
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Call, to action

After a short time pondering Clark felt it was best to just force that spider down, at least then he could control them

Rolling up some paper balls, and squeezing it hard enough so that it would actually be able to reach the spiders, he took aim.

And he then flicked it up at the web.

After a dozen or so of these "paper balls" aimed at the webs anchor points, Clark watched the web that held the spider turn into a parachute as it floated down.

Moving beneath, where he thought it would land he made sure he didn't look suspicious standing out in the open, by pretending to take a call.

Grabbing the spider from the web very gently he made his way back to Gwen.

Gwen having noticed Clark standing out in the open asked "Who was that?" She said innocently, seeing that he got back.

"It was my mom, she wanted to know around what time I should be getting home" Clark said as he secretly release the spider under the table hopping it would reach her.

"Really, Clark doesn't you mother know we start heading home at 3pm?" She said with some skepticism.

"Well you know mother's, she's probably worried I'll go site seeing"

"Now why, wou--

Gwen jumped up from the table all of a sudden, rocking everbodies food and drinks.

However that wasn't what Gwen cared about right now as something had bitten her.

And in the process absent mindedly let Clark get a good look at her smooth toned legs.

Nevertheless he couldn't pay attention to the eye candy, as he shifted his gaze to look for any indication of bite markes.

"What, was that!" Gwen said with her skirt lifted enough so she could see the two small puncture wounds on her leg half way up her thigh.

Clark saw the spider bite and sighed, however now that he noticed it worked he quickly realised what he was looking at and said "Gwen,remember where you are"

She looked around frozen, and quickly dropped her skirt with a blush marrying her face as she looked at Clark "Did, you see, anything?"

"No, I just saw the bite mark" Clark said quickly and promptly.

"Thank goodness" Gwen sighed and soon after tucked her shirt under legs before sitting down.

Once everyone was finished eating there lunch they all soon stood up to continue the tour, but Clark soon spotted Peter, talking to a teacher.

After listening in and he found Peter had asked the teacher, if he could go home early, since he was feeling under the weather, he said. Even Clark couldn't deny it, after all, petter looked like a walking zombie.

Chuckling to himself, Clark could no longer care when a sudden ~~ROAR~~ entered his ears.

Grabbing them as an earthshaking noise that threatened to burst is eardrums shock his body.

He looked around finding nobody reacting to the noise, and figured it must have come from far away.

He found the noise was very unique, and only one being could possibly of made that kind of sound.

With a smile he quickly looked around for an opening, he didn't say anything to anyone and skipped out on the tour hopping nobody would notice.

Unfortunately even for him one did notice his absence and just caught a glimpse of him leaving.

Clark soon found a secluded alley and quickly undressed into his makeshift Superman suit.

Taking his glasses off and slicking back his hair, he rapidly stashed away his clothes, and instantly rose of the ground to shoot off into the air.

With a low bang, Clark already reached the clouds, and without a moments hesitation he began listening out for the direction he needed to go in.

He waited, because knowing the Hulk he would most likely roar again, it was only a matter of time.

And there it was he looked off into a certain direction and with a pop he disappeared parting the clouds in his wake.


"I want all the lead we have down range, NOW!" a short white bearded army general said to his soldiers.

Shot after shot whistled down the grass field as each of the bullets bounced or crumped upon impact whilst the rage monster ran straight through it.

"Sir nothing working" said a soldier out of desperation.

"I can see that you idiot" in the heat of battle he looked around and soon lifted the walkie talkie towards his lips.

"Send, out Blonsky" he said whilst he put another order through to get the high powered sonic cars ready whilst Blonsky distracted the Hulk.

Running out onto the field Blonsky took it upon himself to show off infront of the Hulk with his new found strength.

Dodging and weaving between the Hulk's large firsts, that wouldn't stop aiming for him.

Hulk being the beast he was fumed, growing stronger at his inability to hit a small puny man that wouldn't stop jumping about like a flea.

And blinded by that rage Hulk didn't at all notice Blonsky slowly hurting him towards General Ross's sneak attack.

Running faster then he ever thought he could, Blonsky lead the Hulk towards the centre of the field where the sonic cars were waiting in ambush.

He jumped out the way as the pulses of sound rocked the hulks very being, causing him to take a knee as he his hands clenched around his ears.

Betty choked up seeing Bruce being brutally played around with, and shouted out in anguish "Bruce! Bruuce!"

The Hulk glanced up, to the shrieking noise of a woman's voice that was distorted as it entered his ears.

Noticing the faintest of resemblance towards Betty voice he understood in that moment, his women was screaming in pain, so he did what any man in love would do and gritted his teeth, as he tried to ignore the pain.

Placed his hands on the floor and exhaustedly jumped up and over the sound waves and down onto one of the vehicles, crashing it with his weight.

As the Hulk shook off the fatigue and nauseousness he felt, he slowly stood himself up onto vehicle.

He peeled a strip of metal from the car, and threw it at the other one.

Like a throwing knife the scrap metal easily dug itself into the humvee cutting an uneven chanel right through the center.

Finally as Hulk reclaimed his bearings, he gazed over towards Ross, and anger soon was the only expression he showed.

The hulk jumped from the humvee crushing it into the ground with the force he exerted, as he arced towards Ross.

Shacking the ground, with his landing he charged at Ross who pulled up his walkie talkie "Where, are the god damn choppers!"

Ross glanced around him and ordered sternly "Fire the rockets!"

Hearing the order at most three soldier pulled out disposable rocket launchers and took aim.

Punk... FSsssss...

An eerie whistle echoes through the field as it headed towards its target.
