
A Tale of Business and Romance. Chapter 18

"She's the daughter of a client that is important to the Ohtori family," Kyoya said quietly, yet to the whole Host Club. "I ask that you be sure not to do anything impolite."

The Host Club was sitting around talking about the incident yesterday when Renge hesitantly came in.

"Everyone," she called hesitantly, causing all of them to turn towards her. She took a few more steps into the room so now everyone could see that she was holding something behind her back. "Renge, your drawing card, has baked you some cookies!"

"Oh. . . how ladylike! I'm moved!" Tamaki cooed from the other side of the open door. Renge scowled at him and moved her little bag of cookies away from him.

"I didn't bake them for you, you phony prince," Renge replied coldly. Tamaki resided himself to his 'Corner of Woe' once again in utter defeat from the younger girl's words.

"They are a bit burnt, but I know what you are going to say, Kyoya-sama," Renge said as she walked up to Kyoya. 'Anything you make will be delicious, Renge,' the love-struck girl thought happily, holding her cheek as a light blush formed on her face. She sighed softly. "Oh, Kyoya-sama. . ."

"You're right, these are burnt," Hunny said, taking a small bite of one of the hard sweets.

"Mitsukuni, stop. They are bad for you," Mori quickly appeared next to his cousin, trying to get the small blonde to spit out the cookie. Renge turned around and seemed to attack the two with a Medusa-like appearance. The twins took this chance with Renge's cookies to show off their closeness with Haruhi to a flustered Tamaki.

"Haruhi, let's share a cookie," Kaoru said, placing a cookie in her mouth before she could respond, then breaking it apart by biting on the other end of the cookie.

"Ah, Haruhi, you have crumbs on your cheek," Hikaru commented, tilting her head slightly to the side and towards him before he licked the crumbs off. Tamaki immediately started to call them perverts and sexual harassers as Haruhi just stood there and rubbed her cheek.

"I guess they became a classmate trio when no one was looking," Kyoya guessed, smiling softly at the older three hosts as Tamaki freaked out about the twins touching Haruhi. Haruhi just seemed to shrug off their actions as the way the twins were and started to head over to Kagome.

"No! Your reaction is all wrong!" Tamaki screeched as he grabbed her face so she'd look at him, making the girl stop in her tracks. "This is where you are supposed to rebuff them and then casually brush them aside!"

"Please stop sexual harassing me, Senpai," Haruhi replied blankly, refusing to look at the older teen. Her reaction seemed to get Tamaki even more riled up. Kagome just walked up and pulled Haruhi away from the group with Tamaki slinking after the two girls as they walked back to the calm hosts.

"No! It's all too tepid!" Renge suddenly yelled at the whole group. They all turned to her, shock clear on their faces. "Except for Kyoya, all of your characters are too lackluster! All of you hosts are lacking a 'dark' side! Girls are vulnerable to handsome men going through trauma! If you keep carrying on in this ridiculous manner, it's only a matter of time before everyone gets tired of it! Are you trying to ruin Kyoya's precious business! As manager, starting today, I'm changing all of your character backgrounds! Starting with you!"

She pointed to Hunny, causing the small blonde to have tears form in his large brown eyes.

"If all you are is cute, inside and out, then you're the same as a baby!" she continued on, ignoring his tears as they began to flow. "As such, you are now 'The cute face that is actually a thug!' Morinozuka-senpai, you're the 'Childhood-friend flunky!' The twins will be basketball players 'Shut up in their own world!' Haruhi, you are an honor student faced with 'Intense bullying!' Kagome, you are the honor student that is 'Hiding a secret!' And, Tam-"

"Excuse me, Renge-chan," Kagome interrupted slowly, trying to be polite. Renge turned to her with a huff, obviously peeved that she was interrupted. "But what kind of secret am I hiding?"

"Well that's a silly question," Renge laughed in a high-pitched chuckle. She stopped laughing and gave Kagome a smirk that made the older girl cringe on the inside. "You are gay, of course!"

The Host Club looked at her like she had multiple heads, obviously surprised by the strange girl's idea.

"Now, Tamaki-san, you are the school idol, esteemed for your looks, but actually, you have an inferiority complex, 'The lonesome prince!" Renge continued to instruct as if her idea had nothing wrong with it. Tamaki seemed even more shocked over his own role as everyone was over Kagome's. Renge turned towards Kyoya with a smile on her face, her change in attitude surprising the Host Club. "Oh, Kyoya-sama, you're perfect! You just stay your usual kind, affectionate self."

"I'm honored," Kyoya replied with a slight bow, his hand resting lightly on his chest.

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