstairs.

He checked his stats and even though the rating for his magic core progress didn't change, some things did.


Name : Revlo Mason (1001st life)

Age : 9 (15000+ years)

Race : Human

Magic Core Progress : Novice-Rank (S) ---> no changes

Strength : Novice-Rank (E) ---> Novice-Rank (D)

Agility : Novice-Rank (C+) ---> no changes

Magic : Novice-Rank (S) ---> Novice-Rank (SS)

Spirit : Saint-Rank (F-) '''disguised''' '''Mystic (SSS+++)'''


Since his mana reserves, mana concentration, and mana density experienced some growth due to the heavenly breathing technique, the rating for his magic parameter increased from S to SS, the strength parameter had grown as well from E to D, which was an extra benefit that the breathing technique gave since mana would enter his body, his flesh will experience some sort of natural tempering, even though he didn't perform any sort of exercises.

Of course, as a side effect, his muscles felt like it was burning and they ached everywhere, his body lived a sedentary lifestyle and had not been prepared for the sudden increase in his physical abilities, an increase of a whole rating should not be underestimated.

'Magic Core Progress didn't change one bit, well not that I expected it to rise that quickly anyway'

Revlo, who was viewing his stats, commented.

It may seem like raising parameter ratings looked too easy, but in all honesty, raising your rating by just one letter would take weeks, months, or even years, even Revlo was not an exception.

Revlo had been stuck with the same status for 4 years and those stats that rose only needed a little push to up their ratings anyway.

Revlo calculated in his mind that it would take about 3 months to raise his magic core progress from the S rating to SSS, give or take, then he would gain the qualification to rank up to Intermediate and this is already taking the heavenly breathing technique into account.

This growth speed could already be considered extremely fast if anyone knew of it... no, it was more accurate to say that this type of speed would be unprecedented and unparalleled, a record that will never be broken.

For more context, someone like Elvina, a talent that is considered a monstrous genius that even impressed someone like Revlo took 3 years to rank up from Novice-Rank to Intermediate-Rank.

It may look like her speed of advancement seem a bit slow but to the people of this world, this speed would be more than enough to leave their mouths agape from pure amazement, for the majority, it would take them about 6-7 years to do the same thing that Elvina did in just 3 years.

If you do the math, from F to SSS, 9 ratings, in 3 years, which means, on average it took her 4 months to raise her rating to just one letter and this was already enough to be labeled as a monstrous genius to the eyes of others.

'If I'm not wrong, my magic core progress would be raised to SS in a week, if I keep maintaining a steady pace' Revlo thought.

He then sensed a gaze locked on him the moment he step foot on the first floor.

He turned his head slightly only to see the innkeeper staring straight at him.

She started walking toward him with a slow gait and stopped right in front of him with a friendly smile.

"Hey cutie, could I have a moment"

It may sound like she was flirting with him but Revlo could see that she had a serious look on her face but tried to hide it, she also has a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Seeing Revlo pausing his steps, the innkeeper took that as affirmation and said.

"I was asked to tell you that the town lord wanted to see you, I don't know the details but..."

She pointed he fingers to a heavily armored knight holding an old-looking scroll standing just beside the entrance.

"If you're interested, that knight over there will accommodate you, seriously.. he has been standing there since yesterday, what incredible discipline he has"

Revlo's gaze followed to where the innkeeper was pointing and from the contents of what the innkeeper said, the town lord visited the inn just to see him and this happened yesterday, he blocked off his room to avoid getting disturbed which is probably why he left without meeting him.

'I expected as such' Revlo thought.

Ever since he revealed his identity as a member of the Mason Clan, not that he was purposely hiding it anyway, he anticipated such a situation but didn't think that the baron would take action so quickly.

'Well, that is the nature of aristocrats' Revlo thought.

It was not that surprising that the town lord came to meet him, for a low ranking noble in a small kingdom, the Mason Clan is like giants that he had to look up to, Revlo could pretty much guess Stewart's line of thinking.

'Well, I had a purpose in mind, so might as well accept his invitation but...' His thoughts trailed off as he walked toward the armored knight.

The knight had also been staring at him when he heard what the innkeeper said.

'So young' the knight thought.

'And his eyes and his aura... it somehow gives me the creeps' he said in his mind.

Those dead, terrifying, and emotionless eyes that shined like the starry sky in the darkest of nights and the cold and gloomy aura that he felt from the boy, his instincts were telling him that Revlo was not someone ordinary like his young appearance was nothing more than a shell and what lies within was a deep bottomless abyss that no amount of light could reach.

It was mainly because of the otherworldly aura he emanated and his pair of eyes that would mesmerize one's soul, the knight felt that his soul was getting sucked in like a vacuum through those eyes.

A notion suddenly popped up in his mind that the child in front of him was not an entity that belonged in this world.

It was hard to describe what the knight felt that he started questioning why he was feeling this way and thought that he was in some sort of illusion.

He shook his head and regained his composure but sweat dripped down on his forehead but no one could see it because of the armor he was wearing.


He was surprised, he was a master-rank champion and the most trusted knight of the Kiply household, he was also one of the strongest individuals in this town, yet he was intimidated by a 9-year-old, he started to doubt if his previous state was true or not.

'Maybe it's because I hadn't slept all night and I just felt tired'

He assured himself.

This was a logical assumption, he didn't rest for a single second the moment the town lord handed him a return scroll receiver and he stood by without moving an inch the whole time, this was in the case that if the guest from the Mason Clan decided to leave, he would be able to alert the town lord.

But when he looked at Revlo once more, that strange feeling slowly crept up again, he was now sure that what he felt earlier was not an illusion.

It was not like Revlo was intentionally doing this, anyone would feel this whenever someone would directly look at Revlo's eyes, this was due to the disparity of their spirit power, Revlo's spirit would leak out of his eyes, what the knight just felt is Revlo's Mystic-Rank spirit inadvertently pressuring the poor knight's master-rank spirit.

Both the innkeeper and the knight felt this invisible spiritual pressure whenever they gazed upon Revlo's eyes, the reason the knight felt this more intensely even though his rank was higher is that his senses were much sharper and keener compared to the innkeeper, as a knight, he had fought many life and death battles, thus his instincts at perceiving danger are much more intense than most.

But he didn't let this get to him, he only felt this for a moment before he raised his spiritual defenses and greeted Revlo respectfully like nothing just happened.

"Baron Stewart Kiply would like to invite sir Mason to the town hall, we would be grateful if sir would accept my lord's invitation"

While he was saying this, he made sure to not look Revlo in the eyes.

At his words, Revlo just stared at him without saying anything.

The knight thought Revlo didn't manage to hear him and repeated what he said.


The response was still the same, the atmosphere suddenly turned heavy as Revlo continued to stare at the knight without a change in his facial expressions.


The knight swallowed the saliva that was accumulating in his mouth as beads of sweat started dripping down all over his face.

"Why would I waste my time coming to him? I haven't eaten breakfast yet, tell him to come here at noon"

A sentence was spoken in a voice of a child that hasn't even experienced puberty broke the silence.

Those words sounded arrogant, if anyone else were to say this, this would've been enough for someone to land in a prison cell, treating a noble like a subordinate would have serious consequences after all.

But the knight didn't find anything wrong with this sentence, it was the town leader that needed to meet up with Revlo, not the other way around, don't forget, a baron of a small kingdom versus a member of a giant powerhouse like the Mason Clan, whose background runs deeper here?

Revlo had the capability to be arrogant in front of a low-ranking noble, the knight could not refute this, so he bowed toward Revlo and walked away, probably to pass on Revlo's words.

The people inside the inn had nervous and anxious looks on their faces as they gazed at Revlo's figure, to think that someone was brave enough to treat the town lord like some sort of lackey but not only the most trusted knight of the Kipley household didn't apprehend him, he also bowed respectfully and left without making a fuss.

'Who is this kid?' They all thought.