
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Endlessly Lost...

"Hello, anybody there?" the man said into the deep, dark abyss.

He had wondered around in this place for so long and for so far, he could no longer remember where he came from or where he was supposed to be going.

At the beginning he tried to keep count, to keep himself occupied but that soon failed when he lost count and began again.

Only for that to soon become meaningless and for him to stop that as well.

And he soon felt nothing meant anything when he found out time within here had no meaning.

It wouldn't be long before he found out his body never aged, his hair never grew and hunger never came to drown him.

Along with time stripping away what food used to taste like.

The only thing he seemed to remember was his own name and even then he had no idea how long it had been sense he heard his own name or said it aloud.

"My name is ..."

"I know what my name is, it's ..."

Tired as he did but for whatever reason the words kept chocking him up, and no matter how he tried it always seemed to be right at the tip of his tongue.

"Child you seem lost" a strange voice echoed thought the abyss.

The lost man looked around frantically, as he tried finding the origin of the voice. But was still meet with the darkness no matter how frantically he searched.

"Haha, don't worry I am right here" the voiced called out from behind the him.

Jolting around he found an old man sitting at a table sipping at a drink. However the weirdest part about all the, was, the old man was surrounded by a bright walls, that had small rays of sunlight hitting a upon it.

And as he continued to look around he found himself no longer amidst the darkness instead he stood in a small apartment that looked oddly familiar.

The grey bearded old man saw the mans confusion and gestured for him to take a seat whilst he said in a grandfatherly tone "Come, now, have a seat"

Finding no reason to resist he complied taking his seat opposite the old man on the beautifully polished oak table and said "Who are you?"

Interesting the old man thought, this boy has been trapped within the space for far longer then one ever should have and yet he asks that question.

Anyway after the old man lost his smile he said "Me, I go by many names. However for you, please call me Void" the old man said

"Thanks, Mr Void fo--" as the man tried to thank him for pulling out of that dark place he was quickly interrupted.

"Please, child just Void" he said looking at him with no room for buts.

"Uh. Ok then, thank you Void, but where am I?" he said.

"Oh, of course you would ask that first" Void said rubbing his beard and sighed "But, that's a pretty hard question to answer" Void finished by putting down his cup.

"However, I can tell you that the surgery didn't go well" he said with an almost grief stricken face, as he looked at the boy before him.

With a raised brow the man asked "What do you mean, the surgery didn't go well?" he said trying to grasp what Void ment.

"Hmm, well that's how you died, boy" he replied looked at the boy before him waiting to see his response.

"I see"

"You don't seem too upset" Void said picking up his cup to take another sip whilst he watched the man infront of him display no emotion.

The man shock his head and said "Well, I can't remember anything, anyway so what does it matter" he finished off with a soft sigh.

"Don't worry about it, and if anything this is a great opportunity" The old man said, finishing off his drink.

"Why is that?"

"Well think about it, you earthlings, love your stories and the fantasies that come with it, so how about it. How about I send you to one" Void said quite excitedly.

"How is that good for me when I can't remember anything" he said looking at Void like an idiot.

"hahaha" Void chuckled, causing the small room they sat in to grow cracks from the floor to the ceiling, which startled him.

As Void finished his little laugh, he caught the cracks and with a meer, look they repaired themselves almost instantly.

"Oh my, I can't believe something so simple slipped my mind" he finished, and at the same time he flicked his hand.

Suddenly, he clutched his head feeling it quickly fill, with knowledge, scenarios and people from fiction.

It did take him a while to adjust to the randomness of the memories he was giving but, no matter how he searched he couldn't find anything to do with his past life.

Looking up at Void he said "Why can't I remember my past life, except for the knowledge I had on different fictions?"

"That's why I said this is better, because your new life will be in one of those fictions. Besides you'll be starting a new family, and we don't want you getting home sick" Void said cryptically.

After a while he couldn't help but agree with Void in this situation. Giving a short nod he looked back at Void and said "Ok, so now what?"

"Well, according to the rules, I'll grant you 4 wishes. 1 is for a universe of your choosing. And the other 3 for whatever you want" Void said holding out his hand that had 4 fingers raised.

"So, can I choose anything?" he said looking at Void deeply.

"Yes, anything you like"

When those words came out of Voids mouth, he immediately started searching through his memories wondering what to pick.

And it only took a few moments for him to compile a list in his head for what he wanted.

"I want to go to the marvel universe"

"Easy" Void said, as a pen and notepad appeared out of nowhere.

Seeing Void write things down he continued "Can I have an Elite Kryptonians bloodline as well as without any of the weaknesses a Kryptonian should have?"

Void looked up and said "Easy" and began writing down something again.

"I also want to have the perfect version of Doomsday's bloodline as well as without in of the negative effects, I want to be able to control my own emotions and I want to stay looking human" he finished waiting for Voids reply.

Void looked away from the notepad and said "Easy. And please tell me your last one"

"I want the Kryptonian codex, but I want the new Kryptonian civilization to be only stronger then planet destroying entities"

Void took a while but when he saw him write he could see that at some points Void would cross out and rewrite some things.

Void finished of by placing the last full stop and pulled the notepad away to get a better look at what he wrote and sighed.

"Ok, before you head off, here are some things you need to know" Void said as he looked at his notepad "Because you asked to have none of the Kryptonians weaknesses, their might be some changes to the way your body works"

Looking back, Void looked him dead in the eyes and said "And if I had to guess you would most likely loss your 'energy field' or 'aura'. But in exchange your body would, like you said have no weaknesses, and maybe some unexpected changes"

And finishing off that part with a smirk Void continued"But that is for you to find out"

Void understood that most if not all Kryptonians where deadly allergic to kryptonite, and extremely weak towards magic. So it only made sense that their body's would try to build a wall and resist against something that could potentially kill them.

And seeing that most Kryptonian body's work, off of their subconscious.

Leading him to believe when the boy gets the body he wished for, he should have no need for the so called 'energy field' anymore as he wouldn't be subconsciously worrying about it.

Void having thought that logic out the way continued to 'um and aar' over the next wish.

"Fortunately, I can give you the so-called Doomsday bloodline in its perfect form, into you however I can only allow you to get the full use of it when you reach your bodies full maturity"

"And lastly with that Kryptonian codex, I can't infuse it into you body, or else you'll never be able to get it out. So instead you will have to have it as a physical object and all the Kryptonians that come from it will have there normal weaknesses a Kryptonian should have"

Void nodded his head seeing that everything he wrote down was said but he quickly made an adjustment when he thought about how strong the boy would get.

"Oh by they way I will be sending you to an alternative universe, one where you might actually have a challenge, being a Kryptonian and all"

Void finished by putting down the notepad and waited for him to say anything. However the boy didn't say anything and with a smile he waved his had.

After Void did that he noticed his body started to disappear so he looked at Void and said "Thank you" before he fully vanished form the little room...