


I was sitting on my bed, smiling to myself because my first plan had succeeded. Now, all that's left is Marlvin to be mine. I smiled at the thought.


"You owe me, Frank." I told him "I saved you thrice."

"Thank you, Kirsty. Frank hissed. "So what do you want from me?"

I felt irritated because I have never been fond of vampires. They disgust me but I didn't have a choice but to make him my accomplice. That's why I have saved him.

"Well, what I want is very simple, if we play it cool and have a good plan." I said.

"And whats that? he cocked his eyebrow maybe wondering what could be driving a werewolf to pair up with its biggest enemy. "What you want, I mean."

"I want Marlvin to be mine." I said and he laughed.

"Do I look like a match maker to you?" he hissed again.

"No, but you have role to play in this plan I have." I told him.