
A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Hi, I'm Revlo, the main character, the title speaks for itself, an isekai story. Somehow I died by getting hit by truck-kun when I was walking home from school and got reincarnated into a world of magic and swords. Elves, fairies, and goblins roam this world that resembles that of the middle ages. Don't tell me I'm gonna be one of those isekai protagonists where I get cheats and become op?... Wait, where is my cheat? I don't get a system? or any talent in magic? Well that's okay, I have the knowledge that I got on modern-day Earth, I'll use this to get any advantage that I can.... and I died at the age of 15, seriously? before my legend even began, I died just like that? Wait! I got reincarnated again! This time I'm in a cyberpunk world... I still don't have cheats and my knowledge is useless in a cyberpunk world... frick... well I got a second chance, I won't waste it, I don't know how I died in my previous life but I'm gonna make the most out of this....15 years later... I died again... The third time, I'm in a cultivation world, I died at 15 years old again... The fourth time, I'm in a futuristic world, I died at 15 years old again... The 5th, 6th, 7th, 18th, 23rd, 55th, 68th, 132nd, 300th, 419th, 600th, 665th, 999th life... I kept dying and reincarnating and no matter what I do to prevent it, I kept dying the moment I turn 15 years old! Until I reached my 1000th life..... the moment I was born... within in the depths of my soul.. something felt different. =Update Schedule= Mon-Tue-Fri-Sat-Sun [2000+ words per chapter] Disclaimer: This is my first time writing an original story so be warned that there will be plenty of infodumps in the first dozen chapters because I didn't take this story seriously at that time, if I somehow finish this story, I will rewrite those chapters so it could become more reader-friendly.

DrDedot · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Lazy Revlo

"Hey Bastard, where has that kid gone off to again?"

A beautiful blonde woman with green eyes yelled who strangely enough had a golden halo on the top of her head, this was not an accessory, this signified someone of the angel race, this was Revlo's Mother in this current life, Celine Mason.

The angel race is a mighty race along with the other myriads of races within the Fallen Star World, though they look like the typical angel race that you would imagine, with a halo on their heads and wings on their backs(that they can retract anytime), in this world's lore, they don't serve the gods or subservient to them.

They are their independent race, there may be over thousands of different races that exist here but the major races that rule this world are the Human race, Angel race, Elves, Beastmen, The Seafolk, The Demons of the Nether Realm, The Dragons of the Blazecold Realm and the Phoenix of the Six Feathers Realm.

Popular races like dwarves, fairies, spirits, and others could not be classified as a major race, to have the qualifications to be a major race, you got to at least have a population of over 10000 and that's the easiest requirement to meet, to become a major race, you got to make your race rule a certain settlement or form a powerful force, which only the above were able to do.

There had been many races that had been revoked of their major race title such as the Iron Mountain Kingdom that the dwarves used to have.

Though there is no actual benefit if your race were to be classified as a major race, other than bringing glory and bringing pride to your race, there are those that don't even care about it but there are those who want their race to flourish.

Being titled as a major race means that you are standing toe to toe with the others with their heads held up high.

Of course with so many races coexisting in this world, racial discrimination is inevitable, with the target of being the bullied are usually those who are not part of the major races.

"Why are you calling your husband a bastard? Most women would say sweet things like honey or dear"

A handsome man with black hair and yellow-colored eyes complained with an aggrieved tone.

If you looked closely, there seems to be electricity dancing around in his pupils, he was a head taller than his wife at 1.9 meters tall, this was Revlo's father in this current life, Vorne Mason.

They seemed like they were arguing, but those who know them very well could tell that they are usually like this.

Hearing what the man said, Celine rolled her eyes and showed a smile that would send chills down to anyone's spine which seemed to be strangely unfitting despite her beauty.

"Oh~ Dear~ Honeybun~ Where is our precious sweet bundle of life~" She said with a sweet tone that would usually fit with her looks but if any of the people that personally knew her heard this, they would be creeped out by this instead.

As expected, Vorne visibly cringed by the way she talked, like he just witnessed a video of his mother dancing on tiktok.

"He is probably reading books or resting at his usual spot otherwise he would sleeping on his bed" Vorne said.

Hearing this, Celine frowned, she was both worried and confused about her son's behavior.

Revlo is currently 8 years old but all he had done every single day is read books, rest, sleep, eat and repeat.

And the look in his eyes always creeped her out, it felt like he had no emotions, there were no inflections in his gaze and whenever she tried to talk to him, he would either nod or say 'yes or no', even as his mother, she could barely recall him say anything else!

The Mason couple was worried, Revlo didn't act like a child would usually act, he was strangely mature than most adults and he would spend his time lazing around and not do anything other than following his usual routine.

He never played with kids his age or show any curiosity whatsoever, he looked more reclusive than a monk practicing abstinence.

In fact, in the village they were in, other than a few people, no one had ever seen a trace of him nor his face.

It was like he was purposely distancing himself from them.

His father even tried telling stories of himself in his past just to bond with him, and to be fair, as someone who is regarded as a hero by the majority of the people of the world, his past experiences and adventures were so exciting that you could make 10 seasons worth of anime content out of it.

And yet, his reactions were so dull, it looked like he was hearing a story of an old man and he even yawned like he was bored to death.

The only time he would actively engage in a conversation with his parents is when he would ask for books for him to read or teach him some magic.

Whenever their son talked to them of his own volition, it would make them so excited that it's actually hilarious, well no one can blame them, their son talking to them is rarer than a blue moon.

They had to assess multiple times if there was actually anything wrong with him like a mental illness or anything similar, but no matter how they looked into it, he was perfectly healthy.

They had a child so they can experience what it is like to be in a family, they wanted to do things a parent would do to their child, they wanted to take care of their child, scold him, wipe their tears when he cries, watch him play with other kids and much more.

But they never experienced any of that and it felt like they were living with a reclusive old man instead.

So they had another child, this time they gave birth to a daughter who is 5 years younger than their son.

Seeing actual emotions on their daughter's face gave them the satisfaction that they never got from Revlo.

Speaking of their daughter, she just entered the room the moment the father just finished speaking.

"Where is big bwother?" The little girl said but she stuttered a bit at the end, she had the same black hair as his father but has her mother's green eyes.

Celine grabbed her into her arms and said.

"He is probably napping and lazing around somewhere, I swear that boy is the laziest person in the world and quite possibly in the five realms"

Strangely enough, the little sister is weirdly attached to his brother, there was that one time when she kept crying no matter what the parents did to pacify her and it wasn't until that Revlo held her that she stopped.

So whenever Revlo goes missing, the first thing she would always ask is where her brother had gone off to.

It was like an instinct that she would ask that.

"Don't worry my little Rena, he will come back like he always does" Vorne reassured her.

"I wonder how does the little bastard do it, I scanned the area around us and even if my magical sense covers the entire continent, I can't seem to find him, even if his spirit power is saint-rank, heck even if any demi-god tried to hide from me, they would have to concentrate all their magic into hiding themselves to avoid my senses" Celine said.

"You've seen him in action during magic training, this guy... is not normal and can't be judged using normal standards, any lessons I try to teach him, he soaks it up like a sponge, even some topics about magic and magic theory that could confuse even legendary rank champions is nothing to him" Vorne said.

"The angel race prides itself to have senses just as sharp as a dragon's, now that pride had been hurt by an 8-year old" Celine said in a condescending tone.

"The only downside is that he is too lazy and doesn't bother with training, despite his deep knowledge and talents, he is still a novice rank!" Vorne said with indignation and regrets.

Novice-ranked champions are the lowest and weakest of the champions and even though the average age of someone that could become a novice-rank champion is somewhere around 13-14 years old and Revlo was only 8, Vorne was certain that if Revlo trained and strived to become stronger he would become at least be an Intermediate-ranked champion by now.

Despite his son's interest in magic and having read a ton of grimoires and books, it looked like he doesn't want to become a champion but rather become a scholar instead.

Vorne felt this was a waste and tried to persuade his son but Revlo would only just stare back at him without saying a word.

Vorne sighed and knew that he couldn't force his son to decide what path he could take, he was just worried that when the time comes for him to explore the world, he would be too weak to defend himself if he were to face danger

The world was a cruel place despite not being in a state of war, there were just too many dangers and you need a certain amount of strength to survive.

Sometimes the couple just felt like their own son doesn't see them as his parents and more like strangers that he conveniently lives with.

Though they were impressed at how Revlo had managed to evade Celine's magical senses, it gave them some assurance that their son was not totally useless.

How many people in this world could avoid the famous magical senses that angels have? and that angel is Celine Mason, a legendary-ranked champion, other than mystic-rank(demi-god) legendary-ranked champions would be the strongest, almost untouchable by those of lower level.

Angels were known to have the sharpest senses among the races with the exclusion of dragons and they were impossible to assassinate, they would know where you were coming from long before you arrived.

Even if that assassin was a level higher than the angel, he/she would still be detected and it takes at least a two-level gap to be able to evade their magical senses.

An angel's senses were the main reason how they got to be among the 8 major races in the Fallen Star World and an 8-year somehow accomplished such a feat, anyone who heard of this would be shocked.

They don't know how Revlo managed to do it but seeing his creative ways of applying magic during training, they had no choice but to believe it, sometimes whenever Revlo demonstrates his magic in front of his parents, they would find themselves learning from him.

Actually, during the 'magical lessons' that happened, the parents couldn't find a single thing to teach their son, it was like he knew pretty much everything there is to know.

Revlo did not hold back at showing off at all, despite his indifferent attitude towards his parents, he had a hidden goal of making them stronger, showed them different ways to cast magic, and subtly 'taught' them in a way that his parents didn't even notice.

It was his way of showing gratitude for taking care of him and the love that they showed.

He didn't care if they found out that their 'child' was a 15000-year-old man, who had reincarnated a thousand times and had been in many different worlds before.

Despite his confidence in defeating those soul-snatching hands with the strength of his soul now, he was not 100% sure that he actually could.

There was no guarantee if his curse was not operating at full strength all this time and was toying with him in thinking that he had a chance during his 999th reincarnation.

Until he becomes 15 and managed to successfully repel his death curse, he would sincerely apologize to them for not being the best child and gave them the cold shoulder over and over again.

He was thankful to them that they didn't get mad or throw him away because of his attitude and continued to love him.

He had experienced this numerous times already, he had all sorts of parents from good to bad to worse, he felt he was lucky that he had good parents in this life where he had a chance that he could finally break free from this curse.

In a field of grass in an unknown place, a boy was lying down using his arms as a pillow, he seemed to be peacefully sleeping.

He looked no different from an ordinary boy but if anyone who specializes in soul magic were to see him, they would feel some weird energy being emitted from this boy.

Revlo was not lazy nor he was sleeping, this was using a technique that he got from one of the worlds that he got reincarnated into that nourished the soul.

He was using a soul-nourishing technique!

It was called the 'Soul Strengthening Scripture', he received this by luck from adventuring in a cultivation world.

Methods of soul strengthening were hard to come by, even for Revlo who has been in over a thousand worlds.

Instead of training himself and increasing his strength that would get reset anyways every time he reincarnates, he put most of his efforts into using the 'Soul Strengthening Scripture'.

It was to prepare for his inevitable clash with his greatest enemy and break free from his curse once and for all!