
Who should be sorry?

Ch 60

POV Makoto Shinji

"Why did you do that?" I asked as I took a sip of coffee.


"Your drink will go cold if you let it sit like that."


I was sitting across Kaname Akatsuki with a cup of coffee in front of me. I had taken her here to remove some of her fear but it seems she still isn't in the mood to talk.

"Fine. Since you don't want to answer let's change the question."

"It seems you hate Kanade for some reason?"

"…" Again, no reply. But something else caught my eye.

Her eyes glowed with hatred for a moment before the dimness returned. If I didn't have my trait I wouldn't have been able to notice this minor detail.

It's like this, huh?

A festering hatred is much more dangerous than an outward anger like Tanaka displayed, much more difficult to resolve as well. I need to step up my tactics then.

"Since you don't seem to be inclined to talk to me maybe I should call somebody else here."