
A Switch in Time

Tobin got more than what he bargained for when he decided to switch worlds with his look alike out of curiosity and his love for Magic. He found himself in a world where magic rules and everyone is expected to be a custodian of one form of power. He is expected to pretend to be Lord Harold a young great Wizard of Ozir. What will he do when he discovers it would not be purely adventure for him because being Lord Harold places alot of responsibilities on his young shoulders for his land and his BETROTHED. Yes during the switch his look alike kept tight lips on a lot of details. Will Tobin get a to the end of this adventure by accepting his new identity as Lord Harold and marry Naomi his bethrothed or was there going to be a way of escape for Tobin to return back to his world ? EXCERPT Tobin paced around the large living room confused on how to go about the proposal befor him. His hands were sweating and his legs could hardly carry him. The people of Ozir have been challenged by another kingdom into a deadly magical competition and the people have rushed down to him to see what he would say about the challenge. The people of Ozir have never been known to refuse any challenge as it has always been their desired to be known as the strongest kingdom with magic. "I think it is time for me to come clean. I cannot risk my life knowing fully well I have no powers of my own. But then who would even believe my story and not call me a coward instead? " Tobin asked himself as he looked around in confusion to the faces of people waiting for his reply. The people have never seen Lord Harold ponder about any challenge. It has always been a straight yes from him From the corners of his eyes he could noticed Naomi taking calculated steps towards him. She was his betrothed and he knew what she was coming to do. She was coming to persuade him to take the challenge for the sake of the people.

Delta_Line · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

The next three days

"So do you agreed to this or not? " Harold voice dragged Tobin back to reality from his world of fantasy.

Harold had been busy explaining himself to Tobin to the extent that he didn't even notice that his look alike was already lost in thr story he was telling him.

"If I agree to what exactly? Tobin asked curiously

"Do you agree to the switch. I promise it will be for only three days. I just want to experience your world of science and allow you enjoy my world of Magic " Harold replied him with his eyes opened surprised that he had to repeat himself.

"Yes yes yes, why not there is no harm in doing that for just three days' Tobin replied with excitment.

"And did you listen to everything I told you about my life? Harold asked to be sure he actually understood what he was walking into.

'Yes I did, perfectly I can remember everywhere single detail " Tobin replied although he wasn't sure of what he just said.

He knew Harold has introduced himself again as Young Lord Harold saying he earned the title after the people in his region concluded that he was too powerful not to be a Lord even if he was so Young. A Lord in the magic land refers to anyone whose form of magic was above the average witches and Wizard but not up to that of the elders.

He remembers Harold telling him that for the next three days he actually had nothing doing so he could decide to stay in the mansion and barely say nothing to anyone and he would still command the respect of the people. It would be an easy task as no one would suspect anything.

For Harold he wanted to experience a world of science in this worl. His grandfather had made a journey to this world in the past and returned with some books on science hence his obsession to come over but then all adventure ends after three days that was the agreement.

Tobin doesn't think he missed anything. The excitment he was feeling right now didn't even make him ask the right questions about the new place he was going. He has always read about such experiences in books from his parents personal library hence his excitement at an opportunity to actually experience it. Not to mention he would be living the life of someone very powerful, the respect that comes with that was an intoxicating factor for him.

"I will be fine trust me. I will just pretend like I am not really there and as you said I will have no problem with anyone. This is an easy piece of cake Tobin replied him beaming with confident.

Harold wasn't so sure but since he said he could handle it then there was no need arguing. What's the worse that can happen in the next three days? He reasoned as he began to pull of his clothes.

"What are you doing? Tobin asked looking at him suspiciously

"You don't expect to move to my world dressed in that, nobody will believe that you are me if they see you like that? Harold said pointing the night clothes Tobin was putting on.

"O yes that's true, you can put you phone number here so I can call you " Tobin said handing him his fone as he made to put on the black long cloak.

Harold looked at him with a confused look on his face as he stared at the item in his hand.

"This is a cell phone. We use it over here to tall to people in a distant place without seeing them " Tobin explained trying to understand the look on his face.

"We don't have such things over there. So I don't have anyone " Harold replied him.

Tobin looked at him a little taken aback by what he just said.

"What year do you say you are from? Tobin asked again

"It is the year of the blue moon I told you that befor Harold replied a little irritated that he would be repeating himself

"Year of blue moon? Is there not a date with numbers I mean? Tobin pressed hoping he would get an idea.

"No, that's all we have Harold replied him.

"And where is the book you talked about? Harold asked

Tobin had promised to hand him is diary which he kept of the events him his life. Unlike Harold Tobin actually kept a diary so he didn't need to explain everything by words to Harold. By reading the diary Harold would know what to do everyday.

As Tobin went to bring the book he had a last look at the door to the room of his parents. He wasn't sure if he was going to miss them that much because he had always looked forward to the day he would stay some distance from them. He also picked up a small phone he was using

"I am ready to go now " Tobin said as he wore the cloak that was given to him by Harold after handing him his diary and the little phone

" I will call you on this when I get to the other side and need you help. Once you heat it make a noise press this green button and you would hear my voice " Tobin instructed with practical demonstration

He wasn't so sure all to expect but he was sure he could survive three days pretending to be someone else after all there was no special event for the next three days.