
Here Comes Veronica (103)

At noon, Veronica was ready to have lunch, but at that moment, someone called her.

She glanced at the number on her phone. It was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, who is this?"

Then a somewhat gloomy male voice sounded, "Veronica..."

Veronica frowned. "Who is this?"

"Veronica, have you forgotten me? I'm Marley Casey."

Veronica's expression changed right away.

Marley's name was all too familiar to her. Actually, it was a nightmare.

That was because Marley was basically a terrifying lunatic, who Veronica didn't want to get any close to whatsoever.

Two years ago, Marley, the son of Veronica's foster father's business partner, pursued Veronica like crazy. But Veronica rejected him. Much to Veronica's surprise, Marley wasn't resigned to it. Instead, he tried to kidnap her one day when she was off school.

Fortunately, Veronica managed to escape.