
A Thousand and One Miles

The past few years have been rough for Harlow. Following a series of life changing events, she finds herself running away from sunny Southern California to the rolling fields and small town of St. Dalton Montana. Plagued by night terrors and anxiety, she considered it a perfect hide away. Unfortunately, she soon learns that St. Dalton has greater secrets then just hiding her away; and not all fairy tales remain within the boundaries of a story book. Tossed into a world she never believed in, she quickly learns of the secrets of the world that was always there. There she is forced to come to terms with her past, and what her future was always meant to be.

ATJudge · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


The rest of the month passed with a blur. What had once been a week before Thanksgiving was now the morning day itself. Harlow stood at the large base sink in Anne's kitchen, peeling carrots and potatoes. For once in a long time, Harlow felt well rested and happy. It had been a few weeks since her last night terror and she was really starting to feel at home in St. Dalton.

Viviana took the freshly shaven potatoes and cut them into cubes. Meanwhile Anne took the carrots and chopped them up for the turkey's stuffing. The three women bounced around, two of the three singing off tune to classic 80's tunes. One of the many things Harlow had come to love about Viviana's Aunt Roxanne, not including her amazing food, was her endless love for 80's music. The techno pop music of the 80's was something Harlow often found herself getting into. The three danced and sang together as they continued to work on the meal.

Anne only stopped in order to place steaming stuffing in the turkey. Opening the oven, she slid the turkey into it and closed the door. The current song ended and Harlow looked to Anne, "That was the last of the potatoes, should I start on the yams now?" Anne nodded, picking up the spare peeler. "Yes, and I'll help you. Vivi, you slice and layer them into that dish over there. There's already some brown sugar but if you want to sprinkle some onto the yams, I won't object." Viviana nodded, and took the first cleaned yam from Harlow.

The rest of the day went by as quickly as it came, and soon everyone was sitting around the dining room table. It reminded Harlow of her first night in St. Dalton. Anne's cooking on the table, Viviana's family welcoming her in as if she was one of their own.

"So, how have you two been? It's been about two weeks since you've been over." Ben, Viviana's uncle, took a good bite from his corn on the cob. "Well, I've been busy at the vet and I've started to volunteer at Elementary school after-school program on my days off. I really love and have missed working with kids."

Viviana took a sip of sparkling grape juice. She was the only one at the table, minus TJ, who wasn't drinking wine. One, because she was the driver to get herself and Harlow home and two, because she had never liked the taste of anything alcoholic in her twenty three years. "What about you Lolo, how has everything been working for you?" Harlow smiled as Anne's nickname for her. It was sweet and comforting.

"Oh its been great Anne. I've gotten great arm strength since starting at Ol' Dalton. actually I've been so busy these past few weeks. Ever since I made me the winter's first female soloist Director Edwards has been working me non-stop. He just told me the other day that I'm supposed to be the town's Christmas Crier at the parade. You know the one next weekend, Saturday night?" Both Anne and Ben nodded their heads. "Of course, we love that parade."

"Oh Anne's favorite part is the lighting of the town."

"But Ben never pays any heed to the town, just stares up at the town tree like a child!" The couple giggled, leaning in towards one another. It was sweet. "And to think this year, Lolo will be the Christmas Crier! What an honor!"

Harlow nodded her head, "Yeah, I was really confused when Edwards first approached me about it. Then he explained the actual role. I've never sang in a parade before, or at a tree lighting. It's exciting. Edwards and I have been working on the most perfect plan for how the lights will go off this year. He's excited to finally get the chance to mix it up."

The whole group laughed. As Harlow had long learned, everyone in St. Dalton knew of each other. You may never say more than two words to the person, but in St. Dalton you knew them. Harlow had also learned rather quickly that Edwards was the most frantic theater director ever put on the planet. He embodied the role as if he was in a movie. Not that she minded, his craziness was comforting to her.


"Thanks again Auntie! Love you all!" Pulling away from the house, Harlow stuck her head out of the window, "Bye Anne! Bye Ben!"

Viviana pulled her friend back into the car and rolled the window up. "You know what Viv? I love your family- I mean, your aunt can cook and your uncle is so 'unny. I don-even care if TJ is just gross sometimes- I can deal! I can ddeeaall!" Falling back into the seat, Harlow fell into a pit of endless laughter. Viviana rolled her eyes. How Harlow was so drunk baffled her. She was mostly grateful that though Harlow was an emotional drunk; that emotion typically was happy.

"Hey, Viv, wanna know somethin' else?" Viviana nodded her head, pulling out of Kurt Pines. "You- you gotta promise me though- you gotta promise me you won-tell no one; 'kay?"

"Okay Low, what is this deep dark secret?" Beside her, Harlow hiccupped and her eyelids covered half of her eyes. Just as Viviana thought she was going to go to sleep, she sat up in a jerking movement. "I..." she leaned over and Viviana could smell the vile smell of wine on her breath. Harlow's smile lifted higher on her face.

"I may, or maybe not, like some'ne." Viviana frowned. "You like someone?" Harlow fell back into her seat, laughing. "That's just it- I don-even know! It's so confusing. I feel pulled to 'em but I don-want no man now. I want it to be just us- you and me- ffoorreevveerr!" Harlow flung her arms out and a hand almost hit Viviana straight in the face. Gripping her wrist, Viviana pushed it away.

"Who is it Low, who do you feel pulled to?" Harlow leaned over towards her again, "Colton!" Smiling like a child, Harlow giggled like she was in middle school again. "Well fuck me softly with a chainsaw." Viviana hit the steering wheel, and Harlow frowned. "I still 'ove you Viv, so much!" Viviana rolled her eyes, and groaned.

The next morning Viviana headed out, leaving Harlow home to nurse her hangover in bed. Viviana, who had the day off as well, skipped the Black Friday sales. She got in her car and instead headed back out to Kurt Pines. She couldn't help but think how ironic it was that the people she loved the most and the ones she hated the most, all lived within the same sprawling development. Fate enjoyed annoying her.


Parking her car, she got out and moved with a mission. Not even knocking, and knowing the door would be unlocked, Viviana entered into Colton's sprawling home.

Taking a second, she listened. As she figured he was in the kitchen. Entering in, Colton sat on the counter top, the rustic room bringing up old memories. "Viviana, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?" Viviana rolled her eyes, he was under-the-table asking if Harlow was okay. "Everything's just fine- but listen here, you are not allowed to hurt her, got it?" Colton frowned as she pointed her finger at him, and threw what was left of his apple into the trash. "What?"

"Congrats- you were right." Viviana tossed her arms up in the air." You found your mate, woo-fucking-hoo."

Colton snorted. "Yeah I found her and she wants nothing to do with me- you have nothing to worry about. I haven't even seen her since we had coffee a week and half ago." Underneath Colton's tone of anger and frustration, Viviana could hear the small sliver of fear. She relaxed a bit, leaning on the island.

"Look, I know Harlow okay? I also know how the stupid Mate Bond works. It's already working, I know. Just trust me. One day and I don't know how soon that day will be; Harlow will fall to to the bond. When that day comes, you have to tell her. Everything. About you, the pack, the bond, her title-everything. Got it?"

"And what about you? Should I tell her about you too?" Viviana sneered at her former alpha, though the act wasn't directed at him. "What's there to tell? Colton, I'm not one of you- I have hid nothing from her."

Colton scoffed this time. "Hate to break it to you, Viviana, but you were born a member of this pack. He looked tired as he finished, "No matter how much you try to deny us; you will always be a member."

"Well I hate to break it to you, Colton, but it's hard to be a member of a lycan pack when you have no wolf." Viviana could feel the tears starting to rise in her throat, "You're so ignorant sometimes." Turning Viviana moved the front door. Slamming it behind her, she rushed out to her car. As she started it up, the tears started to come down. With a groan she wiped them away and headed toward her Aunt's house. She needed some advice.