
A Tale of Forbidden love

“His lips brushed through my ear, I can't seem to control myself when I am around you, baby sis. He whispered. “I have never felt this way before with anyone. “I would kill just to be by your side always, his words to me, sending cold shivers to my body. I wanted to kiss him, rip his clothes off and touch every part of him. He pressed me against his body, finding the zipper of my dress and sliding it down. Thought of me being married flashed, but It washed off with his touch. I was going to enjoy the moment. Samantha Alfonso has to leave her hometown and move into the mansion of her mother's new rich husband. She embraced her new beginning, there she met Jeremy Banks, her 30 year old two faced billionaire step brother, who grew up with a rough childhood. They fall madly in love with each other and begin a secret love affair,unknown to Samantha her hometown crawled back into her new life bringing unwanted revelations. Will Jeremy Banks' pretentious character of being a good son be brought to light? Will his love for his step sister turn into a disaster? Or Will Samantha Alfonso quench the candle of love between her and her step brother and reunite with her mysterious Ex? Find out what happens….

Onahi_Andrew · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 12

He paused, his eyes searching mine. "Do you want this? I would be slow and gentle" he said in a whisper.

"With my body already on fire, no one has ever made me feel this way, oh yeah I want this," I thought to myself.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I nodded, my heart pounding. "Yes, with you.

He pulled my body to him slowly, as he turned me to face him I could touch his manly chest, my body shuddered with pleasure I had never known before and to the point that I was dripping wet down there.

My panties were warm with my warm juice, and I was feeling hot inside, my nipples hardened.

"Fuck" he made me moan.

I could feel my cunt dripping with my juice.

He took off my dress,as I helped him undress his trousers.

He kept planting kisses all over my body, which kept sending cold shivers down my spine.

Damn! He hasn't touched me yet but I'm so soaked, the thought of his touch got me dripping.

He spanked my butt, making me moan again.

I'm sure my butt cheeks are all red now.

"Please…." I was cut short when I felt his lips on mine, sliding his tongue into my mouth.

Gosh,….He tastes like mint.

I pulled him closer, so close as I wrapped my hands around his neck. This is the best kiss I have had in all my existence on Earth.

His grip on my butt tightened, he messaged and held them like it belonged to him.

Of course, it was now his, so I thought.

He finally breaks the kiss with the both of us panting and gasping for breath. He looked into my eyes, I suddenly looked away feeling shy, and blushed as he continued looking at me.

He brought back my face to look at him, as our gaze met. He was damn handsome.

Slowly I ran my hands on his tattooed chest as I explored it, he let out a soft moan as I rubbed his nipple, the sight of the tattoo triggered me more intensely.

"Fuck, you are driving me insane". He muttered in a husky voice.

He opened my bra within a second with his finger, I was curious how fast he did that.

Just as he took off my bra, my medium-sized pointed boobs bounced out, he cupped my boobs with his right hand as he trailed kisses down my neck.

I bit my lower lip as I moaned out, driving him crazy.

His other hand went to my waist as he stared down at me, he was quite tall, broad, and manly.

He kept whispering Sweet words to me, "I'm going to do crazy things to you…." but the pleasure from the torture would not allow me to understand everything he was saying, as my brain kept acting up.

He continued licking and biting my neck driving me insane, making my leg weak but his hold on my leg was firm.

He kept sulking over my neck and rubbing my breast, when I couldn't take it anymore I dipped my hands into his hair and I ran my hands through his scalp.

I wonder about the hair gel he uses, he smells like watermelon, and lavender, Damn!!

All this while we were standing and not in bed yet.

He tore my pants making me grasp, my butt bounced out, and I closed my face with my hands feeling shy. Well, I guess it's normal I haven't done this before.

If this was the feeling of this, I cussed myself for not doing it long before now, does this feel the same with every guy or is it just different?

I decided to calm him carefully because it sounded sexy to me.

He carried me and dropped me gently on the bed

"At last," I thought.

"Spread those legs wide," his husky voice said, his tone obvious it wasn't a suggestion.

I quickly did as he said.

"You are too beautiful," he said as he stood at the edge of the bed removing his pants, and his 6 inches dick sprang out fully erect, making my pussy wetter.

I swallowed hard the saliva in my mouth, it was so big and the thought of it inside of me almost made me run but I kept my cool.

I felt him position himself towards my entrance, his cock head kept rubbing my pussy lip, making it so hard for me to breathe, It felt so good.

"You are so tight honey, and that is why I'm trying to go easy," he said in the most sexy tone.

I nodded, understanding what he meant but still wanted all of him inside me so badly.

"You would enjoy this I promise you" With that he thrusted into me, making me gasp and moan loudly as I held the sheet with my eyes shut as I tried to accommodate his size.

"You are fuckin tight baby" he muttered.

"Auuuuuuch" I moaned as he thrust deep in a not-too-fast, not-too-slow rhythm.

Why does it feel like pain and pleasure at the same time? 

Is this how it feels? I asked myself.

He spanked my ass, "ouch" I moan jolting out of my thoughts.

He lowered his head towards me as he kept looking into my eyes while thrusting, his cute lips close to mine, they were irresistible and tempting.

Before I could think about it, the whole of his lips covered mine, devouring my lips like his life depended on it. He bit my lower lip as the kissing got intense. I couldn't get enough of him as a moan escalated.

I ran my hands through his neck as I pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. "Fuck" I have never felt this way all my life.

He breaks the kiss leaving the both of us gasping for air, he wasted no time in cupping my boobs into his mouth. "Ahhhhh fuck" I moaned, the pleasure was too much for me to handle.

He sulked over my boobs as if his life depended on it while he cupped the other boobs in his hands, then he trailed kisses from my neck down to my cleavage and then to my belly button adoring my body like gold.

This time my moaning was louder, I tried moving my hips as the pleasure was much but he pinned me down as he lifted both of my hands above my head and held it there.

He began another round of torture as he positioned at my entrance and this time without a warning sign he thrust into me.

Making me moan loudly, I ache my back pleasure, he pulled out immediately and watched my juice drip out from my pussy, he smirks and immediately covers my pussy with his mouth as he sucks on it.

Almost out of breath, I swung my hips as his mouth and tongue were doing the thrusting, the pleasure was out of this world.

I squirt immediately, as I watched him such in all of me and licked me up, he took his rod digging deep into me, *Damm fuck" I moaned.

He started off slowly, I looked at him and screamed faster baby, looking like he was waiting for an order immediately he started his pace thrusting into me harder and faster.

I could barely meet any of his thrust, thrusting faster and faster my wall tightened. Damn, I'm about to come, I wanted to come but he was fast to notice.

"Let it all out honey," he said and just like that we both cummed, I laid back in bed too weak to get up and clean up.

He brought a towel from the bathroom and cleaned me up and himself too. He joined me on the bed and pulled me close to himself as he gav

e me a light kiss on my head.

I smiled, having a lot on my mind but was too tired to say shit, I dozed off.