
Ch. 14 Unwanted attention

He had no clue how to turn it off, and he didn't want to explain the ring to his new friends in case they could trace it back to the mage. He figured he could wait out the 30 minutes and head back, but what would he say to them when they ask where he went? Perhaps he could say he got lost on the path to life, but that would be somewhat lame. Everyone was asleep except for Perish, and she was on high alert, so if I stopped by, she might notice me even while invisible.

It looked like he did not have to decide because it was made for him. "Who's there? I can smell you!" Came Perish's voice from the distance and closing in fast. Kaz was surprised she found him so quickly. He went to hide behind a tree and felt rather stupid that he was hiding from his friend. She burst out of the bushes with claws extended, looking around for someone. Kaz was about to step out of the bushes when another man stepped out just next to him. Kaz did not even notice his presence. The man wore dark robes and had a sinister smile. He raised his hands in surrender and spoke to Perish.

"I am not here to harm such a pretty specimen." He looked her up and down and continued. "I just want to talk."

"Why are you here, Elgen? I haven't done anything wrong." Perish said defensively. She seemed worried about this man. Kaz wished he knew more about him, so he decided to stick around and listen in on the conversation a little longer.

"The tribe may have abandoned you, but I still see merit in you." Taking the hood off, Kaz could see the man was also a werewolf. He had a scar across his face; it looked like someone had clawed at him with vicious intent. Elgen took a step forward, and Perish took a step back. She did not trust this man. Kaz had no weapons on him except for a small dagger, but he did have the element of surprise on his side should he need to intervene.

"I left the tribe a long time ago. I can't follow a leader who actively kills her kind." Perish spat those words out with venom and stared down Elgen. He shook his head. "Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made, and Eliza knows that better than anyone. That is why she is our leader."

"She didn't have to kill my brother!"

"The weak cannot survive in this world. She was doing him a favor."

"I can't believe you are defending her!"

"It looks like you are building yourself a new tribe. It would be a shame if Eliza found out about your new friends."

"Don't you fucking dare say anything to that bitch, or I will give you another scar across your neck next time!"

"Calm down, little pup. I don't plan on saying anything." Elgar smiled again. "Of course, my silence comes with a price."

Perish bared her fangs. "What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing too difficult for the Grey Hermit. I just need you to take out a target that has been harassing the tribe as of late."

Glaring at Elgar, Perish turned her head a little in question. "Who?"

"A hunter that's getting too cocky."

Laughing, Perish grins and looks back at Elgar with sarcasm in her voice. "You are telling me the all-powerful Eliza, and her band of killers can't take out one simple hunter?"

Elgar does not look entertained anymore. His expression darkens. "Listen here. I am giving you a chance to keep your friends alive."

She continues to laugh before getting serious again. "It sounds to me like you're desperate for someone to save your sorry hides."

Elgar rushes forward with his claws extended at a speed Kaz had never seen before. He stops just as his claw point pricks Perish's neck. "Listen here, you mangy mutt, you will take out this hunter, or your friends are as good as dead. I will make sure of that."

Kaz pulls his dagger out and prepares to attack him. Before he can even take a step, Elgar calls out to him. "Try me, and your kobold friend will be my first victim."

Kaz stopped in his tracks. He could feel the intensity of Elgar's words. He knew that if he did anything, it would mean his life. He continued to watch helplessly to do anything. Perish glared at the man and said nothing.

"Good. I assume that means you accept." He begins to walk away and looks right at Kaz, who is frozen in fear. He smiles and laughs to himself. "What a hero."

Perish falls to the ground and looks worn out.


Kaz stepped out from behind the trees, and Perish's ears perked up. She looked defensive again and noticed it was Kaz. "Oh, hey, Kaz..."

"Are you alright?" Kaz asked, trying to act like he hadn't just heard everything.

She stood up slowly and wiped the dust off. "Let's get some sleep. It's getting late." Walking away, Perish looked a little distant. Kaz was worried about her and followed her home. She fell asleep quickly or at least pretended to. Kaz watched for a bit and considered what the man had said to her. He knew she would need some help with this. If an entire tribe of werewolves couldn't take out this hunter, then what was she going to do?


- Defeat the hunter that is killing the Greyfang tribe.

- Reward- 4 Character points, Title- Protector of Greyfang.

- Failure- - 3 Ego, -2 Presence, Loss of companion Perish

That did not sit well with him. What exactly did Loss of companion mean? Was she going to die if he failed this mission? Kaz did not want to think about it too much. He went to bed and dreamed of his life on earth, a life he was starting to miss.

I've decided to post extra chapters if we reach milestones.

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Extra chapters posted so far 1/1

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