
What the storm brought to me

Faced with this black storm, only imaginative ironies come to me that bring with them hidden feelings that I can only recognize, when I am surrounded by a romantic landscape, where I can see the blackest flower as the brightest and most splendid of all, there where my Tears are transformed into melancholic smiles that are the spitting image that I cannot ignore the memories of you that only appear to stab that heart of mine that is never cured by your damn absence, that mysterious absence that only appears in the most doubtful moments of my life However, I must admit that beyond the pain that your memory causes me, you also do me good, every time you come to my mind in those lonely nights in an unexpected way and cause a sigh in me so strong that sometimes I see visions, where you appear and you tell me that although we are estranged, there is a very strong story between you and me, that no matter how much we caress each other in other arms to forget our caresses yesterday, we will not be able to forget that great Love that we had, that by making it live among us, we sign it with the indelible ink of our hearts.