
A Sword Cultivator's Road to Power

Reincarnation!! The fantasy of every otaku! Yet this fantasy is what happened to our MC who reincarnated into a novel he read before dying named "Worlds' Apocalypse Online". Follow along as he is reborn as a boy named Osiris with the Omega Verse Mercenary System, beginning his rise as a legend and his travels across the Omega Verse. ______________________________ Disclaimer: I own nothing except for MC, OC and other original content? This novel has no interest in offending any party, only having the sole objective of entertaining the readers. Bad comments and criticism are welcomed. Thank you :)... This is my first fanfic. I am just a novice, but I will try my best to make a good novel. Hope you enjoy it. I'll try to update as much as I can. The cover(art) or any other art is not mine but rather taken from Pinterest.

Fatekillerreader · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs




[Omega Verse Mercenary System]


'Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.' - Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was a major leader in the movement to free India from British rule. He was also a spiritual man who was influenced by Hinduism and Jainism. In this short quote, he sums up the concept of rebirth in an accessible way.

But who would have have thought that the situation in this quote happened to our MC, literally.

"Çø˜©®å†¨¬å†ˆø˜ß Âå∂åµ!! Áø¨ ˙å√´ ©ˆ√´˜ ∫ˆ®†˙ †ø å ˙´å¬†˙¥ ∫ø¥."

The baby heard a feminine voice speak a language he had never heard of.

'What the fuck is happening?'

After much difficulty, the baby finally managed to open his eyes and saw that he was being held by a giant who wore a set of grey fur clothes.

'Damn!! A giant? What is happening? Wait...'

It was only now that the baby noticed something.

'It's not that this man is a giant but rather I am a baby. To think something like rebirth would happen to me. I feel conflicted.... but atleast I died peacefully while sleeping.'

"Áø¨ çå˜ ¬´å√´ ˜ø∑."

The man spoke.


The three women, who the baby could only assume to be maids, spoke in a respectful tone.

The man holding the baby in his arms wore a set of beautiful fur clothes, while those three maids also were dressed in animal fur. Clearly, they were of much poorer quality.

The room was quite empty. The wall, the dresser, the seats, the bed, all of them were carved from marble. The carvings were quite exquisite and gave off an ancient, beautiful nobility.

Atop the bed was a six or seven meter long enormous beast fur, with the fur hanging down to the floor. At a glance, one could tell that this fur was no doubt extremely expensive.

Atop that bed, there was a young woman.

'Even the chairs and the dressers were carved from marble. The room itself should be made from marble as well. Father and those three women are all dressed in animal fur. It seems this world doesn't have a high level of technology.'

The baby secretly said to himself.


Despite holding the baby in his arms, that man still seemed very cold, without a hint of a smile on his face, only, his eyes betrayed his excitement.

'I can only assume this man to be my new father. This will probably take some time getting used to.'

The woman on the bed had faint tears in her eyes as she spoke.

"Ò´† µ´ ˙ø¬∂ ˙ˆµ."

The man carried the child over in his arms.

"ı´ ©øø∂."

The young woman looked at the infant, her eyes filled with love.

'I should learn this language as soon as possible.'

Meanwhile, the man performed some actions that the child initially didn't care about until something magical happened.

The man's palm which was facing the woman glowed in green and flew towards the woman.

Despite having just given birth to a child, his mother had easily been able to get off the bed as a result. She was also dressed in a white fur, and was in her husband's arms as they walked out of the room.

Meanwhile the child was flabbergasted.

'Fantasy World!! It seems as though my parents in this world aren't ordinary people.'

While the parents were holding their child and leaving the room, the boy suddenly heard a voice in his heart.

[Omega Verse Mercenary System invites you to join as a Omega Verse Mercenary.]

[Accept tasks and gain rewards for your accomplishments.]

[You have 10 seconds to decide.]

[If invitation is not accepted or time exceeds the limit then any memory or evidence of the systems existence will be removed.]

'What.... I mean I accept.'

[Detected acceptance of invitation.]

[Welcome to the Omega Verse Mercenary System Rookie Omega Verse Mercenary.]

After waiting for sometime, the baby did not hear anything and so asked cautiously.


There was no reply.

'Was that my delusion then? No, maybe this thing isn't sentient? Let me try something else. First the most common command.'

'Status Page'

[Status Page]

[Name: None (Temporary)]

[Rank: Rookie Omega Verse Mercenary]

[Race: Human]

[Health: 100%]

[Stamina: 100%]

[Energy: 0%]

[Tier - Below Average Human Level (10-C)]

[Strength - Below Average Human Level]

[Physique - Below Average Human Level]

[Speed - Immobile]

[Stamina - Below Average Level]

[Mentality - Below Average Level]

[Energy - None]

[Mercenary Points - 0]

'I am a new born baby so all these are fine but what do you mean by Mentality - Below Average? Are you making fun of me?'

The baby who had yet to be named felt the deep malice of the system towards him.

The baby then tried a few more commands.

Commands such as 'Friends Page' and 'Mission Page' worked.

However commands such as 'Relationship Page' etc. were met with silence.

'Inventory Page'

[Inventory Page]

[Box of Need, Box of Want]

'Ah! What are these two?'

Once again the baby was met with silence.

'Thank you for the reply dear system.'

Deciding to take a break from investigating the system, the baby saw what seemed like a celebration with many people present.

'My parents definitely have some status.'

The supposed banquet continued late into the night. Late at night, the sky was covered with stars. The man and his wife took their infant back home.


Ji Ning blearily opened his little eyes and saw the night sky filled with stars.

He had fallen asleep. He had actually fallen asleep mid-way.

There had been fascinating performances, with musicians, drummers, and barefoot, fur-clad female dancers filling the hall.

This was very different from Earth's performances, but it was still very pleasing to the eye.

However, he was still just an infant. Halfway through, he was simply too sleepy and thus he immediately fell asleep.

'That's a bit embarrassing.'

"‰ˆ©˙†, Ó¨ß∫å˜∂. „˙å† ˜åµ´ ß˙ø¨¬∂ ∑´ ©ˆ√´ ˙ˆµ? ˆ åß˚´∂ ¥ø¨ ∑˙´˜ ˆ ∑åß π®´©˜å˜†, ∫¨† ¥ø¨ ∑´®´˜'† ˙åππ¥ ∑ˆ†˙ 嘥 øƒ †˙´ ˜åµ´ß. ˜ø∑ †˙å† ˙´'ß ∫´´˜ ∫ø®˜, ∑´ ˙å√´ †ø çøµ´ ¨π ∑ˆ†˙ å ߨˆ†å∫¬´ ˜åµ´."

The woman suddenly asked.

"Ò´† ˙ˆß ˜åµ´ çøµ´ ˆ˜†ø †˙´ ∑ø®¬∂ å¬ø˜©ßˆ∂´ ˙ˆµ, ˙ø∑ çø¨¬∂ ˆ ˜ø† ∫´ çå®´ƒ¨¬ å∫ø¨† ˆ†? ˆ ˙å∂˜'† µå∂´ ¨π µ¥ µˆ˜∂ ˆ˜ †˙´ πå߆, ∫¨† ∆¨ß† ˜ø∑, ˆ ߨ∂∂´˜¬¥ †˙ø¨©˙† øƒ å ˜åµ´... ¬´†'ß ç嬬 ø¨® ßø˜ 'Ø߈®ˆß', µ´å˜ˆ˜© 'µˆ©˙†¥' ø® 'πø∑´®ƒ¨¬'. ˜ø µå††´® ∑˙´†˙´® ˙ˆß ¬ˆƒ´ ˆß ˜ø®µå¬ ø® ´≈爆ˆ˜©, ˜ø µå††´® ˆƒ ˙´ ˆß ∑´å˚ ø® ∫´çøµ´ß å˜ ´≈π´®†, ¬´† ˙ˆµ µåˆ˜†åˆ˜ å µˆ©˙†¥ å˜∂ πø∑´®ƒ¨¬ ˙´å®†."

The man said.

"Ø߈®ˆß?" The woman murmured. "Ø߈®ˆß..."

[Name detected. Updating Status Page.]

'Oh! Were my parents discussing my name? Status Page'

[Status Page]

[Name: Osiris]

[Rank: Rookie Omega Verse Mercenary]

[Race: Human]

[Health: 100%]

[Stamina: 100%]

[Energy: 0%]

[Tier - Below Average Human Level (10-C)]

[Strength - Below Average Human Level]

[Physique - Below Average Human Level]

[Speed - Immobile]

[Stamina - Below Average Level]

[Mentality - Below Average Level]

[Energy - None]

[Mercenary Points - 0]

The infant in his mother's arms stared with wide eyes.

'Osiris? The god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation in ancient Egyptian religion. I don't know how to feel but I am definitely not in Egyptian Mythology.'

'I suddenly feel my life will be ominous.'

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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