
A Technologist's life

A young girl from the times of the 1830's aspires to become a world-breaking technology developer, but being raised in the streets of France, always being chased away from the shining shops stops her from doing so, but one day an old man takes her under his protection. The old man supports her till he is unable to function, now she is working hard to achieve her dream, but as always, obsticles stop her from pursuing her future. But something happens and she is in a "New World".

Just_Damask · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 1

*Pant* *Pant* "Get out of my way!" I keep running and running, almost out of breath with my heartbeat high to a point where I heard if you heartbeat reaches a certain number you could die, "Where is he!?" I ask impatiently. "Calm down Pythia. He is here..." says someone, but I don't pay attention that moment, because all I saw, was the dead body of my Saviour.

His skin looked pale, more paler than when he was ill or troubled. His eyes closed, face expressionless, still as a statue not moving a single breath, of course he died. With a flower in his hand, inside the casket.

"H-hey... it's not funny anymore old man..." *sob* "Just... just tell me this wasn't why you sent me away..." *sob* "Please..."

I wish I could go back in time. The time before he sent me away, the time where we would discuss controversial topics and debate as the time would fly by, the time where we would go help out the children on the streets, the time where we didn't have to say goodbye to each other...