

Amongst a time of blood and enslavement, one girl struggles not to lose herself to the bloodshed.

Bonita_duba · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Part 12: The trouble with Ulsa



Their journey started early the next morning and she was very amused to see some of the solider sniffling yawns and rubbing their eyes. They were all tired. Including Hunter and Kalen. She wasn`t sure why Hunter was tired but she knew why Kalen was.

The Ranger had stayed up with her. He just spoke about the different tides of the seas or what new sea creatures were now rumored to be out in the Blue. He mentioned the name Laharika. A Goddess of the Blue.

Dev didn`t know anything about Laharika but she didn`t feel the need to ask. It wasn`t concerning her land so it was not important to her. She listened to his tales until she fell asleep. When she woke up, she discovered him still sleeping inside the stall with her.

He had spent the night leaning against the wall while she slept on the hay. That would not be comfortable. She had shaken him to wake him before they dawn set in.

She had promised Hunter that she would be outside waiting and she wanted to keep her promise. Kalen was forced to go outside and use a bucket to wash up. When he was gone, Dev ate her Makena and swallowed.

She was pushing it by taking it weekly but it was working. She just needed to keep taking it until this little quest was over.

When Hunter met her outside, she had saddled both their horses and had a wrapped piece of meat along with some nuts for him to eat. He took the food with a nod but Dev frowned when she saw him.

Even now as they were riding, she could see that he looked a little ill and was trying to stay up right. She urged her horse to ride up beside him and leaned over," Hunter? Are you ill? What did you drink last night?"

He looked up and Dev grew worried. His eyes were darting and he was blinking erratically. He was also pale and sweat was coating his brow. He looked a lot worse than when they set off from the hostel.


"Forgive me."

Dev blinked and frowned, "What do you mean?'

"You`ve done well but I have failed you."

Dev grew confused and turn to look around. Where we they going? What was the captain`s-

Her eyes grew wider. This track. The trees up in front of them. The direction they were going. Dev shook her head slowly, "No…no, you would not do this…"

She turned back to Hunter, feeling betrayal," How could – "

"Look out!"

A bright light lit the place up and the horses went crazy. There were shouts and Dev fell off her horse onto the ground. The impact knocked the wind out of her. Blinking harshly against the spots, she felt someone grab her hand and she screamed. The horses must have run as she heard the sounds of their hooves thundering off amid shouts.

"Dev, run!"

It was Hunter. She turned in the direction of his voice and struggled to her feet. Her sight was working but she could hear shouting and the sound of metal. Weapons. The Rangers were using their abilities.

She was then yanked in a direction she didn`t know but a hand. She tried to struggle but Hunter voice cut through her daze," Keep running Dev! We must reach the pool!"

Dev`s mind was racing and she blinded followed.

"The barrier has fallen! Retrieve the index!" A man from behind her yelled.

"Get to the index, men!" The captain yelled as well.


Her mind raced.

What was the index? And why were all these men after it?

Something went swishing over her shoulder and she stumbled as she vision cleared. Trees and vines. Glowing pale blue and white crystals hung on the branches and men fighting all around trying to get through the trees.


"We are inside Ulsa! We must reach the Pool now!" Hunter exclaimed from ahead as he stumbled over branches that seemed to wither every time he stepped on them," They are after the Index. A magical key that is being guarded by Inka. It unlocks the Armory of the Gods!"

"What? The Gods? The Armory? Hunter, you are not making - "

"Hurry, little helper! There isn`t much time!"

Dev turned to search for Kalen and saw that he was behind them running while being pursued by a solider with glowing hands. She quickly took the lead in running as Hunter was slowly down and huffing with each step. He just looked weaker and weaker.

They ran through the forest but Devi had to stop each time to hurry Hunter along and keep blinking. He didn`t look good. He was sweating even more and he looked like he was in pain.

Behind her, Kalen was hurrying her and the other soldiers along. The captain was now nowhere to be seen but the others from the other faction were here. Inside Ulsa. Ulsa had fallen. Her people`s safe haven was gone.

Dev wanted to cry. To stop and die but something small kept her going. She had never been inside but Hunter said they need to get to the pool. What pool?

That question was answered when they ran around a large cluster of trees and stepped into a circle of rocks that had a glowing pool in the center. A huge Witcka tree stood behind it with a throne at the bottom of its large buttress roots. To the left was a stone arch that had markings on it. It seemed to radiate power. It was like it wanted her to closer to it.

 Hunter slumped down and started to cough which stopped her in her tracks. When she tried to help him, something hit her against her side and she fell back to land on her side. Dev cried out at the pain. She had cut her face and scratched her hands.

When she looked around, her blood ran cold at the sight of one of the soldiers running towards Hunter with both hands lit up.

Gasping, she scanned the forest floor. A knife was lying next to the pool. Pushing herself up, she picked it up with only one thought in mind.


The solider was now standing over Hunter. With a surge of adrenaline, she lunges towards the enemy soldier, her strike precise and deadly. In a desperate attempt to protect her master, she plunges the dagger into the back of the soldier`s throat, his life essence dissipating into the enchanted air. He choked on his blood and crumbled down in front of Hunter but Dev did not stop, she just yanked the knife out and kept stabbing his head until blood spattered against her face. When she stopped, she took a shuddering breath and her eyes widened at what she had done.

Time seemed to stop as she sighed and dropped the bloodied blade.

Looking around, she saw that the captain was unconscious as well as Kalen. The other soldiers lay bleeding on the ground and the man that she had just killed was a bleeding mess.

The urge to vomit was going to hitting her and she turned away before swallowing harshly. She stumbled over to Hunter who was staring at her in awe. She kneels beside him whilst holding her face that had both the man`s blood and her own.

"I`m going to die," Dev said tearfully as she pressed a hand over her face. Her marks were burning against her face. She broke her vows. She hurt someone.

Not just harmed him.

She murdered someone so violently.

"No, you will not," Hunter said softly before he grabbed her hand. Picking up a rock from the forest floor, he reached out and sliced her palm. Dev cried out and tried to yank her hand back but Hunter held strong. For someone who was dying, he still had a lot of strength left. He wiped his blood and clasped their hands together before helping her back onto her feet.

Dev blinked.

Hunter`s blood.

It was the wrong color.

It was gold.

She frowned and sniffed, "Hunter? Why is your blood gold?"

Looking up, Hunter simply smiled sadly, "My little helper, I am not Hunter. My true new name is…Inka."

Dev felt her blood run cold and fresh tears fell from her eyes, "Ink?...I am already dead, am I?"

He shook his head, "No, you are not. There is not enough time, follow me," He then led her towards the pool in the middle. From the forest floor, Kalen who was trying to wake his captain, watched in confusion as the man led the boy to the pool.

At the edge of the pool, Inka was stopped when Dev stood her ground, "But?"

"Do you believe in me?" Inka asked her.

Dev winced at her burning marks before answering softly, "What?"

"Do you believe in me as your God?"

She nodded despite the pain she was in, "Yes!"

"And do you believe in the magic of the land?"

At that, she couldn`t stop the fresh set of tears from running down her face as she shook her head and began to sob, "I…I`m sorry, I do not. Not anymore…"

Inka was nothing but understanding as he stepped closer to her, "I understand that little helper. "

"I`m so sorry,"she whispered. The hope she had had died when Ulsa`s magic broke.

Inka pressed a gentle kiss to her hair before bringing their blood-soaked hands up for him to kiss as well. He then spoke gently but in voice that the hair on the back of her neck stand, "Do you remember what you said to me? That this land needed a monster in order to save its people?"

Dev nodded tearfully. Inka`s skin was slowly turning black as if he was being poisoned. His dark hair was losing its usual shine and he was sweating.

"Will you become that monster?"

A deadly silence filled the air.

Dev blinked as his words seemed to echo in the place. She shook her head slowly, "I…how? Why would you ask-"

 "Will you become the monster? The Protector of the land and the New God of the Zelowalli? One who will avenge us all?" Inka demanded to know. Dev scanned his face for any sign of remorse or anything other than sorrow. But that was all she could see on the God`s face. He wanted to truly know if she was ready to become a monster for her people.

Her mouth moved, "I...I…,"

Inka swallowed before speaking in grave tone, "I am dying. But I knew this day would come. When the Mother Deity gave birth to us, she warned me of a calamity that would separate me from my brethren. She told me that when my time came, I would need to find her. But I had to prepare for that day. So, I raised my land from the depths of the sea and then I gave my people their home. For many eons, I watched and waited for her. And finally, on a winter`s moon night, you were born and the sky lit up in green colors. Devina."

"I don`t understand," Dev muttered.

"I am not needed anymore. Bound by own vows to my people and my brethren, I could not rise up to help you. But you, you can."

Dev licked her lower lip, "How…how will I?"

Inka lifted her hands and clutched them tightly before speaking, "Take the new vows and rise up."

Dev thought about her life. From being happy to the dark days. The prisons. The crying. The hopelessness they all felt. And the death of her family. So many of them lost and now more will die because Ulsa was no longer protected. Inka was no more. But he was willing to make her the monster her people needed to be whole again.

That was all that mattered now.

Her people needed a monster. So it was now time for her to become one.

Dev nodded.

Inka smiled down at her, "Repeat these words: In blood and rage, I surrender my old vows. In his Blood, I take arms to protect the Zelowalli from all who seek to do us harm. Till the stars rain down from the sky. Hear me Mother Deity! Grant me the gifts of Inka, I…Devika, The Avenger."

She repeated them until the very last word.

 Inka and her turned and were slowly entered the pool until they were submerged in an instant.

The place suddenly went silent.

All creatures great and small all over the land stopped moving and looked toward Ulsa. The wind stopped blowing and the sun suddenly turned red. Even the prisoners in the camp stopped working as their marks burned bright white.

Down in Wharf Town and in the hostels, everyone started screaming and running outside to see the red skies. A loud woman`s scream was heard throughout the land

Under the water of the pool, Inka took his last breath before whispering, his voice echoing loudly in the pool," Devika. I will you my power. Rise. My Avenger."

They both lit up from below and above the pool, the water lit up in many colors of green.












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