
Chapter 19: Royal Decrees

Vincent Ferrer was still looking at us as the roars of panthers sounded in the distance. I had to resist the urge to plug my ears. The roars were so powerful that I could feel them reverberate through my body. I didn’t like the feeling.

“What do we do?” I whispered to them both and Lonnie curtly shook his head and I frowned shutting my mouth and turning back to look at the man on the throne as he continued to just grin at us.

Slowly a line started to form in front of the throne, the people all look concerned and worried. Lonnie moved to get on the line, Wade and I followed. I looked out at the crowd, panthers laid on the stands and stared in the direction of the throne, the people who didn’t shift were doing the same. What the hell was this?

A man to the side of the throne, wearing no shirt and with tattoos covering his entire well-muscled body, hit the drum he was holding, and the room was silent.